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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Here come the flag
Sack baby!

Green hurt

Nice good stop defense
Nice sack odrick.
Odrick with the sack.

AJ Green limping. He faking!
Now time for the offense to get a drive going. 

Quote:Extend Bradley 3 years please  :woot:  :woot:  Players opposing coaches and teams love him

Hope Green is ok. Hate to see anyone hurt, especially in preseason
D responds nicely after getting worked early.

Defense baby
Fowler was held and Odrick finished him off

This is why you wait until after preseason to do FF drafts.
Quote:Ah yes, the "mythical" screen passes that we can't figure out how to defend.

Or to execute effectively.
FF leagues are stressing

Offense gotta show us something

YEs Odrick! crazy in a good way!