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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Wish i could be paid millions to drop 15 yard end zone fades..


some guys have all the luck

Shorts ...... come on

Bortles is a pathetically slow runner in the nfl. Stop running Blake running plays, this is the NFL, not college


yeaaaaahhh boy

Good throw on the 2 point just Shorts couldn't hold onto it but the defender hit it out.

Cecil has got to make that catch, he doesn't have strong hands.
We're sure missing Marcedes Lewis on those goalline situations.

Damn, defender hit it out.

Weeden looking pretty bad today.


I guess that means he will be all world next week.

There is a fine line between throwing 2 picks and 2 great TD's. Sometimes it goes your way. Sometimes it doesn't. Unless you throw it, you will never know.

C'mon, gotta make that catch!!!


Nice job battling by Hurns. 

Hurns breaking out... Again.


Shorts is... Not. Wallbash

It's hard to catch a ball when you're concussed, come on guys. 

Love that from Hurns. Playing the ball and fighting for it against the defender. That's twice today.


Different from other receivers that tend to sit and let defenders beat them for it (Shorts). 


Shorts should have had that conversion too btw. 

Quote:We're sure missing Marcedes Lewis on those goalline situations.

Shorts should've had that.


defender knocked that out, good play on the D

That should gone to AR15

That was a perfectly thrown ball, although I would throw a fade to Robinson, not Shorts