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Full Version: Jalen Ramsey Knee Injury SMH
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Quote:I notice how the pie in the sky optimists don't answer substantive questions on the matter on how they knew what the end result would be without knowing where the tear took place.


But let's assume for argument's sake you guys were absolutely right and had all of the factual and medical basis at your disposal the minute the injury was announced. (as a side note, it's interesting Ramsey himself-you know, the guy who actually suffered the injury-was uncertain enough about the prognosis to get a second opinion even after it was initially announced)


It would seem the chicken little-sky is falling-bibber-self soiling-nattering nabobs crowd has had the pessimism surrounding the team justified by the end results more than pie in the sky optimists have over the past few years-if we are looking solely at end results here.


Again, I don't see the point of chest thumping here.

I think most people would fall into the wait and see category.  I don't recall many pie in the sky optimists being confident of the extent of the injury.  I think they were all going on what was being reported, and the vast majority of reports indicated it was a minor tear and that whether it required surgery or just PT, he'd be ready for training camp. 


I know I fell into that category.  I'm not a knee-jerk reactionary in most instances because until you have all of the facts, there's no way to know for certain what the extent of an injury is. 


Do the hand wringers have justification for their whining?  Sure, history has not been kind to the team when it comes to injuries, but that still doesn't mean we should just jump to conclusions the way they did in this instance, expecting a 4-6 month recovery time when the overwhelming facts indicated otherwise.  Even after it was revealed that it was a minor injury and that 4-6 weeks was the expected down time, these same folks continued to drag their black clouds into every discussion.  They did the same thing with the Parnell injury that was so serious that he continued to do the individual drills in OTAs. 


It's always best to have all the facts before going into meltdown mode.  There's a segment of this board that doesn't bother with that, preferring to go right to the worst case scenario in every situation.


I know I'm not thumping my chest that I was right on this one.  I'm just happy that it turned out to be the best possible case for an injury, and that it wasn't more severe. 
Quote:So basically, you're saying that there are more glass half empties around here than glass half fulls? We already knew that.

The Negative Nancy Brigade has been growing in numbers recently.

That's a result of the results.
Quote:I notice how the pie in the sky optimists don't answer substantive questions on the matter on how they knew what the end result would be without knowing where the tear took place.


But let's assume for argument's sake you guys were absolutely right and had all of the factual and medical basis at your disposal the minute the injury was announced. (as a side note, it's interesting Ramsey himself-you know, the guy who actually suffered the injury-was uncertain enough about the prognosis to get a second opinion even after it was initially announced)


It would seem the chicken little-sky is falling-bibber-self soiling-nattering nabobs crowd has had the pessimism surrounding the team justified by the end results more than pie in the sky optimists have over the past few years-if we are looking solely at end results here.


Again, I don't see the point of chest thumping here.
My dear god. This might be the best thing I have read on this board.... ever.


This needs to be pinned to the top of the message board for pretty much the entire season.
Quote:That's a result of the results.
Also, people come here to vent. They're saying how they feel about the situation and they're looking for someone to just vindicate their feelings.


People were claiming that Fowler "sprained his knee" last year and were yelling at people for saying he's done for the season. You need both types of people in this world or it would be waaaaaay to optimistic or it would be all doom and gloom. Ying and yang my friends.
Quote:I think most people would fall into the wait and see category.  I don't recall many pie in the sky optimists being confident of the extent of the injury.  I think they were all going on what was being reported, and the vast majority of reports indicated it was a minor tear and that whether it required surgery or just PT, he'd be ready for training camp. 


I know I fell into that category.  I'm not a knee-jerk reactionary in most instances because until you have all of the facts, there's no way to know for certain what the extent of an injury is. 


Do the hand wringers have justification for their whining?  Sure, history has not been kind to the team when it comes to injuries, but that still doesn't mean we should just jump to conclusions the way they did in this instance, expecting a 4-6 month recovery time when the overwhelming facts indicated otherwise.  Even after it was revealed that it was a minor injury and that 4-6 weeks was the expected down time, these same folks continued to drag their black clouds into every discussion.  They did the same thing with the Parnell injury that was so serious that he continued to do the individual drills in OTAs. 


It's always best to have all the facts before going into meltdown mode.  There's a segment of this board that doesn't bother with that, preferring to go right to the worst case scenario in every situation.


I know I'm not thumping my chest that I was right on this one.  I'm just happy that it turned out to be the best possible case for an injury, and that it wasn't more severe. 
Were they EXPECTING the 4-6 month injury, or were they acknowledging the possibility of it until a definitive diagnosis came out, perhaps being more fearful due to the Jaguars string of bad luck than others?   Can we at least agree that nobody was actually openly rooting for the worst case scenario?


I have been proven wrong many times over the years over many topics and I expect it to continue in the years to come.  I will gladly endure the I told you so's and have my share of smoked and grilled crow.  For that matter, such dynamics are often critical to a good message board overall.


But I think the only thing that should come out of this injury related thread is a collective sigh of relief that it wasn't worse, and happiness we may finally get to see a Jaguars defense with a true shut down corner.  Not I told you so's from either side.

