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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Quote:I've lobbied for BB5 to play this year to Iron Out All the Rookie Rinkles...

Hopefully 2015 will be Much Better than 2014 @ the QB position...


I notice you left off a W in the word (W)rinkles.


Is there anything to that missing W? You know, the whole 1-8 thing?


Maybe just a subliminal mistake or something?
Quote:I'm back from raking the yard!!! Did we win???

We.............WhIned, that's as close to a win as we got.
Quote:(sigh)  Okay, I'm a fan.


[Image: 3096809.jpg]

Like a lot of other posters in here you are a VFF, Very Frustrated  Fan.
Quote:Also, for the first time this season I believe we can legitimately say the Jaguars have figured out their running game. As for Bortles, yeah he still has to be weaned from making these bad decisions, however, the guy was streaky good for a while there. I can see him leading this team the distance at some point after putting this rookie season behind him.


On a side note, Robinson and Hurns continue to look good, and Marcedes will be back in a few weeks, but has there been any word at all on Justin Blackmon possibly returning?
Agreed to all of the above and in regard to J.B.  - I wouldn't expect reinstatement before TC or preseason next year.  


(I wouldn't expect it at all actually, but certainly no sooner than training camp 2015)