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Full Version: Tim Tebow- Jags new TE (merged)
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(08-17-2021, 11:22 AM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 11:14 AM)Race Bannon Wrote: [ -> ]Acceptance occurred years ago -- I still enjoy following the guy's exploits.  I was skeptical (way back when) when his critics said "You should have switched to tight end."  Because I think that is a very difficult proposition -- playing TE at the NFL is incredibly difficult.  I think he was right (back then) to take his shot as a quarterback and play it out to the end, and not assume a position switch would be successful. 

I commend him for trying -- real life is more like the way Tebow does it.  You have to try without fear of failure, and see what works.  I thought his only role would be gadget guy -- the blocking alone is just not in his skill set. 

I thought this would be a good place to get news and updates.  I knew there would be some people rooting for his failure (there have always been those).  I must say, it was even more negative here than I was expecting -- I'm not a big fan of the character and attitude that many of you have displayed.  But I don't think the general public and the general Jags fandom is oriented that way.  I think they don't blame a guy for trying and appreciate that he gave 100% to the end. 

The overall message I've heard 1,000 times over the years is "I don't hate Tebow.  I just hate his fans."  Well, that's me you hate.  Those of you that feel that way, just rest easy in the notion that that message has been received loud and clear over  the years.  You hate me.  Got it.  I don't hate you.  But I must confess, the thought of being like you, what it must be like to even summon that kind of feeling, makes me sad. 

To those of you who don't feel that way, but you're just not a fan of Tebow -- we see you.  That's the way most people are -- no vitriol either way.  I choose to look for the best in people or a group of people.  I appreciate your input and that we got to interact along the way and get to know each other a little bit, even if it is just the internetz.
Was this a goodbye message?

On the Tebow subject, it's my final piece. But candidly, I've enjoyed the political forum here. My politics are to the right of Ghenghis Khan, and there's some chunks of red meat being thrown out on a daily basis over there.

We'll see -- still got two daughters at Clemson, and excitement about TLaw and Etienne was also part of me being here. I've got a prediction on the record somewhere that Trevor is going to be on a Peyton Manning level of franchise QB.
(08-17-2021, 10:30 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Sooooooo...
Ring of Honor?

(08-17-2021, 11:10 AM)MarleyJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 10:58 AM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]Ever hear the phrase "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?"

That's the way it is for me.

I do not know Tebow personally.  Just about everything I have heard about him, if true, is admirable, if not great.

For his adherence to his faith and actually acting consistently with it is commendable, and he was a great college football player.

But for me, his popularity was always absurdly disproportionate to his college accomplishments and NFL potential.

People credit him with winning two college national championships as a QB.  That is patently false.  Chris Leak was the starting QB when the Gators won their first National title in the Meyer era.  Tebow was a short yardage back.  But even then, the Tebow cult was starting to fully bloom.  Tebow had a great college career on its own merits.  There was no need to exaggerate or artificially inflate it by crediting him with a title won when he wasn't the starting QB.

Then there was the insistence by Tebow fans that the Jaguars take him  There was the tantrum and exodus to Denver when we didn't.

They dressed in Broncos gear in our stadium because of him.

When Denver was done with him. fans put the banner across I-95 advocating we sign him.

Fans petitioned the president to force the Jaguars to sign him.

Fans wore sandwich boards urging the Jaguars to sign him.

Media talking heads, both local and national, did their best to shove him down our throats.

This dynamic didn't start with Tebow.

Chris Doering got the two minute standing ovation for a two yard catch in a preseason game.

There was the whole Danny Wuerffel obsession that even exasperated Mel Kiper.

There was the Gatorskins thing with Spurrier.

There are a sizeable number of fans from other college teams in the area like Georgia, Florida State and Alabama.  Absolutely NONE of those fans have gone anywhere close to the extremes cited above to push for their guys.  They have had perspective.  I've never had a fan from any of those schools tell me they would be willing to buy season tickets to watch a guy sit on the bench like I have heard from some UF fans. 

It's not an anti Gator thing.  I was fine with the drafting of Fred Taylor, Mike Pearson, Reggie Nelson, Bobby McCray and even the DE that flamed out for us.  I was open to 
Vernon Hargraves under the right circumstances back in 2016.  I liked Mike Peterson.

When I opposed the CJ Henderson selection, it had nothing to do with his talent or UF credentials.  It had everything to do with giving Minshew all the tools necessary to succeed to see if he was the long term answer to the QB position.  If not, then the next QB would be in a better position to succeed than his predecessor.

But even a decade after Tebow's career as a QB fizzled out and his numbers are well established, you still have people pushing bizarre conspiracy theories like NFL legend John Elway somehow being envious of Tebow.

If you are a Tebow fan and you want to know why there is so much antipathy toward him...THAT's why...at least from my perspective.

