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Quote:We live in a classless age. I guess we just have to roll with it - or we're called New Puritans.

Some people never get out of high school. And resent those who did.
Funny that you insult other people while talking about something as timeless as human nature. Sex and flatulence will always be humorous subjects as long as there are humans.
Quote:Funny that you insult other people while talking about something as timeless as human nature. Sex and flatulence will always be humorous subjects as long as there are humans.

You are a pompous brute, good xir! We noble humans must behave like chivalrous good people! Now excuse me while I go march down the street waving my ding dong as a form of expression.
Quote:Now excuse me while I go march down the street waving my ding dong as a form of expression.

Unless you're female that will be a hate crime.
Quote:I had to limit what I was talking about for a bit until I got confirmation that I wasn't violating the CoC here on the board.


I'll ask you the same question again.  Is the banner displayed by the fraternity not PC, but the banner displayed by the sorority is?


For the record, I do support what these kids are doing politically.  They are exorcising their right to freedom of expression, and doing so off of the college campus.  Do I agree with their message?  Not so much, but that could be said about a lot of things in today's society.  Do I agree with what the Westboro Baptist Church says?  Not at all.  Do I defend their right to do so?  Absolutely.
The answer is very simple here. IT does not matter what you, I, or anyone thinks of this. What does matter is what the university and the frat/sorority heads think. This has been explained over and over. 
Quote:Unless you're female that will be a hate crime.
Or in an area where this action is a crime.
Quote:Or in an area where this action is a crime.

I think it's a crime pretty much everywhere. It's the act of blasphemy against women that gets it the "hate" modifier.
Quote:I think it's a crime pretty much everywhere. It's the act of blasphemy against women that gets it the "hate" modifier.
I misunderstood.
Quote:I misunderstood.

Quote:Funny that you insult other people while talking about something as timeless as human nature. Sex and flatulence will always be humorous subjects as long as there are humans.

Funny how you pretend to be insulted while you go around calling people New Puritans. And you probably don't even get it.


And thanks for proving my point. Flatulence is a real knee-slapper for you, isn't it? And you consider the signs in question about sex? Yep, real eighth-grade level stuff. Seems to be your thing. 
Quote:Funny how you pretend to be insulted while you go around calling people New Puritans. And you probably don't even get it.


And thanks for proving my point. Flatulence is a real knee-slapper for you, isn't it? And you consider the signs in question about sex? Yep, real eighth-grade level stuff. Seems to be your thing. 
Are you capable of having a grown-up conversation? You know, without slinging insults at anyone who disagrees with you? I mean, seriously, is this how you are in real life? I think the signs were in extremely poor taste and insinuated rape, and I think that the university president was right to order them down, and the frat being suspended was a reasonable action. You and I aren't too far apart there.


Where we are far apart is that I seem to be capable of having a debate without insulting the intelligence and maturity of those who disagree. I find it strangely ironic that you accuse others of having a high school or eighth grade mentality, and you're the one who consistently comes blundering into threads with all the tact and wisdom of an angry-at-the-world teenager.
Quote:Are you capable of having a grown-up conversation? You know, without slinging insults at anyone who disagrees with you? I mean, seriously, is this how you are in real life? I think the signs were in extremely poor taste and insinuated rape, and I think that the university president was right to order them down, and the frat being suspended was a reasonable action. You and I aren't too far apart there.


Where we are far apart is that I seem to be capable of having a debate without insulting the intelligence and maturity of those who disagree. I find it strangely ironic that you accuse others of having a high school or eighth grade mentality, and you're the one who consistently comes blundering into threads with all the tact and wisdom of an angry-at-the-world teenager.

Adam only appreciates sophisticated high-brow comedy from notable comedians Louis C.K., Jon Stewart, and Amy Schumer.

Quote:Sex and flatulence will always be humorous subjects as long as there are humans.

