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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Bengals Preseason Game Night Thread***
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It's like an NFL team vs a bunch of kindergartners out there.

Is this the time when all the slow ones on the MB realize Gus sucks?

I guess this will be the year the apologist finally realize we aren't going to win [BLEEP] with Gus 

Quote:Man, Dalton running like Rivers out there!
love your sig
Quote:Why is Odrick in there on 3rd down??
this, look at the coaching staff
Looks like we will be drafting the top pass rusher or o lineman in the April 2017, draft party
This team hasn't changed. Same as last year and the year before that and the year before that
Aaron Rodgers is going to tear us up if we keep playing like this.
I know this is only a preseason game, but if this is only a taste of what's to come, I'm skeerd..
Quote:thats what idiots have been saying for years lol. well...

Seattle's D's continued to improved long after Bradley left, he was not the magical reason they got better.
Good call having Odrick there at end so Dalton could just beat him around the corner... this is really pathetic. Our front 7 is just non existent. Pancake blocks and we're flat footed on the snap like we don't even know the play is going on. Get out of here Gus!

this game is of no importance
Hmmm new def.Coordinator huh?
And the best news havent seen the chad yet.
Haha look at all he overreacting.

Quote:D can't get off the field. 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012................................ all over again

In reality I honestly think we are just being mildly conservative and honestly if you do that against a playoff team like the Bengals they will expose you in their sleep. No gameplan needed. I just refuse to believe we will be that bad in the regular season. 

Gus better sell while the market is hot.
Psh rushing lineup Odrick,ash,jackson and yannick with no blitzing that looks familiar
Defense looks like bunz yo! Yannick is getting more push on the edge than Fowler who looks like a bust so far this preseason...still early but the Bengals are gashing these guyz!