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Full Version: Jalen Ramsey Knee Injury SMH
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Quote:I dont see it, I think by season end they will see where his strength is and put him at SS where he excels.
You don't see it? Based on what?
Quote:You don't see it? Based on what?
his play
Quote:He will be playing in the box around the los most snaps, not backpedaling every play and making hard cuts which would put more strain on the knee. 
lol smh
Quote:No whining, but keep pushing that agenda.
What agenda would that be? The opposite of "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" routine you're known for perpetuating even with the most minor stuff, Chicken Little?

Color me guilty. I'm not dragging a trail of misery with me to every situation. I'll leave that to you and your gang of nattering nabobs.

You've been doing it for so long here that you haven't a clue how pathetic you sound. If this carries over to the real world I'm sure there's a well worn dent in your therapist's couch.
Quote:The clown college is the Ringling school, just FYI. And with notable alumni like Penn Jillette and Steve-O, this guy wouldn't get a sniff.

Hence the second rate clown college. Very much appropriate.
Small tear. Likely be back for training camp. Whoopee.

Quote:I dont see it, I think by season end they will see where his strength is and put him at SS where he excels.

I could see him being elite at FS, CB, and SS, so I don't disagree with you. In this scheme though, he's perfect as our Richard Sherman.
And thankfully, this injury is minor, and hopefully will only effect half of his preseason.
He's getting the second opinion today right? At least we'll have some concrete news on his timetable. Everything still sounds like 4-6 weeks to me.

I have an erie feeling about this. First, we didn't find out about his injury until days afterward. Then we are told it's a "minor" tear, and that a second opinion is being sought. When I hear "second opinion" in the medical field, it is usually associated with a terrible prognosis in which the receiving party is hoping to get a more favorable diagnosis.

Let's stop and think about what the Jaguars organization would do, if they knew their 1st round draft pick for 2016 was severely injured. Would it be smarter for them to give the news all at once to their fans, knowing that it would cause them all to go bat @#%! crazy? Or it would it be better to soften the blow, to downplay the extent of the injury, say that there is going to be a second opinion, and then tell everyone that the treatment is going to be a little longer than originally expected.

I'm not trying to be a prophet of doom, just trying to figure this out and be prepared if the news is not favorable.
Quote:I have an erie feeling about this. First, we didn't find out about his injury until days afterward. Then we are told it's a "minor" tear, and that a second opinion is being sought. When I hear "second opinion" in the medical field, it is usually associated with a terrible prognosis in which the receiving party is hoping to get a more favorable diagnosis.

Let's stop and think about what the Jaguars organization would do, if they knew their 1st round draft pick for 2016 was severely injured. Would it be smarter for them to give the news all at once to their fans, knowing that it would cause them all to go bat @#%! crazy? Or it would it be better to soften the blow, to downplay the extent of the injury, say that there is going to be a second opinion, and then tell everyone that the treatment is going to be a little longer than originally expected.

I'm not trying to be a prophet of doom, just trying to figure this out and be prepared if the news is not favorable.


This is what almost always happens with us.. and this is exactly what I fear is going to happen as well.  I just can't believe that for the first time in.. idk... 7 years or so I get excited about this team again, tell everyone around me that I think we finally turned the corner, the bad luck and black cloud is gone, and then I follow that up with " as long as no top players get hurt before the season starts, I know that we have turned the corner."  And literally a few days later, this story breaks, to our TOP FIVE what some say was the best player in the draft.  I mean, you cant write this stuff.

He's meeting with Andrews as we speak. Should hear something in a few hours or something

Quote:<span style="background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">This is what almost always happens with us.. and this is exactly what I fear is going to happen as well. I just can't believe that for the first time in.. idk... 7 years or so I get excited about this team again, tell everyone around me that I think we finally turned the corner, the bad luck and black cloud is gone, and then I follow that up with " as long as no top players get hurt before the season starts, I know that we have turned the corner." And literally a few days later, this story breaks, to our TOP FIVE what some say was the best player in the draft. I mean, you cant write this stuff.

It's football, Nancy. Players get hurt and more players will get hurt as the year goes on.
Quote:<span style="background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">This is what almost always happens with us.. and this is exactly what I fear is going to happen as well. I just can't believe that for the first time in.. idk... 7 years or so I get excited about this team again, tell everyone around me that I think we finally turned the corner, the bad luck and black cloud is gone, and then I follow that up with " as long as no top players get hurt before the season starts, I know that we have turned the corner." And literally a few days later, this story breaks, to our TOP FIVE what some say was the best player in the draft. I mean, you cant write this stuff.

Thank God you're back. We'd be bored without your end of the world drivel.
Quote:Thank God you're back. We'd be bored without your end of the world drivel.

Nah, I was good without it but whatever.
Do we know if this is the same knee he had microfracture surgery on? 

It is

Quote:Do we know if this is the same knee he had microfracture surgery on? 

Apparently there is some dispute re the microfracture surgery. According to Peter King's MMQB column today the Jaguars may be coming out with some info about that. Stay tuned, I guess.
His high school have said it was just cartilage clean up
Quote:Apparently there is some dispute re the microfracture surgery. According to Peter King's MMQB column today the Jaguars may be coming out with some info about that. Stay tuned, I guess.
Heard on the radio that was way misconstrued. Apparently, he did not have micro fracture surgery.
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