So if I read you right, you're saying the hate and bitterness directed his way aren't really targeted at him personally, they are targeted at the cult of Tebow with Tebow serving as proxy. I get that I guess. I agree the following the guy had/has never really made much sense. It was bizarre and at time ludicrous because it never matched what he was doing on the field.

For me though, it never translated to personal animus and it seems misdirected. Anyway, the cult should go the way of Tebow's career now and we won't have to deal with that particular distraction any longer.
(emphasis added)

While that wasn't the plan or intent, in effect it worked out that way.

My posts didn't attack Tebow as a person.

I don't assail his faith though I don't share it.

Some would post speculation he was a bit of a womanizer or a smoker, or not overly intelligent, etc.  I had never heard that outside of those posts, and even if I had, I wouldn't attack him for any of that stuff.

But football related critiques?  Absolutely.

But that wouldn't be the case had he not received ridiculous and excessive amount of hype he has received over the years.

But when people advocated him on his football ability/accomplishments, I responded.
(08-17-2021, 09:36 AM)MarleyJag Wrote: [ -> ]Tebow's been cut. Turn out the lights, the party's over.

Well the board probably benefitted from all the ad impressions, good while it lasted.
(08-17-2021, 10:30 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Sooooooo...

Ring of Honor?

not good enough ....... for Tebow

Need a new higher level, name the stadium or field for him.
Then with each ticket purchased and a $100 additional add-on fee, Tebow will tweet you. $250 he will write a personal letter to you. $1,000 you can sit and watch 1 quarter of the game with him. The Jags are missing out here on getting the crazed fans. You can even split or donate money to his charities and I'm sure he would do it.
(08-17-2021, 12:12 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 10:30 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Sooooooo...

Ring of Honor?

not good enough ....... for Tebow

Need a new higher level, name the stadium or field for him.
Then with each ticket purchased and a $100 additional add-on fee, Tebow will tweet you. $250 he will write a personal letter to you. $1,000 you can sit and watch 1 quarter of the game with him. The Jags are missing out here on getting the crazed fans. You can even split or donate money to his charities and I'm sure he would do it.


There'd be some broke muther [BLEEP] around these parts lolol
[Image: oh-no-anyway-jpg.3140382]
So anticlimactic... I wanted fireworks, instead I got snakes and sparklers.
tebow is first player cut today by jags.  darn there goes trevbowbowshew manina.
The Jersey # will remind the buyer forever.
(08-17-2021, 12:33 PM)snowwolf776 Wrote: [ -> ]tebow is first player cut today by jags.  darn there goes trevbowbowshew manina.

I for one was all in support of some trevbowbowshew manina. Who doesn't want that?
(08-17-2021, 11:14 AM)Race Bannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 10:04 AM)anonymous2112 Wrote: [ -> ]Unlike us, he will be consoled by his Miss Universe wife tonight.

Good on him for giving it a shot, good on the Jags for granting it.  So where are the Tebow folks now in the stages of grief?  Are we finally to "acceptance"?

Acceptance occurred years ago -- I still enjoy following the guy's exploits.  I was skeptical (way back when) when his critics said "You should have switched to tight end."  Because I think that is a very difficult proposition -- playing TE at the NFL is incredibly difficult.  I think he was right (back then) to take his shot as a quarterback and play it out to the end, and not assume a position switch would be successful. 

I commend him for trying -- real life is more like the way Tebow does it.  You have to try without fear of failure, and see what works.  I thought his only role would be gadget guy -- the blocking alone is just not in his skill set. 

I thought this would be a good place to get news and updates.  I knew there would be some people rooting for his failure (there have always been those).  I must say, it was even more negative here than I was expecting -- I'm not a big fan of the character and attitude that many of you have displayed.  But I don't think the general public and the general Jags fandom is oriented that way.  I think they don't blame a guy for trying and appreciate that he gave 100% to the end. 

The overall message I've heard 1,000 times over the years is "I don't hate Tebow.  I just hate his fans."  Well, that's me you hate.  Those of you that feel that way, just rest easy in the notion that that message has been received loud and clear over  the years.  You hate me.  Got it.  I don't hate you.  But I must confess, the thought of being like you, what it must be like to even summon that kind of feeling, makes me sad. 

To those of you who don't feel that way, but you're just not a fan of Tebow -- we see you.  That's the way most people are -- no vitriol either way.  I choose to look for the best in people or a group of people.  I appreciate your input and that we got to interact along the way and get to know each other a little bit, even if it is just the internetz.

I think mj summed it up best.

The pushback from the opposite side was more rejection of TT fans who immediately dismissed any post that wasn't a mirror of their own view. It was a bitterness aimed at the myopic belief that everybody else in the room was blind, led by hate, or took personal offense to Tim's off-field endeavors rather than hearing the statements those people were making. Basically a disrespect being met with further disrespect, resulting in an escalated cycle of ugliness.

