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Quote:Somehow I am not surprised this would happen to us.



[Image: gators_gonna_gate.jpg]
Always entertaining to see how big a mountain this board can manufacture from a mole hill.  Even TMZ is trying to find a way to make this a bigger story than it is with the way they closed that article out.

I am really looking forward to monitoring this thread over the next few days.

Quote:Always entertaining to see how big a mountain this board can manufacture from a mole hill.  Even TMZ is trying to find a way to make this a bigger story than it is with the way they closed that article out.



Its not a mountain but its a least a foothill. Thats pretty questionable behavior from a draft pick of any caliber taken in any round. A grown man should have more within himself to handle his spousal drama in a adult manner. That's some middle school level type stuff and at least gives some cause for concern as to where his maturity level is at. 


K could see walking away out of frustration but this was a clearly setup fight.
FBT, always blindly sticking up for anything Jaguars no matter what.  SMH.


While he may not be getting in any legal trouble, allowing two women to assault each other while he watches is not a good indication of character.  I'd hardly call this a mole hill.  It's a bit disturbing, actually.

Always something with this team
I would be shocked if anyone is still talking about this by Thursday.
Quote:Always entertaining to see how big a mountain this board can manufacture from a mole hill. Even TMZ is trying to find a way to make this a bigger story than it is with the way they closed that article out.

Well it is TMZ ,its kinda what they do.
I don't see this getting any traction.....

Quote:Blake Bortles says hello

He's the exception.
Quote:Always entertaining to see how big a mountain this board can manufacture from a mole hill. Even TMZ is trying to find a way to make this a bigger story than it is with the way they closed that article out.
Seroously, people are making way to much of this. It honestly looks like he was trying to defuse it and the other girl just wanted to fight. So he said okay ill let you get you *** whipped lol. I wont lie he should have called the police but i remember being 21 and two people just willing to fight around me. Id let it happen make sure it didnt escalate and then when one person was tired of getting beat up i'd say " are we good now"?.

He did nothing wrong at all.
Quote:Always something with this team

It's more like, its always something with our 1st round picks.
#because jaguars
Quote:I would be shocked if anyone is still talking about this by Thursday.
There are the usual suspects on this board who will bet talking about this until August.  The fact that the video shows he did nothing wrong won't matter to this group.  If they can get a good #becauseJaguars routine out of it, they're happy.

He didn't break up a fight that he wasn't involved in, ok. Doesn't look great, but really he didn't break any laws. 

Quote:TMZ, always blindly sticking up for anything Jaguars no matter what.  SMH.


While he may not be getting in any legal trouble, allowing two women to assault each other while he watches is not a good indication of character.  I'd hardly call this a mole hill.  It's a bit disturbing, actually.
Had he jumped in and tried to stop the fight, and in doing so, someone inadvertently got hit or injured, who do you think would have the deepest pockets in that scenario, and ripe for a civil suit?  I've got no problem with him standing back to avoid A.) getting into a situation where he winds up getting injured accidentally, or B.) he injures someone else trying to break the fight up. 


He's going to be crucified by a certain segment of this board no matter what he does, but in this instance, he did the right thing, IMO.
Quote:Always entertaining to see how big a mountain this board can manufacture from a mole hill.  Even TMZ is trying to find a way to make this a bigger story than it is with the way they closed that article out.

So refreshing to see the blind Jaguar homer sticking up for them no matter what!


A mole hill?  A Jaguar player basically looked at his baby's mother and said go fight her....stood back and watched, and when he decided it was over he pulled her off.  Yeah....nothing to see here folks!
Quote:He didn't break up a fight that he wasn't involved in, ok. Doesn't look great, but really he didn't break any laws

Or fingers, or re-injure a knee, or hurt anyone else. 
Quote:I don't see this getting any traction.....

It's on freaking TMZ, that's the definition of traction.
Being a first round pick, you would think he would have better taste in women. 

One even looked over weight.

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