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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Gus Bradley and the not-ready-for-prime-time players.
I'm not sure I've seen a Jaguars team this mentally unprepared in preseason game before.
Quote:Im at a loss for words..Gus needs to be fired tonight. Screw continuity, just make olsen the hc until next year

Continuity of what?  lol what exactly does he even bring?
Bad special teams tackling
Quote:We need Henne!!!

Dont worry ya get ya wish. But dont blame me if ya regret it.
Quote:At this rate, the Jags will finish 5th or 6th in the division.

Its like there is no film work while other teams appear to have us figured out from the start.
Quote:What?  Why???????  We're the lovable Jaguars.  Nothing is easy for us.  I'm amazed we all have our jerseys on the right way.  
They should have Punch Gus or John in the face night.
Oh my god. All I can do is laugh. Hopefully we're getting this out of our system now.
Do we still believe in victory?
Remember when we were good.


Pepperidge farm remembers.

Quote:I'm not sure I've seen a Jaguars team this mentally unprepared in preseason game before.

Unprepared, that is a Bradley trademark, along with many other negative ones.
We look scared, confused, and weak. Perfect reflection of our coach.

It's like they all just took a nap from 2 to 7 PM.  And then were told to suit up right before kick off

It's time to see Yannick and his prison, bend over run defense. 

Quote:Lets throw a fade route to marquise lee on 2nd and goal from the 1 yard line everytime

Blake made that call. We need a turnover
How could we be this terrible after 4 years
:verymad:I think I will just sit here and steam.