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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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RIP Shorts

Here's my fear, we spent the 3rd overall to get a Garrard type QB...


If that's the case, Shoelace must be a great RB, and we need our WRs to be legit, and we need an OC that understands all that.



As of now, I'm really concerned about either the QB, the OC, or one or the other or both

Shorts is such a baby. Get up dude.

whoa shorts got drilled......

CS concussion III
another concussion

Is that concussion # 80? 

Stil no separation from our WRs...and people ask why BB is forcing bad throws.

Wow shorts got rocked
CSIII got smacked...

Quote:Shorts is such a baby. Get up dude.

You can't be serious
Now the Jags are getting beat up and their lunch money taken away.

Alot of variables in play with the offense...



WR and RB are not the variables to worry about

Pretty low class move by the Bengals defender, doing the "gone to sleep" gesture. Idiot.

Well Lee has to play now ... Shorts done for the year, maybe career with another concussion

The hit didn't look bad...I think Shorts is just shaken.


At least the hit made him catch the ball. 

Quote:Shorts is such a baby. Get up dude.