Then I have an experiment for ya. Go to your office and hang a big sign saying "Free mustache rides here!". Since it's a joke, I'm sure only the "New Puritan" women will find it offensive.
Quote:Then I have an experiment for ya. Go to your office and hang a big sign saying "Free mustache rides here!". Since it's a joke, I'm sure only the "New Puritan" women will find it offensive.

There's a time and a place for everything.
Quote:There's a time and a place for everything.

Yes. And the time and place for that kind of humor is on the streets among friends. Or am I crazy for thinking college is supposed to be a vehicle for our children to learn how to be responsible and mature adults?

Quote:Don't you dare use words such as "he, she, his, hers, him, etc.".


To kind of get back on topic, there seems to be more to this lunacy.


Here is an excerpt of the course syllabus from one class.


Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable.
Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males
) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students. Repeated use of oppressive and hateful language will be handled accordingly
– including but not limited to removal from the class without attendance or participation points, failure of the assignment, and - in extreme cases - failure for the semester.

First I'll address the part that I highlighted in red.  Since when is referring women/men as females or males considered "oppressive and hateful"?  Is it a "gross generalization?  Is it derogatory/oppressive language?


Next, let's look at the part in bold and see how it relates to the examples given.


"The Man" - This is a term used to refer to someone in a position of authority, in most cases a police officer, prison guard, etc.  Does it fit any of the description in bold?


"Colored People" - This is how black people were generally referred to prior to the civil right's movement.  It might have actually been the "PC" term during that time as use of the "n word" was also very common.  Is the term "racist" or "generally offensive"?  I would say so in today's society depending on the context.  Should the term be banned from a learning environment?  I would say no, again depending on the context.


'Illegals/Illegal Aliens" - This is an appropriate term to refer to people in this country illegally.  I would say that it borderline could be considered racist since it commonly refers to those of a Hispanic race.


"Tranny" - This is a derogatory term used to describe a transvestite.  This would be the only phrase or term that I would say should not be used.
Quote:To kind of get back on topic, there seems to be more to this lunacy.


Here is an excerpt of the course syllabus from one class.


First I'll address the part that I highlighted in red.  Since when is referring women/men as females or males considered "oppressive and hateful"?  Is it a "gross generalization?  Is it derogatory/oppressive language?


Next, let's look at the part in bold and see how it relates to the examples given.


"The Man" - This is a term used to refer to someone in a position of authority, in most cases a police officer, prison guard, etc.  Does it fit any of the description in bold?


"Colored People" - This is how black people were generally referred to prior to the civil right's movement.  It might have actually been the "PC" term during that time as use of the "n word" was also very common.  Is the term "racist" or "generally offensive"?  I would say so in today's society depending on the context.  Should the term be banned from a learning environment?  I would say no, again depending on the context.


'Illegals/Illegal Aliens" - This is an appropriate term to refer to people in this country illegally.  I would say that it borderline could be considered racist since it commonly refers to those of a Hispanic race.


"Tranny" - This is a derogatory term used to describe a transvestite.  This would be the only phrase or term that I would say should not be used.
You are literally addressing only your personal feelings about words and how they offend/do not offend you. 


Basically you are saying a professor should have no say in the conduct of the student in his/her classroom. 

Quote:You are literally addressing only your personal feelings about words and how they offend/do not offend you. 


Basically you are saying a professor should have no say in the conduct of the student in his/her classroom. 

Not at all.  I'm pointing out how ridiculous "political correctness" has gotten, and this is what is being taught in "higher education" institutions.


For starters, explain where I'm wrong with just my first point regarding the part highlighted in red.
Quote:To kind of get back on topic, there seems to be more to this lunacy.


Here is an excerpt of the course syllabus from one class.


First I'll address the part that I highlighted in red.  Since when is referring women/men as females or males considered "oppressive and hateful"?  Is it a "gross generalization?  Is it derogatory/oppressive language?


Next, let's look at the part in bold and see how it relates to the examples given.


"The Man" - This is a term used to refer to someone in a position of authority, in most cases a police officer, prison guard, etc.  Does it fit any of the description in bold?


