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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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I love Marks.  He's a beast.  He just saved those two missed tackles.

I hate tight ends...

First down after first down after first down...

Quote:We're gonna lose.

Missed opportunities and blocked punts.
Looked down

Well then.

Looked down.

Can we have fumble please?!?

Yes! Fumble
Yup down

He was down

Woooo0000000oooo turnover!
They gotta wrap him up 

WOOOOO bad D again but we took the ball away.


That's not a fumble. These refs are tarded
Great, another chance at 3 and out.

The only thing I want the D to do all off season is to practice tackling.

Forearm on ground just like Drobs

Damn It same thing as drob it'll get turnover