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Full Version: Jalen Ramsey Knee Injury SMH
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I say trade out of the first round next year. Break the pattern. It really does seem like a curse.

Quote:I'm not expecting Gratz to make this year's 53-man roster.

Well today's events could certainly change that.

Is it part of the training staff routine to kick all new players in the knees to see how much pressure they can take? Unreal.

Unless he already had a small tear playing basketball last month and didn't want to mention it until after the draft, when he "suddenly" felt a twinge at the water cooler and called the trainers attention to it. Not saying that happened. But it could happen. No agent would ever admit it if that was the case.

Quote:I ain't saying a dog'on thing lol. Remember last year when Fowler went down. Optimism lead with it's might be nothing. Then the hammer came down........ Hopefully it's nothing, but I am getting tired of this. Do we really have bad turf/grass/ground or something? lol Mr. Khan needs to get that practice facility in ASAP!!!




They knew it was an ACL right away. The only optimism was that he might play by mid-season as opposed to missing all year. In this case the optimism will be that he's back in a month with the worst case scenario being three months. From the sound of what the Jaguars are reporting, there's plenty of reason for optimism.

eff this

hire dan marino and pay him immediatly whatever he demands. we must make peace with this man !

Quote:D. Fowler - no injury history, gets season-ending ACL tear in first practice

J. Ramsey - no injury history, gets 3-month miniscus tear in first warm-up

2017 First Round Pick - no injury history, breaks his leg walking up the stage at the draft




...or "breaks wrist when hanging up phone after Jaguars call."

Quote:They knew it was an ACL right away. The only optimism was that he might play by mid-season as opposed to missing all year. In this case the optimism will be that he's back in a month with the worst case scenario being three months. From the sound of what the Jaguars are reporting, there's plenty of reason for optimism.
Idk man, people are saying 6 months now. I'm starting to get worried.
Quote:Idk man, people are saying 6 months now. I'm starting to get worried.

6 months is the timetable for what jack had. Which from my understanding was a severe meniscus injury. The early reports for this injury is a minor meniscus injury which is a 3 months max from what I know. We will find out more by the beginning of next week.
This sucks to have happen to an exciting selection but in the grand scheme of things, we have amukamara and Ramsey will be back to 100% at some point in time this season.

It's more of a moral loss than a huge impact on the field right now.
According to FBT and his flunky Dakota, we should all be happy that our first round pick is injured AGAIN! How dare you bibbers be upset that a key player for the franchise may have a serious injury AGAIN!?!?
Now we just need the tub of lard's other lackey pirkster to come in and fly off the rails about somebody plagiarizing because you left out a comma from a tweet

Just saw this on facebook. Awesome...


I'm no doctor, but he's 7 years removed from his microfracture surgery in that knee. It's tough to see how there would be a connection to this small tear.

Quote:According to FBT and his flunky Dakota, we should all be happy that our first round pick is injured AGAIN! How dare you bibbers be upset that a key player for the franchise may have a serious injury AGAIN!?!?

No one said to be happy. Just to chill out a bit since it's a minor injury and not on the Fowler level.
Quote:They reported it as a small tear, and that he should be back by training camp. So why the hell would he need it repaired and sit out for six months???


He won't. This is just the media trying to stir up the story into something more than it is.

Quote:No one said to be happy. Just to chill out a bit since it's a minor injury and not on the Fowler level.

Don't see many people saying we are doomed. It stinks that Ramsey is injured and fans have a right to be upset about it. I personally don't like when our players get injured. Guess I'm a bibber. And we all know the bibbers are always wrong, like that time they all thought gene smith was ruining the team. Lol good times.
Quote:I bet your pants got tight when you heard that something bad happened.
She squealed like the little schoolgirl that she is.
Its going to be 6 months. Here's how its gonna go down.

They are going to look at his future and say its better for the long term to get the full repair of the knee and not the minor scope.
Quote:She squealed like the little schoolgirl that she is.

Now i know you certainly wouldn't say that to my face, thats just who you are, constantly bashing other posters.
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