Quote:Were they EXPECTING the 4-6 month injury, or were they acknowledging the possibility of it until a definitive diagnosis came out, perhaps being more fearful due to the Jaguars string of bad luck than others?   Can we at least agree that nobody was actually openly rooting for the worst case scenario


I have been proven wrong many times over the years over many topics and I expect it to continue in the years to come.  I will gladly endure the I told you so's and have my share of smoked and grilled crow.  For that matter, such dynamics are often critical to a good message board overall.


But I think the only thing that should come out of this injury related thread is a collective sigh of relief that it wasn't worse, and happiness we may finally get to see a Jaguars defense with a true shut down corner.  Not I told you so's from either side.
I don't recall seeing anyone openly rooting for the worst case scenario, but honestly, with some of the doom and gloomers on this board, would it really be much of a shock to find out they were just so they could perpetuate the notion that the team is cursed?  For some, that's their entire shtick on this board is to be perpetually miserable.

Quote:I don't recall seeing anyone openly rooting for the worst case scenario, but honestly, with some of the doom and gloomers on this board, would it really be much of a shock to find out they were just so they could perpetuate the notion that the team is cursed?  For some, that's their entire shtick on this board is to be perpetually miserable.
I will say this:  With this young nucleus of talent that Caldwell has accumulated here, I think whoever is identified with the "gloom and doom" crowd will have a lot less basis to post in that mindset in the years to come.  I think the PITSOs (Pie-In-The-Sky-Optimists) will be a lot more justified in their optimism, and I think Jags nation will be a lot happier overall with the state of the team.
Quote:I will say this:  With this young nucleus of talent that Caldwell has accumulated here, I think whoever is identified with the "gloom and doom" crowd will have a lot less basis to post in that mindset in the years to come.  I think the PITSOs (Pie-In-The-Sky-Optimists) will be a lot more justified in their optimism, and I think Jags nation will be a lot happier overall with the state of the team.

I'm encouraged by the roster.
Quote:I will say this: With this young nucleus of talent that Caldwell has accumulated here, I think whoever is identified with the "gloom and doom" crowd will have a lot less basis to post in that mindset in the years to come. I think the PITSOs (Pie-In-The-Sky-Optimists) will be a lot more justified in their optimism, and I think Jags nation will be a lot happier overall with the state of the team.
So which one do you fall under?

I'll just say this, it's a lot better to be optimistic about things than being a pessimist. I've learned a lot in my life, and nothing more true than this. "It will always work itself out. whether it's to get better or worse, it always does. No need to get up in arms about things that you can't control". It's life, it happens.

I'll gladly be a glass half full person, than have the misery and stress that causes premature aging and health issues. So if this PITSO name is what you're advocating then I'll take the vacancy of president. Constant whining about things that no one has any control over? Yeah I'll leave that for someone else.
Quote:I will say this:  With this young nucleus of talent that Caldwell has accumulated here, I think whoever is identified with the "gloom and doom" crowd will have a lot less basis to post in that mindset in the years to come.  I think the PITSOs (Pie-In-The-Sky-Optimists) will be a lot more justified in their optimism, and I think Jags nation will be a lot happier overall with the state of the team.
Agreed.  I think this team has gone from painfully lacking in talent and depth to a roster that is now built to succeed. 


As one of those who has always preached patience in allowing the process to play itself out, I'm hopeful that it's going to succeed.  Not because I'm planning on thumping my chest, because I'm not.  But, there are going to be a lot of people who wanted to abandon this process 2 years ago who are going to be dancing like Fred Astaire.
Quote:So which one do you fall under?

I'll just say this, it's a lot better to be optimistic about things than being a pessimist. I've learned a lot in my life, and nothing more true than this. "It will always work itself out. whether it's to get better or worse, it always does. No need to get up in arms about things that you can't control". It's life, it happens.

I'll gladly be a glass half full person, than have the misery and stress that causes premature aging and health issues. So if this PITSO name is what you're advocating then I'll take the vacancy of president. Constant whining about things that no one has any control over? Yeah I'll leave that for someone else.


Quote:So which one do you fall under?

I'll just say this, it's a lot better to be optimistic about things than being a pessimist. I've learned a lot in my life, and nothing more true than this. "It will always work itself out. whether it's to get better or worse, it always does. No need to get up in arms about things that you can't control". It's life, it happens.

I'll gladly be a glass half full person, than have the misery and stress that causes premature aging and health issues. So if this PITSO name is what you're advocating then I'll take the vacancy of president. Constant whining about things that no one has any control over? Yeah I'll leave that for someone else.
<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">My dear god. This might be the best thing I have read on this board.... ever.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">This needs to be pinned to the top of the message board for pretty much the entire season.
I'm a fanatic and don't always express rational opinions on an internet message board.  I fall somewhere in between but teeter too much to pessimism.  That is a result of the years of bad product on the field.  Honestly I get asked by family members why I support a failing team.  I'm old school.  You take your lumps and hang in there.  If I wanted gratifcation, I would be a bandwagon fan of the top teams.
Quote:So which one do you fall under?

