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Full Version: ***Official Jäguars @ Bengals Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Should be down by contact
HOW DO THE REFS JUST AUTOMATICALLY RULE THAT A FUMBLE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Clearly down...refs daydreaming

They tried to call that a fumble? Are these refs tarded?

Quote:what was that? a WR route over the middle?

Our best passing play since I don't know the Cleveland game?
Well, I left for the store and it was 12-3, now it's 19-3. Guess me watching had no effect on the game. There's one suggestion down! 

no fumble


Quote:It's a metaphor for the Jaguars' play.
 Well then can the Jags please limp into the end zone for a TD?
I almost expect this call to stand. #becausejaguars

Quote:My young daughters hate the Jaguars.

"They never win, Daaaaaadddd!!!!"

HA! Sad.
[Image: nfl-replacement-refs-meme-touchdown-celtics.jpg]

I missed the first half because I was playing Ultimate Frisbee.  I should have kept playing.

Jaguars will keep possession. His elbow was clearly down before the ball came out.

Should be overturned but it may not...because Jaguars

Wing it!

Refs wanna get out in time to watch Brady vs Peyton
Do the refs get paid? Probably shouldnt...

Bengals are pulling this game away 20-3.