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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Quote:well ok.... it's a pretty day, and my wife made me a really nice lunch earlier. I've decided that I'm not going to waste anymore of it watching this pathetic performance from the jaguars; I need to go rake up some leave out of the yard....
 See ya lipps
I got a fever. And the only prescription is more screens
There we go

More of that please.

Quote:Ok one more series then I'll go find something to do
Same here - about time for a nap...
Quote:Why do we have to watch an ED commercial?

It's a metaphor for the Jaguars' play.
More of that please
Sanu has been looking better and better each week (he really stepped up when AJ was out).

Why are the Jags not sending all out pressure on the Bengals right side O-line?

Smith/Zeitler is out+ rookie Center+ rookie RB and 3rd string RB in for blocking.

Jags should be taking advantage of that.

Really lucky those dropped INTS haven't made the score completely out of hand by now.
I love how we pass when the game is over :thumbsup:

What? a play of 20+!??!


the look on Bradleys face looool

One good play and then we turn it over. Oh come on...

what was that? a WR route over the middle?

looked down

ugh...man really?!?

Quote:My young daughters hate the Jaguars.

"They never win, Daaaaaadddd!!!!"


Well back in the day.....
He's down
That's not a fumble

Elbow looked down.