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Quote:I'm just seeing the video for the 1st time and without scrolling through 22 pages of posts, is the consensus of the viewers the aggressive fat chick ended up getting her [BAD WORD REMOVED] kicked by the skinnier girl?
No. It's that Dante should have put one of them in the figure 4 and tossed the other down the elevator shaft. 
Quote:No. It's that Dante should have put one of them in the figure 4 and tossed the other down the elevator shaft.

No coming back from the figure 4!
Quote:It's funny that you're not bright enough to understand that people simply think he should have been a man and broKen the fight up before he did. The full video only verifies that point.

Are people (JFC) going to keep saying those two vicious women could have gouged an eye out or thrown am elbow for him to lose another season?

The people that made this a mountain were the ones who wanted to belittle anyone who thought he was in the wrong.

So it is obvious that your either are severely underestimating the intensity of female-to-female fights, or you have never personally witnessed one? If I am wrong please correct me. Also my response to the potential of him suffering a injury was not prefaced as season ending. 


The other thing is from reviewing the responses on this thread, im going to assume the general consensus is most people agree with him not being suspended if faced with the possibility, but is upset with the semantics of how he handled not breaking up the fight appx 7 seconds earlier. 


As I have stated repeatedly throughout this thread, Fowler in my opinion handled intervening and breaking up the fight the best way possible. 


Until if someone is faced with that same situation, it is easy to sit back and say what you would do.

Quote:I'm just seeing the video for the 1st time and without scrolling through 22 pages of posts, is the consensus of the viewers the aggressive fat chick ended up getting her [BAD WORD REMOVED] kicked by the skinnier girl?
Hahaha, yes! Looks like she went there to fight and ended up in the losing end. At least that's how I took the video. Skinny girl over powered her.
Quote:So it is obvious that your either are severely underestimating the intensity of female-to-female fights, or you have never personally witnessed one? If I am wrong please correct me. Also my response to the potential of him suffering a injury was not prefaced as season ending.

The other thing is from reviewing the responses on this thread, im going to assume the general consensus is most people agree with him not being suspended if faced with the possibility, but is upset with the semantics of how he handled not breaking up the fight appx 7 seconds earlier.

As I have stated repeatedly throughout this thread, Fowler in my opinion handled intervening and breaking up the fight the best way possible.

Until if someone is faced with that same situation, it is easy to sit back and say what you would do.

He broke up the fight! He could have walked away with her before it started. Your whole point is complete garbage. He guy weighs more than both of them combined. ..I'm pretty sure he could control himself.
Quote:He broke up the fight! He could have walked away with her before it started. Your whole point is complete garbage. He guy weighs more than both of them combined. ..I'm pretty sure he could control himself.

And how do we not know that could have taken place outside of the short clip that has been released?


You are adding emotion to this which is completely unnecessary.
Quote:Lol that's a bit of a reach.  It's not like the guy has this underground fight pit with female slaves.
For what it's worth, there's been a lot of reaching in this thread. A lot of assuming based off of a short, muted video clip. For all we know, the "baby mama" could have texted DF earlier suggesting that she wouldn't be around at the time that they'd be there so they assumed their paths wouldn't even cross. To much speculation with no known facts, or very little, out right now.

Quote:For what it's worth. There's been a lot of reaching in this thread. A lot of assuming based of a short, muted video clip.

Yup, on both sides.
Quote:Yup, on both sides.
Which goes without saying. My comment covered the whole gamut. (and I am unsure why that comment isn't on here now).


Nothing else will come of it. Please put Luck, Mariota, and Hoyer on the ground, thanks.

Quote:I'm just seeing the video for the 1st time and without scrolling through 22 pages of posts, is the consensus of the viewers the aggressive fat chick ended up getting her [BAD WORD REMOVED] kicked by the skinnier girl?

Pretty much
Quote:Seroously, people are making way to much of this. It honestly looks like he was trying to defuse it and the other girl just wanted to fight. So he said okay ill let you get you *** whipped lol. I wont lie he should have called the police but i remember being 21 and two people just willing to fight around me. Id let it happen make sure it didnt escalate and then when one person was tired of getting beat up i'd say " are we good now"?.

He did nothing wrong at all.


My thoughts exactly.


I agree with those who say this is not a mole hill. That is, I don't even see enough here to qualify as a mole hill.

24 PAGES.... much ado about nothin...

No, he did nothing wrong, but he certainly didn't do anything right.
I feel the need to post in this important thread.
Quote:I feel the need to post in this important thread.

You're not making much ado. Do you ado?
Quote:No, he did nothing wrong, but he certainly didn't do anything right.
I dunno man... a pro athlete these days can't really put his hands on a woman for any reason, even to stop a fight.


You can read the body language however you wish, but for all we know both women wanted the little throw down, and seemingly got whatever hashed out without police. TMZ just had to dig this up in the slow news season I guess.


Kim K not getting enough hits these days?
Quote:No, he did nothing wrong, but he certainly didn't do anything right.

Sure he did. He stayed out of getting in the middle of a cat fight. He steps in, and we all read the headline "Fowler involved in fight with two women" and all the morally superior people have their panties in an even bigger bunch.
I don't get it... this is... what?


Fowler and his new chick in some way shape or form cross paths with his Ex Chick.  We don't know how, why, etc.  To speculate is pointless.


Words are had between the two women, who obviously have beef.  What that beef is, we don't know and to speculate is pointless.


The 2 women decide to throw down.


Fight commences.  Dante stays off to the side.


Fight reaches awkward stalemate on the ground.


Dante separates the women, picks up his womans shoes and hits the elevator button, ensures they stay separated and boards the elevator with his woman.



What's the problem here?  Because he didn't "white knight" and jump in the middle of 2 pissed off women?  That only ever ends badly.



This forum is an odd place... usually the internet is full of E-Thugs talking about whose [BLEEP] they would have whooped and how badly...



Quote:24 PAGES.... much ado about nothin...
Haha Kane surely this doesn't surprise you anymore around here?
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