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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Quote:please get Gus out of my face
 The Gus juice is has turned rotten.
The question is; Will we score again?

Nice return

Quote:I can't believe we've gotten no holding calls.
When you give up 2 blocked punts in a half I imagine the refs find it hard to take you seriously.
Quote:I can't figure it out. Watching this team makes me SO unhappy, yet I still devote half my Sunday to them. I can't figure it out.

I am in this exact same boat.  I may not watch the rest of the season.
Todman>Jags O

Good return by Todman again. Wish it meant something.

Let's at least get a free sub out of this game...
well ok.... it's a pretty day, and my wife made me a really nice lunch earlier. I've decided that I'm not going to waste anymore of it watching this pathetic performance from the jaguars; I need to go rake up some leave out of the yard....

Quote:When you give up 2 blocked punts in a half I imagine the refs find it hard to take you seriously.

True but I thought there were at least 2 blatantly obvious ones right in the refs face that weren't called that resulted in points for them.
They've lauded the D and how many points they've given up lately...but opposing teams know they only need 10 points to beat us.

My young daughters hate the Jaguars.

"They never win, Daaaaaadddd!!!!"

Ok one more series then I'll go find something to do
Sling the rock!

Take a knee please

Special teams dismal play will cover up the absolute stink play calling in the post game pressers. Fish escapes again.

Why do we have to watch an ED commercial?
Quote:The question is; Will we score again?
Very unlikely - maybe a garbage score at the end of the 4th quarter. 
Bortles confidence is and will be fine. He will be here longer than the offensive coaching staff. Defense is playing better with Gus more involved, too bad we don't have anyone on the inexperienced aide of the team to do that.
Quote:well ok.... it's a pretty day, and my wife made me a really nice lunch earlier. I've decided that I'm not going to waste anymore of it watching this pathetic performance from the jaguars; I need to go rake up some leave out of the yard....

So, raking leaves > jaguars ?