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Quote:I regret starting this thread if only because some can't take a balanced approach. I don't want Bortless cut, or benched, or another QB. What I am hoping for is the turnovers to be minimized. I want him to improve that area. Before, it wasn't really a concern and I would make excuses for the bonehead plays. Now, I really can't excuse it. That's all I'm pointing out. Feel free to keep saying words that never left my mouth though.
Haha.  Welcome to the Jungle...
Quote:I regret starting this thread if only because some can't take a balanced approach. I don't want Bortless cut, or benched, or another QB. What I am hoping for is the turnovers to be minimized. I want him to improve that area. Before, it wasn't really a concern and I would make excuses for the bonehead plays. Now, I really can't excuse it. That's all I'm pointing out. Feel free to keep saying words that never left my mouth though.
I agree with this.
I'm still bewildered as to why we are supposed to make excuses for the man. How he plays is his business, not mine.

Quote:I feel like last year the criticism of Blake was way too harsh. If you actually watched the games, he played a lot better than his numbers showed.

This year I feel like it has swung slightly too far the other way. He is playing pretty well for a second year QB, but not quite as well as his numbers indicate.

Playing from behind has inflated the yards a little.  Greg Olson having a phobia of running in the redzone has definitely bloated the passing touchdowns.


The year the record was set (2010), we had 26 passing TDs (23 by Garrard). Blake is on pace for 32 which is six more(duh). However, the 2010 team as a total had 40 TDs (26 passing and 14 rushing). We are currently on pace for 34 total TDs (2 rushing and 32 passing). So if we ran the ball at a normal rate, Blake would finish with around 20 TDs (34 Total TDs-14 Rush= 20 pass). 


20 is definitely an improvement, but not some record shattering all star season.


Wait, what?  You don't think that if we had a running game that was better that would improve our passing game and generate more points on a consistent basis?  We wouldn't have had 12 points in the first half of our last game we may have had say 24....which would have added three touchdowns.


The way you calculated that honestly makes no sense at all.
Quote:I regret starting this thread if only because some can't take a balanced approach. I don't want Bortless cut, or benched, or another QB. What I am hoping for is the turnovers to be minimized. I want him to improve that area. Before, it wasn't really a concern and I would make excuses for the bonehead plays. Now, I really can't excuse it. That's all I'm pointing out. Feel free to keep saying words that never left my mouth though.

Maybe you should have titled the thread "I Can't Defend Bradley Anymore" instead.


I'm pretty sure a whole lot more posters would be agreeing with you, although there are still some Bradley defenders out there.


Blake is only into his second year at QB and he didn't even start the first 3 games of year 1.


Bradley is almost at the end of his 3rd year as HC, how much better has he gotten since he went 4-12 in his very first year?
Quote:Maybe you should have titled the thread "I Can't Defend Bradley Anymore" instead.


I'm pretty sure a whole lot more posters would be agreeing with you, although there are still some Bradley defenders out there.


Blake is only into his second year at QB and he didn't even start the first 3 games of year 1.


Bradley is almost at the end of his 3rd year as HC, how much better has he gotten since he went 4-12 in his very first year?
He hasn't..Khan needs to can him, like yesterday.  I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's not a HC.  He should not be a HC ever again.
Quote:He hasn't..Khan needs to can him, like yesterday.  I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's not a HC.  He should not be a HC ever again.

I disagree with this last statement.


I would be very happy to see Bradley as HC of the clots, tinhorns or tacks.
Quote:Wait, what?  You don't think that if we had a running game that was better that would improve our passing game and generate more points on a consistent basis?  We wouldn't have had 12 points in the first half of our last game we may have had say 24....which would have added three touchdowns.


The way you calculated that honestly makes no sense at all.

If the running game was better sure, I agree.


My point is with the running game we have currently, Olson just completely abandons it inside the 10 yard line (except that one drive with Slowby) and passes it three straight times. So of course Blake will have a bunch of TDs and Yeldon will have only one, because Blake is the only one who gets a chance to score.


I'm not criticizing Bortles, I think he has a good chance to become a good QB. I'm more criticizing Olson for not staying more balanced on offense. 
Quote:I disagree with this last statement.

I would be very happy to see Bradley as HC of the clots, tinhorns or tacks.
Quote:He hasn't..Khan needs to can him, like yesterday. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's not a HC. He should not be a HC ever again.
Quote:Maybe you should have titled the thread "I Can't Defend Bradley Anymore" instead.

I'm pretty sure a whole lot more posters would be agreeing with you, although there are still some Bradley defenders out there.

Blake is only into his second year at QB and he didn't even start the first 3 games of year 1.

Bradley is almost at the end of his 3rd year as HC, how much better has he gotten since he went 4-12 in his very first year?
I have not been a Bradley supporter, however not sure how taking over a high school team for the most part and losing by 30 every week , to being in almost every game 2 years later is not improvement? I realize people had super bowl dreams a week ago, now its back to fire Bradley, I hate Caldwell so I'm starting a popularity poll, play Henne, move the team,Mariotta is so great. As for me, I'm going to sit back and let it play out. Not much for virtual high fives, or online hugs some members seem to crave on here. Funny, week 1 it seemed people were claiming they just wanted to see the team competitive. Well guess what??? Now they are!
Quote:I disagree with this last statement.