I'll just say this, it's a lot better to be optimistic about things than being a pessimist. I've learned a lot in my life, and nothing more true than this. "It will always work itself out. whether it's to get better or worse, it always does. No need to get up in arms about things that you can't control". It's life, it happens.

I'll gladly be a glass half full person, than have the misery and stress that causes premature aging and health issues. So if this PITSO name is what you're advocating then I'll take the vacancy of president. Constant whining about things that no one has any control over? Yeah I'll leave that for someone else.
Not sure, to be honest, because over the years I've been accused of being both.


I try to go where facts, logic, knowledge and history take me.  If that puts me on the side of the optimist or pessimist on a given topic or set of topics, so be it.


I don't buy into the "it'll always work itself out..." line of reasoning because it doesn't always work itself out for the better.  Human existence is replete with happy and unhappy endings alike.  Further elaboration would have me delve into topics COC has prohibited on these boards.


Having said that, I will say optimism is not so foreign a concept to me that I believe to live to its ideals it is necessary to belittle those who occasionally worry about the potential for negative consequences in a given fact pattern when the outcome is uncertain.


Interestingly, you say you don't get up in arms over things you can't control, yet PITSOs on this board have displayed an uncanny talent for belittling those who do not share in their Jaguars related optimism. 


Has any of the on board ridicule changed any of the "perpetual pessimists" into PITSOs?  TMD?  Krazy?  Brooklyn?


Yet PITSOs continually do that. 


Isn't that the exact embodiment of getting up in arms over things you can't control?
Quote:Not sure, to be honest, because over the years I've been accused of being both.

I try to go where facts, logic, knowledge and history take me. If that puts me on the side of the optimist or pessimist on a given topic or set of topics, so be it.

I don't buy into the "it'll always work itself out..." line of reasoning because it doesn't always work itself out for the better. Human existence is replete with happy and unhappy endings alike. Further elaboration would have me delve into topics COC has prohibited on these boards.

Having said that, I will say optimism is not so foreign a concept to me that I believe to live to its ideals it is necessary to belittle those who occasionally worry about the potential for negative consequences in a given fact pattern when the outcome is uncertain.

Interestingly, you say you don't get up in arms over things you can't control, yet PITSOs on this board have displayed an uncanny talent for belittling those who do not share in their Jaguars related optimism.

Has any of the on board ridicule changed any of the "perpetual pessimists" into PITSOs? TMD? Krazy? Brooklyn?

Yet PITSOs continually do that.

Isn't that the exact embodiment of getting up in arms over things you can't control?
You didn't read the quote thoroughly. It said it always works itself out for better or WORSE.
Quote:You didn't read the quote thoroughly. It said it always works itself out for better or WORSE.
I read that quote exactly as it was, and I responded appropriately.


If things work themselves out for the worse, why embrace that as an optimistic outlook?




If anything, it's more a fatalistic mindset.



Quote:I read that quote exactly as it was, and I responded appropriately.

If things work themselves out for the worse, why embrace that as an optimistic outlook?

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.dictionary.com/browse/optimistic?s=t'>http://www.dictionary.com/browse/optimistic?s=t</a>

If anything, it's more a fatalistic mindset.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.dictionary.com/browse/fatalistic?s=t'>http://www.dictionary.com/browse/fatalistic?s=t</a>

So things don't work out at all now?

Now dictionary references? I don't sit around hoping for the worst thing to happen to me.

Seriously tho, I like to hope for the best, but know that I live in a world of unpredictability.

To say they work out worse isn't saying that it stays that way. So you have had a flawless life? No bumps in the road at all?
Quote:So things don't work out at all now?

Now dictionary references? I don't sit around hoping for the worst thing to happen to me.

Seriously tho, I like to hope for the best, but know that I live in a world of unpredictability.

To say they work out worse isn't saying that it stays that way. So you have had a flawless life? No bumps in the road at all?
Actually, YOU didn't read that definition carefully.  :teehee:


There was nothing in the definition that mandates exclusively negative outcomes.  Only that you are leaving whatever outcome, good or bad, to fate.


Me?  Flawless life?  Surely you jest!

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">My dear god. This might be the best thing I have read on this board.... ever.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">This needs to be pinned to the top of the message board for pretty much the entire season.



I see what you did there.
Quote:Actually, YOU didn't read that definition carefully. :teehee:

There was nothing in the definition that mandates exclusively negative outcomes. Only that you are leaving whatever outcome, good or bad, to fate.

Me? Flawless life? Surely you jest!
I'm not trying to say you're wrong at all but it's just my outlook on life. I've been thru quite a bit in my life myself and the good and bad has shaped me into the person I am today.

In all seriousness, I respect you as a poster and your views on many things. I've agreed with you a lot in the past but we aren't all the same or it would be boring! Haha. That's why we all have opinions. It is nice to debate someone that knows what they are talking about tho and is civil about it. There's a lot on here that go straight to attacking by name calling and such. Bravo to you good sir.
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