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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Can we ride the momentum and actually have a comeback victory for the first time in I don't know how long?


Looking better than earlier in the year. Even if we don't win I like it

That was a great helmet fumble by Dalton. Now let's see if he can butt fumble on the next serie...

Dalton looks like the banjo kid from deliverance
Quote:This is the first time I started drinking during a game and we started playing good, it's usually the other way around... what in the hell is going on, am I in the twilight zone?
 Keep on drinking, my man keep on drinking
Good job Scobee

ST coach, fired
Scobee.... Wow.

wow scobee really?!?

Why did he kick it out of bounds?! Wow
Scobee you're an idiot.

What the hell Scobee?
Scobee has not had a good year


lol [BLEEP] that

Scobee is horrible