I would be very happy to see Bradley as HC of the clots, tinhorns or tacks.

HahahaH. I hear you.
Quote:I have not been a Bradley supporter, however not sure how taking over a high school team for the most part and losing by 30 every week , to being in almost every game 2 years later is not improvement? I realize people had super bowl dreams a week ago, now its back to fire Bradley, I hate Caldwell so I'm starting a popularity poll, play Henne, move the team,Mariotta is so great. As for me, I'm going to sit back and let it play out. Not much for virtual high fives, or online hugs some members seem to crave on here. Funny, week 1 it seemed people were claiming they just wanted to see the team competitive. Well guess what??? Now they are!

Superbowl? I knew this team would not even make the playoffs. I just wanted them to go 8-8. Thats too much of a feat for Gus apparently.
Quote:Superbowl? I knew this team would not even make the playoffs. I just wanted them to go 8-8. Thats too much of a feat for Gus apparently.
Key word is wanted.
Ahhhh wat?
Quote:Ahhhh wat?
Not sure if this is regarding my rant, but I think it's pretty clear.
Quote:I have not been a Bradley supporter, however not sure how taking over a high school team for the most part and losing by 30 every week , to being in almost every game 2 years later is not improvement? I realize people had super bowl dreams a week ago, now its back to fire Bradley, I hate Caldwell so I'm starting a popularity poll, play Henne, move the team,Mariotta is so great. As for me, I'm going to sit back and let it play out. Not much for virtual high fives, or online hugs some members seem to crave on here. Funny, week 1 it seemed people were claiming they just wanted to see the team competitive. Well guess what??? Now they are!
Finally, a voice of reason...
Quote:Finally, a voice of reason...


Get 'em!
Quote:This team has won because of fluke plays or defensive heroics. Yeah I said it.

Miami: a personal foul helped us into field goal range. The offense did nothing the second half and it's actually the defense for once who bails us out

Buffalo: two defensive TDs. We let Manuel nearly pull off a miracle

Ravens: a fluke face mask and missed call

Titans: bailed out by Rashads punt return and defensive turnover

Quote:I have not been a Bradley supporter, however not sure how taking over a high school team for the most part and losing by 30 every week , to being in almost every game 2 years later is not improvement? I realize people had super bowl dreams a week ago, now its back to fire Bradley, I hate Caldwell so I'm starting a popularity poll, play Henne, move the team,Mariotta is so great. As for me, I'm going to sit back and let it play out. Not much for virtual high fives, or online hugs some members seem to crave on here. Funny, week 1 it seemed people were claiming they just wanted to see the team competitive. Well guess what??? Now they are!
Outside of the Jets and maybe the Panthers game, we have been competitive against teams either severely riddled with injuries or dumspter teams without key starters. Indy didn't have Luck, Miami quit on Philbin, Tenessee is arguably worst in the league along with SD. We got Buffalo with 6 or 7 starters out? Tampa's loss doesn't seem so bad now they are 5-6 but again, they are average and we got blown out. We have an absolute cake walk schedule and we are 4-7 and  I feel there is a stronger ''what if'' argument for 0-11 than 7-2 or 6-3. Wether you like it or not, this falls squarely on Bradley, and to an extent Caldwell.  Everyone here agrees we have talent, just a poor pass rush and secondary is suspect... But Gus is a defesnive guru so you would think he may get more with less, he does not. Gus is good for at least 1 bonehead decision a game, and that is unacceptable. I am off the Gus bus, and hope Dave and Shad are too at seasons end.

Quote:Outside of the Jets and maybe the Panthers game, we have been competitive against teams either severely riddled with injuries or dumspter teams without key starters. Indy didn't have Luck, Miami quit on Philbin, Tenessee is arguably worst in the league along with SD. We got Buffalo with 6 or 7 starters out? Tampa's loss doesn't seem so bad now they are 5-6 but again, they are average and we got blown out. We have an absolute cake walk schedule and we are 4-7 and I feel there is a stronger ''what if'' argument for 0-11 than 7-2 or 6-3. Wether you like it or not, this falls squarely on Bradley, and to an extent Caldwell. Everyone here agrees we have talent, just a poor pass rush and secondary is suspect... But Gus is a defesnive guru so you would think he may get more with less, he does not. Gus is good for at least 1 bonehead decision a game, and that is unacceptable. I am off the Gus bus, and hope Dave and Shad are too at seasons end.
Is this team loaded with all pros? We field a team loaded with young raw players, who realistically could be looked at as a cake walk for opponents. As a reminder of the very first line in my post, I am not a supporter of Bradley but I'm not going to whine after every timeout, challenge, missed play call, whatever. If you choose to, that's your perogitive. In sitting back enjoying watching a good young team continue to grow! By the way, seeing some of your other posts tells me why my post got you upset.
Quote:I really love the arguments about how Blake is gonna break our team records. That's like being valedictorian of trailer park high.
Scared he's taking your position?
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