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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Told ya.  We suck.

Bortles! nO
There it is the final nail in coffin
There's the INT, coach grab his facemask and rip his [BLEEP], you don't throw into that much coverage [BLEEP]



Damn hes learning
That was stupid by Bortles.

LOL THERE'S the Blake i know

Fudgecicles bortles


Where u at bortles haters? Lol
Sloby has had a decent game

Why force that?
Who was he throwing it to?
Got greedy.
I swear I just said out loud that he's gonna throw a pick

Just can't do that, threw it right into traffic

Ugh, that was a horrible decision. 

Gerhart so much better as a change of pace back....annnnd theres the pick. Thanks Bortles for another terrible decision

HHs learning
Throw it the hell away if you don't like it. MAN SO FRUSTRATING.

why is bortless soo badd whyyyy??????????????????????????