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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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2nd game wont be sold out
Quote:Wow, going for it on 4th and 5, just wow!!!!!
Its preseason, its standard. 
Time to put Jack in
Fowler does look like Von... when he was 14...

Haha went for it on fourth down. And made it.

Quote:This game reeks of fried bologna. To add poo on top of the ice cream, we will probably get hamneck Henne soon.

In English please.
Same like last year, 3rd and 15 and they know it's a 2 plays game against our soft defense.


On 3rd down we go back 15 yards with our soft zone and on 4th down we are lost, just like so many times last year. Very disappointing so far.

Dalton audibled and Paul did nothing to counter it.

Lolol, cant stop the run,cant stop the pass
Is Gus rope a doping Green Bay? Someone lie to me and say yes.
Why woukd you droo poz into coverage
Poz has looked bad.
Fowler isn't in the game
Odrick sucks!
This has to be coaching. I really feel Caldwell did his damn job
The Jags are intentionally throwing the game right?

Quote:2nd game wont be sold out
I wonder why the first game is sold out. /s

Marks still is the best player on the D line. I dont care what anyone says. 

Quote:Bengals don't game plan in preseason.

This is just their normal amount of superiority to a team that has no idea how to play.