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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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has shorts made it an entire season without injury yet?

Did anyone see that Bengals player mock Cecil when he was down with the prayer symbol? Disgusting. 

Quote:Is that concussion # 80?
Number 96 stay classy
Quote:Shorts is such a baby. Get up dude.
this guy ^^^ might be my favorite poster
Shorts is like that guy in Not Another Teen Movie that has the concussion counter.
Quote:Did anyone see that Bengals player mock Cecil when he was down with the prayer symbol? Disgusting.

Oh man...  I'm a total jerk-store...  I've seen Bengal receivers take those same hits all day today...



Shorts....   SMH

Quote:Shorts is such a baby. Get up dude.

Id pay good money to see you get hit for a game and see if your opinion changes, don't be a prick.
Quote:Cannot wait for Mariota or Winston lol
Sure, they would be great playing with this bunch of class D players.
Quote:Pretty low class move by the Bengals defender, doing the "gone to sleep" gesture. Idiot.
that was Reggie Nelson right?
Clean hit. Time to put Lee in.

Quote:Did anyone see that Bengals player mock Cecil when he was down with the prayer symbol? Disgusting.

Yeah what a piece of [BLEEP]
Dude, our D has been killing the Bengel recievers....  That hit Shorts took was typical...


For him to milk this makes me wonder about his legitimacy

Quote:Did anyone see that Bengals player mock Cecil when he was down with the prayer symbol? Disgusting. 

Did he seriously? That's beyond messed up.
Quote:Did anyone see that Bengals player mock Cecil when he was down with the prayer symbol? Disgusting.

I actually don't think he was mocking him. They motioned over for trainers too.
Quote:Is that concussion # 80?


AR15 needs a TD...

Lets get a garbage TD.

a pick is going to happen shortly