"Colored People" - This is how black people were generally referred to prior to the civil right's movement.  It might have actually been the "PC" term during that time as use of the "n word" was also very common.  Is the term "racist" or "generally offensive"?  I would say so in today's society depending on the context.  Should the term be banned from a learning environment?  I would say no, again depending on the context.


'Illegals/Illegal Aliens" - This is an appropriate term to refer to people in this country illegally.  I would say that it borderline could be considered racist since it commonly refers to those of a Hispanic race.


"Tranny" - This is a derogatory term used to describe a transvestite.  This would be the only phrase or term that I would say should not be used.
As has been pointed out already, the right to free speech ends when educational institutions are involved. The faculty has near-total jurisdiction over what can and cannot be said. Frankly, in this example, a professor has every right in the world to control the language used in his or her classroom. This isn't strictly about moral judgments over what's right and wrong; it's every bit as much about controlling the dialogue and keeping things focused. I don't know about you, but if I were the professor, I'd rather spend time on coursework than on debating whether or not "wetback" was a slur against illegal immigrants or not. As to the examples you cited:


"The Man" - I don't personally see how this could be considered offensive, nor have I ever even stopped to think that it might be. Calling this sexist goes beyond the realm of PC and into the realm of "seriously?!".


"Colored people" - This term certainly wasn't always offensive, but it was subverted into an extremely offensive term in the era between Jim Crow Laws passing and the end of the Civil Rights movement. Today, though, it is a racially-charged term, and one best left to history classrooms. History classrooms, imo, are where many of the things we consider taboo today should be freely and openly taught. I'm not saying history professors should go around dropping N-bombs left and right, but I do think that it's important that kids, particularly at the high school and college levels, hear that word and know just how much hate and evil existed to form it. Roughly the same rationale applies to the term "colored people", although calling someone colored is not nearly on the same level as dropping an N-bomb on them.


"Illegals/illegal aliens" - This one's tricky. I do have issues with calling illegal immigrants "aliens", because it dehumanizes them, and I have issues with calling them "illegals" for much the same reason. That said, referring to them as "illegal immigrants" is, to me at least, a very common sense description of what they are. It's not a derogatory or racial slur at all. They are immigrants to this country, and they immigrated here by illegally walking across an imaginary line, overstaying their visa, etc. 


No disagreement at all on "tranny". It's a highly-offensive term.


I don't think we disagree on the nature of the words, JIB, but I do think we disagree on the application of free speech in classrooms. To me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a teacher or professor controlling the language of their classroom, no more so than I'd have a problem with an employer saying that their staff couldn't walk around the hallways of the building dropping F-bombs and slinging racial slurs, no matter how playful or harmless the intent. The First Amendment does not exist within a classroom environment.


Consider this: a student who is otherwise performing well repeatedly uses racial slurs and homophobic language in a class, which frequently derails discussion. The professor expels that student from the course and fails them, and as a result, that student does not graduate on time and loses out on a tremendous job offer that was contingent upon their graduation after that semester. The student then sues the college for violating their First Amendment rights, resulting in lost wages and damage to their reputation.


How far do you think that lawsuit would go? Not being sarcastic here. I have a general feeling of how far it would make it, but I'm not entirely certain on that.
Quote:Yes. And the time and place for that kind of humor is on the streets among friends. Or am I crazy for thinking college is supposed to be a vehicle for our children to learn how to be responsible and mature adults?

It's a frat house.
Quote:Not at all.  I'm pointing out how ridiculous "political correctness" has gotten, and this is what is being taught in "higher education" institutions.


For starters, explain where I'm wrong with just my first point regarding the part highlighted in red.
You want me to explain to you why your opinion is wrong? That can't be done because it's like your opinion man.


I simply don't understand what your argument is. There is not enough offensive speech? People ought not be offended when someone says something to them they find offensive? University heads or professors ought not issue rules for their classrooms?  You are perfectly fine with your boss/coworkers/friends/family calling you a little girl? You are all over the place on this one. 
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