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Quote:That was more a deep pattern (and he had 2 to Hurns), but I'll give Henne that one, but I am more talking about a timing pattern to the sideline to give the team a big first down and move the chains.


A good timing pattern is indefensible. I see other QBs throw them all the time.


Can Henne throw a sideline timing pattern? Throw the ball BEFORE the WR gets to the sideline spot. I can't really recall seeing one. I not talking about screens either.
It was a timing route. And a TD. You wanna' change the argument?  Fine.  I've been clear about Henne's faults over and over again. I don't make excuses for him.  I don't want him to start.  But - he can throw a timing route.  
Quote:Design plays to get the ball out of Henne's hands as quickly as possible and I am not talking about handing it off.

Either a right side quick slant or a left side quick slant depending on where the opponent is lining up.

Slants covered, throw quick out patterns, either left or right side, whichever is Henne's strength side.

Just design a few different plays to get the ball out of Henne's hands in about 2 1/2 seconds.

Is this really that hard?? Apparently is has been so far.

The defense is ALWAYS giving up something, it's up to the offensive coaches to find out what it is and exploit it.

Why is this so hard?
the problem is what the defense was giving us was the deep plays down the field and cutting off the underneath throws

they then blitzed like crazy and dared henne to come after them

add to that no running game so it was all on henne

i think he was sacked so often as his checkdown to the te/rb was being held into.block and was under pressure to make a big play

he was rattled by the pressure and so was staring down his primary read waiting for a deep.route to come open trying to get the ballout for big yards

Henne needs those little underneath routes so it was never gonna work
Quote:Yes I do, that's why I said you have to mix in some intermediate and long passes and toss in some screens too.


You can't just have all quick slant passes or short passes.


I did notice in the preseason they had Henne getting the ball out of his hands on quick passes and several of them actually worked.


Now that it's the regular season, they are either not trying them or they are not working.


I know that the defense is giving something up and it's up to the coaches to find out what it is.


There is just no way an NFL team should look as inept as the Jaguars have for the past 6 1/2 quarters, NO WAY, esp with a 7 yr vet, even if his name is Henne, I don't care how young they are.


One of the biggest problems facing the Jags is that Henne appears  limited in the throws he can actually make and that's a big problem.


Every NFL QB can complete a pass to a WR wide open, but to be a successful QB he needs to be able to throw a timing patten and an out pattern, esp one that can get the team a first down.


The QB needs to be able to throw the ball before the WR breaks or even gets to the spot where the ball should be. In other words, throw the ball to a spot BEFORE the WR is open.


Henne is just incapable of throwing a timing pattern, he's just too inaccurate, even though it would get the ball out of his hands quicker.


Not being able to make those types of throws just limits what the Jags can do with Henne in as QB.


Maybe some of it is the receivers being young, but as a 7yr vet, Henne should at least be able to do some of these things.
As to the bold, that's what the team has tried to do the first two games.


Henne hit hurns on 34, 21 and 47 yard passes against Philly.  I think it was the first or second play from scrimmage against Washington where Hurns dropped the deep pass.  Marcedes scored on an intermediate pass.


I also echo the sentiments of those who say Henne has hit on timing patterns before.
this is one of the best articles i've read on bgc and explains very well why the run game isn't working

also shows why coaches film is such a good thing



Quote:It was a timing route. And a TD. You wanna' change the argument?  Fine.  I've been clear about Henne's faults over and over again. I don't make excuses for him.  I don't want him to start.  But - he can throw a timing route.  
You're giving Henne way too much credit saying it was a timing route. It was a set play, but to call it a timing route is wrong.


Timing route means both the WR and the QB are just going on a rhythm inside of their own head. QB takes the snap, starts his drop, throws the pass immediately following his third step to a spot on the field where the WR is supposed to be going.


The first long TD pass would have been something more like a timing route if it had been the simple out play instead of the double move.


Of course it's really pretty pointless to argue anyway, the pass was very poorly thrown and if there had been a good CB covering Hurns on the play it probably would have gone for an INT.
Quote:Actually I always thought, if you could combine Gabbert's athleticism with Henne's toughness and general understanding of the game, you'd have a pretty good QB.  Smile

Henne doesn't have toughness. He looks at the rush just like Gabbert did. Difference was Gabbert got rattled after getting hit while Henne just keeps on being Henne.  Both are terrible and you couldn't make a good QB out of them no matter how you chose the parts.
Quote:Not the point.  It was a touchdown -- on a timing route. 
which was behind Hurns, which means that the QB timing was off


it was a great play by Hurns
Quote:Henne doesn't have toughness. He looks at the rush just like Gabbert did. Difference was Gabbert got rattled after getting hit while Henne just keeps on being Henne. Both are terrible and you couldn't make a good QB out of them no matter how you chose the parts.

Completely, utterly wrong. Even the most fervent of his haters will grudgingly admit he's a tough player. What was it, did the guy steal your girlfriend or something?
Quote:Completely, utterly wrong. Even the most fervent of his haters will grudgingly admit he's a tough player. What was it, did the guy steal your girlfriend or something?

Bortles is a tough player.


Being able to take a hit and not come out of the game isn't what makes a guy tough.


Henne isn't a tough player, he's just a player.


edit: Also, what's with this unwarranted need of yourself and others to assign my opinion to something emotional? You guys seem to have an emotional need to elevate the guy, but in my case it's just pure evaluation of what I see from him on Sundays.

