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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Gus saying needed a wake up call. And ready for packers. Woow.
Quote:Gus said we played physical and tough? What?
Lol, running out of cliche words
Gus said he liked the way his team played physical and tough...........what?
Wait... Did she just say that Gus liked how physical we played?! What game is HE watching?!
gawd damn he got beat hard

Why do I keep watching this?
We suck again guys..m
*sings* "quando quando quando quaaaandooo"

Aj looking like brady.
Don't know if I can stomach much more
Looked like a push off. 

Lol wow... Huge push off.
Blow out.
Making AJ look good. Go Jags
2nd team offense embarrassing our 1st team defense?

Great halftime speech by Gus!

Welp I'm going to bed.