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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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Quote:I see/hear examples almost every day.  It's not so much discrimination (refusing service to somebody because of race), but just outright racism where black people are called the "N" word behind their back by white people.  It happens, but mostly with the older people that I work with.  I personally see it looked down upon by most at my workplace and that's why I say that it's going away.

It happens to white people too.  Increasingly, since it is becoming institutionalized.  But we're not allowed to talk about it.   
Quote:I always found that interesting.

How do you go to a foreign and distant land and claim to defend the United States when the military is literally on foreign soil?

Defense happens on domestic soil. Offense happens on foreign soil.

Quote:I always found that interesting.

How do you go to a foreign and distant land and claim to defend the United States when the military is literally on foreign soil?

Defense happens on domestic soil. Offense happens on foreign soil.

When you're fighting terrorism the best defense is a strong offense.
Quote:They were?

Ya tribes fought against each other all the time

I am a Hispanic male specifically of Mexican descent. I was born and raised in the southwest (Albuquerque, N.M.). If you would like, I'll send you a photo of me (and not the Huma ex-husband type).

One of my best friends is Mexican, was also one of the best men at my wedding. We pick on each other a lot. If I ask him a question like "lets hit the bar tonight" and he says that he can't, I say "Don't be a Mexi-Can't, be a Mexi-Can!!
Quote:When you're fighting terrorism the best defense is a strong offense.

Says who?
Quote:Pirkster is pretending brother. He know's it and everyone else here knows it but you. Do you really think there's a misunderstanding on both side of this or any social issue? Trust me there isn't. Do you think they're going to just come out and say, "We love killing and mistreating you."? This is called feigned ignorance. 

Do you think anyone is stupid enough not to recognize that your avatar is the New Black Panther flag?


That defines precisely your worldview.


I do not share that worldview.  I do not use race to determine who is and who is not my "enemy."
Quote:Says who?

Anyone intelligent enough and open-minded enough to realize and admit that terrorists aren't going away, except in a body bag. 
Quote:Do you think anyone is stupid enough not to recognize that your avatar is the New Black Panther flag?


That defines precisely your worldview.


I do not share that worldview.  I do not use race to determine who is and who is not my "enemy."

I think everyone know how stupid you are for calling it the "new black panther flag." But you're not stupid. You already know that don't you Pirky? 


For anyone that needs education, the RBG flag was created by the Honorable Marcus Garvey to represent the past, present and future of Pan-African heritage. It is near and dear to Pan-Africans worldwide. 

Quote:Anyone intelligent enough and open-minded enough to realize and admit that terrorists aren't going away, except in a body bag. 

Are you proposing cops being put in body bags? Huh
Not really sure why this is news.  I mean he's a backup QB for the worst team in the NFL.  He's a backup behind Blaine Gabbert, which is kind of like being a backup QB behind... well Blaine freaking Gabbert.  This might be a story if it were a political figure, or maybe even someone who you know... people actually still cared about.  

Quote:Are you proposing cops being put in body bags? Huh

Black supremacists have some pretty poor taste in humor.
Quote:Anyone intelligent enough and open-minded enough to realize and admit that terrorists aren't going away, except in a body bag.

Whatever helps you sleep at night
Sorry if it's been mentioned here...but an interesting thing is that when people, particularly a minority group protests by rioting and burning their own neighborhood down, they're condemned. As they should be, imo.

A guy protests the way he is " supposed to ", peacefully...he's condemned as well.

Crazy country.

It's working for him. He's getting attention.

I don't care for the tip toeing around racial issues. Wrong is wrong. Right is right....and rights are rights.

Kap has every right to do what he's doing, just like anyone else doing classless things. Best to ignore it.
as a conservative im a little annoyed by the amount of outrage for this tiny thing.  this is so not a big deal and it's all people are talking about.  people get distracted by the dumbest stuff.

This story has consumed America! What emails ha ha.
Quote:Black supremacists have some pretty poor taste in humor.

I don't know what humor you're referring to sir. As a member of the world wide Pan-African community, cops are the only terrorist I know of. I just asked the man if he really believes they should be in body bags. I wasn't making a joke.


In no way, shape, or form do I believe GOOD cops should be in body bags. I would never advocate put a GOOD cop in a body bad either. No one should want a GOOD cop in a body bag. There's nothing funny about GOOD cops being in body bags either.


Anyways, I'm hungry. I'm making my favorite treat. Yummy!!!! Banana


[Image: pigs_in_a_blanket.JPG]
Quote:as a conservative im a little annoyed by the amount of outrage for this tiny thing.  this is so not a big deal and it's all people are talking about.  people get distracted by the dumbest stuff.

It's not distraction.  It's marketing.  The media profits off of the most contentious issues.  A majority of Americans saw this and thought, "not how I would do it, but he has a right to do it."  Then you get ESPN talking heads, and 24 hour news stations that are exploring it from every possible angle.  They take the most extreme opinions from both sides of the aisle and air those.  Before you know it, the whole country has taken sides, and the media is profiting all the way to the bank.


They do serve as a distraction, but it's mostly because people don't care enough about the real issues.  It doesn't hold their attention.

You know the quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Quote:You know the quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

I like that quote.
Quote:Whatever helps you sleep at night
A strong military presence overseas, actively engaged in seeking out and destroying terrorist organizations and training camps before they get the chance to come here and harm us, helps me sleep at night. 
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