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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Quote:Great halftime speech by Gus!

Cut him some slack. These guys need time for their ice cream to settle before they're really ready to go.
Quote:Was that our 1st team D?
Keep in mind the Bengals were one of the top teams in the NFL last year!

Quote:Remember when people thought McCray was good.

Hahahahah. This garbage is just comical now.
Quote:56 seconds? Way to come out at half. 
Gus should notice that is what getting off to a fast start means.
Quote:Was that our 1st team D?
First team D vs the Bengals practice squad
21-3. Typical jaguars
47 just got treated like a child out in the field... That was embarrassing. 56 seconds...
I hope the Jags sign the players that Cincy has to cut............
Here are those second half adjustments we have all come to know and love lol.
Quote:The jags really schmelled in the first half.  But nobody got hurt, and the D played pretty well once they settled in.
And in that regard we've been more fortunate than the bengals as several of their guys have gotten 'nicked up'.
Well it's 4.00 am and i'm done with this, what a let down. Night guys, read you tomorrow.

At least we're used to this sort of thing. Not sure if fans of other teams would know what to do with stank this bad for 9 years.

At least we can enjoy watching Henne lose his job.

Jags getting that early reality check that will serve them well come opening day! Glad they looking like this...Gus Bradley, it's time to put up or shut up sir!

Quote:At least we're used to this sort of thing. Not sure if fans of other teams would know what to do with stank this bad for 9 years.
Can I sue the team for mental anguish and emotional distress? I'm sure something could be worked out...


9 years of this.

Quote:Remember when people thought McCray was good.
Remember people comparing him to Richard Sherman lol
Quote:Keep in mind the Bengals were one of the top teams in the NFL last year!

Yeah this is the NFL. Not college. You shouldn't expect to get blown out on your home field.
Lol, henne, yuck
Quote:Lol, stadium is emptying out

Do you blame them?