I for one do not hate any poster on this board. I may disagree with the message they post or how they get their message across, but in the end, we're all the same bunch of doofi who tie our emotions to men playing a game. As long as the game is entertaining, I'll keep watching. As long as the posts are good natured and worth reading, I'll keep reading. I hope that this is the case with most of the other folks on both sides of the conversation, that while we may not agree on any particular topic, we still aren't going so far as to hate any person trying to participate in a forum.

I've enjoyed the back and forth (to a point) in this thread. As I've said before, this place would be unbearable if everyone had the exact same opinion or decided only to post sunshine-laced comments. The banter is healthy. We need yin to offset the yang. I hate that anyone here would feel personally hated here. This place is to be a community. A family. Doesn't mean we don't occasionally argue, or have to endure that weird uncle who drops by every now and again, but in the end, this should be somewhere we all want to come visit and know that we're welcome regardless of how the last get-together ended.

Sorry for the rant, but this struck a nerve with me, and I needed to unload. Thank you for the catharsis. Let's go Jags.
Let’s move on. I don’t think anyone can logically be too disappointed about this outcome. He got a chance, and he was judged based on his play.
Shame we couldn't hit 200 pages. Time to lock it up and start a new hand wringing thread...
(05-19-2021, 08:26 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Tebow actually doing anything good on the field for this football team would make this an amazing move. And I'd cheer it on effusively and incredulously.

Odds of that happening?

I think I'm more likely to win the lottery, be bitten by a shark, and get struck by lightning all in the same day.
If Oliver does anything worthy of a sidebar mention in Baltimore, this is going to be a major black eye for Meyer.
In fact, it probably already is.

Said this 3 months ago. ^. 

Annnnnnnndddd -  Oliver caught 4 of 6 targets in his preseason debut with Baltimore the other day 


This is a big check mark in the "bad move" column for the Meyer/Baalke F.O.
(08-17-2021, 01:11 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-19-2021, 08:26 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Tebow actually doing anything good on the field for this football team would make this an amazing move. And I'd cheer it on effusively and incredulously.

Odds of that happening?

I think I'm more likely to win the lottery, be bitten by a shark, and get struck by lightning all in the same day.
If Oliver does anything worthy of a sidebar mention in Baltimore, this is going to be a major black eye for Meyer.
In fact, it probably already is.

Said this 3 months ago. ^. 

Annnnnnnndddd -  Oliver caught 4 of 6 targets in his preseason debut with Baltimore the other day 


This is a big check mark in the "bad move" column for the Meyer/Baalke F.O.

Yeah I didn't get the Oliver move really... It is looking worse now. Here's hoping Manhertz and James O do enough that we don't miss Oliver or Tebow by seasons end Cool
(08-17-2021, 12:56 PM)Newton Wrote: [ -> ]Let’s move on. I don’t think anyone can logically be too disappointed about this outcome. He got a chance, and he was judged based on his play.
Logic and Tebow Homerism don’t go hand in hand.

There are some people who legitimately wanted him to the be the backup QB.

Glad the circus is over.
(08-17-2021, 01:11 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-19-2021, 08:26 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Tebow actually doing anything good on the field for this football team would make this an amazing move. And I'd cheer it on effusively and incredulously.

Odds of that happening?

I think I'm more likely to win the lottery, be bitten by a shark, and get struck by lightning all in the same day.
If Oliver does anything worthy of a sidebar mention in Baltimore, this is going to be a major black eye for Meyer.
In fact, it probably already is.

Said this 3 months ago. ^. 

Annnnnnnndddd -  Oliver caught 4 of 6 targets in his preseason debut with Baltimore the other day 


This is a big check mark in the "bad move" column for the Meyer/Baalke F.O.

And I said this when they traded him.  It never made sense to me.
(08-17-2021, 01:11 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-19-2021, 08:26 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Tebow actually doing anything good on the field for this football team would make this an amazing move. And I'd cheer it on effusively and incredulously.

Odds of that happening?

I think I'm more likely to win the lottery, be bitten by a shark, and get struck by lightning all in the same day.
If Oliver does anything worthy of a sidebar mention in Baltimore, this is going to be a major black eye for Meyer.
In fact, it probably already is.

Said this 3 months ago. ^. 

Annnnnnnndddd -  Oliver caught 4 of 6 targets in his preseason debut with Baltimore the other day 


This is a big check mark in the "bad move" column for the Meyer/Baalke F.O.

I think Meyer want a TE that can block as well as pass catch and him not staying healthy was icing on the cake for him being here.  He we be hurt likely before week 2 or 3
I'm not even going to post the link on here as the guy is so full of [BLEEP]. If you want to see it you can go to ESPN.com. But good ole Stephen A. Smith is now trying to make this out to be a race issue.