Quote:Bortles is a tough player.

Being able to take a hit and not come out of the game isn't what makes a guy tough.

Henne isn't a tough player, he's just a player.

edit: Also, what's with this unwarranted need of yourself and others to assign my opinion to something emotional? You guys seem to have an emotional need to elevate the guy, but in my case it's just pure evaluation of what I see from him on Sundays.

I understand most of your critiques and even though I don't agree with them necessarily, I get how you arrive there.

But when you pull something like this out of the hat that's just so utterly off the chart and so obviously wrong, it's hard *not* to wonder if you have some personal issue with the guy.
Quote:I understand most of your critiques and even though I don't agree with them necessarily, I get how you arrive there.

But when you pull something like this out of the hat that's just so utterly off the chart and so obviously wrong, it's hard *not* to wonder if you have some personal issue with the guy.

What are you talking about?


The real issue is that some people seem to have a need to assign a tough label to Henne to differentiate him from Gabbert, who they labeled as "not tough."


Fact of the matter is neither guy was tough.


Like I said, taking a hit isn't what makes a guy tough, it's doing what guys like Bortles do, and taking that hit, feeling the pain of it, and only coming back more focused and determined to whip the other team's collective rear and even less focused on whether he's going to get hit again.


That's not Henne. Henne stares at the rush just like Gabbert did.
Quote:What are you talking about?

The real issue is that some people seem to have a need to assign a tough label to Henne to differentiate him from Gabbert, who they labeled as "not tough."

Fact of the matter is neither guy was tough.

Like I said, taking a hit isn't what makes a guy tough, it's doing what guys like Bortles do, and taking that hit, feeling the pain of it, and only coming back more focused and determined to whip the other team's collective rear and even less focused on whether he's going to get hit again.

That's not Henne. Henne stares at the rush just like Gabbert did.

Takes hit after hit while standing in the pocket (doesn't duck or flinch), looks down field, runs boot legs when he knows he's getting clobbered, takes a record number of hits and just keeps dropping back to make those attempts. Does that *really* sound like Gabbert?
Quote:Takes hit after hit while standing in the pocket (doesn't duck or flinch), looks down field, runs boot legs when he knows he's getting clobbered, takes a record number of hits and just keeps dropping back to make those attempts. Does that *really* sound like Gabbert?

Who are you describing? It's definitely not Henne. When he runs that naked bootleg if a guy is running at him he starts looking at that guy instead of looking to throw the ball down the field like Bortles does. (think back to the Washington game and Henne getting sacked versus Bortles in the preseason in the end zone throwing a strike to a guy 30 yards down the field at the sideline on virtually the same situation)


Like I said, this toughness thing clearly isn't about the reality of it, because in reality Henne isn't a tough player, he's just a player. Every guy in the NFL gets hit and knows they'll get hit, it's not accepting getting hit in exchange for being paid millions that makes guys tough, it's something much different than just taking hits without getting injured.
Quote:this is one of the best articles i've read on bgc and explains very well why the run game isn't working

also shows why coaches film is such a good thing


Good link.  Thanks for posting.
Quote:Good link.  Thanks for posting.
The first GIF in that article is almost comical.  Lewis basically runs right by the guy he's responsible for blocking and then sets to block.  Then he turns around to watch the play blow up. 


Alfie does a good job of breaking down most of the rushing attempts and why they didn't work, but it will be dismissed because it's Alfie doing it. 
Quote:this is one of the best articles i've read on bgc and explains very well why the run game isn't working

also shows why coaches film is such a good thing



Great gifs in that one. Shows the blocking scheme has major issues right now. The Marcedes whiff is hilarious. Isn't blocking supposed to be his big selling point?
Quote:Great gifs in that one. Shows the blocking scheme has major issues right now. The Marcedes whiff is hilarious. Isn't blocking supposed to be his big selling point?

Marcedes has actually struggled blocking for a while now, he was never a dominant blocker to begin with.
Quote:Marcedes has actually struggled blocking for a while now, he was never a dominant blocker to begin with.

I wanted him cut, team should have spent the money they've been paying him on making Alex Mack the richest center in the league.
Quote:Who are you describing? It's definitely not Henne. When he runs that naked bootleg if a guy is running at him he starts looking at that guy instead of looking to throw the ball down the field like Bortles does. (think back to the Washington game and Henne getting sacked versus Bortles in the preseason in the end zone throwing a strike to a guy 30 yards down the field at the sideline on virtually the same situation)

Like I said, this toughness thing clearly isn't about the reality of it, because in reality Henne isn't a tough player, he's just a player. Every guy in the NFL gets hit and knows they'll get hit, it's not accepting getting hit in exchange for being paid millions that makes guys tough, it's something much different than just taking hits without getting injured.

You're comparing Bortles to Henne. Bortles has more *ability* than Henne. He's more athletically gifted and seems to have the *it* factor you need in a franchise QB. You're confusing ability with toughness.
On the stretch play where Joeckel gets beat is the worst.  Not one of our linemen does a good job of blocking, and after the play multiple Jaguars are laying on the ground.  They obviously don't know what they are doing in this zone scheme.  They don't know how to cut block and are getting run around when they try it.  This is a mess.

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