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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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This (My) generation is doomed. This man is a professional athlete. Think about that for a second... A Professional athlete is nothing more than a result of a society where it's citizens have disposable income. All of our immediate needs are met, therefore we seek out things such as sports, movies etc as a source of entertainment. How many potential elite athletes could come out of African countries? Probably thousands! Except in that type of environment there is no time for sports as famine and disease are widespread.


So someone like Kaepernick, or Dewayne Wade, who in a primitive society would have absolutely zero influence, but due to our desire to be entertained we have granted them the type of influence that they have. With that said, realistically should what people like this say be given any consideration at all? I don't believe so.


This has to be one of the dumbest things that I have ever seen. Oppression? Show me one country in the world where "Minorities and people of color" are better off than in the U.S.?


Frankly, repeatedly responding to posts with "childish" is, well, childish.
Quote:Frankly, repeatedly responding to posts with "childish" is, well, childish.

1.) sometimes on my mobile that's all I have time for. Usually I only do it I. Self evident cases of exaggeration like comparing Collins kaepernick to MLK.

2.) and MOST importantly, I know you are, but what am I?

Quote:1)  Your support, or lack thereof, is not at all relevant to the question.  Legislation is enacted by the duly elected representatives of all the people.

2)  Marijuana, while it in itself is arguably "harmless", is a gateway drug to others which are not harmless and the are root cause of much violent crime in this country.

2)  I've heard prostitutes often do something to someone else's body.

The legality of an issue in no way corresponds to the morality of an issue, it more often corresponds to the profitability of an issue. Pot is not a gateway and if it were, so what? Much like your second #2 it's simply not your business or concern, so so quit being an Authoritarian busy body and butt out.
Quote:The legality of an issue in no way corresponds to the morality of an issue, Hence the incarcerations.<strong>  You also can't write, "I don't believe in paying taxes.", on your 1040.
  ​</strong> it more often corresponds to the profitability of an issue. Pot is not a gateway You think all heroin users started with heroin?
and if it were, so what? Because there is a correlation between hard drugs and violent crime.  Did you not know this?
 Much like your second #2 There's only one #2
 it's simply not your business or concern, Are you saying that, as a citizen, I do not have the right to be concerned about illegal activities occurring within my community? 
If a crack house opened up next door to where you lived with your wife and kids, would you alert the authorities or decide it was none of your business?
  so so quit being an Authoritarian busy body and butt out. Do all Libertarians get their panties bunched up this easily or is it your own personal issue?
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="flsprtsgod" data-cid="802574" data-time="1472905146">
The legality of an issue in no way corresponds to the morality of an issue, Hence the incarcerations.<strong>  You also can't write, "I don't believe in paying taxes.", on your 1040.
  ​</strong> it more often corresponds to the profitability of an issue. Pot is not a gateway You think all heroin users started with heroin?
and if it were, so what? Because there is a correlation between hard drugs and violent crime.  Did you not know this?
 Much like your second #2 There's only one #2
 it's simply not your business or concern, Are you saying that, as a citizen, I do not have the right to be concerned about illegal activities occurring within my community? 
If a crack house opened up next door to where you lived with your wife and kids, would you alert the authorities or decide it was none of your business?
  so so quit being an Authoritarian busy body and butt out. Do all Libertarians get their panties bunched up this easily or is it your own personal issue?

There are two number 2's
Colin is a joke and the faux outrage is a joke too. Anything to stay in the spotlight even if you suck [BLEEP] on the field
Quote:Colin is a joke and the faux outrage is a joke too. Anything to stay in the spotlight even if you suck [BAD WORD REMOVED] on the field

What if he makes two number 2's?... on the field of course.
Quote:What if he makes two number 2's?... on the field of course.

Then he is what he does..

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="flsprtsgod" data-cid="802574" data-time="1472905146">
The legality of an issue in no way corresponds to the morality of an issue, Hence the incarcerations.<strong>  You also can't write, "I don't believe in paying taxes.", on your 1040.
  ​</strong> it more often corresponds to the profitability of an issue. Pot is not a gateway You think all heroin users started with heroin?
and if it were, so what? Because there is a correlation between hard drugs and violent crime.  Did you not know this?
 Much like your second #2 There's only one #2
 it's simply not your business or concern, Are you saying that, as a citizen, I do not have the right to be concerned about illegal activities occurring within my community? 
If a crack house opened up next door to where you lived with your wife and kids, would you alert the authorities or decide it was none of your business?
  so so quit being an Authoritarian busy body and butt out. Do all Libertarians get their panties bunched up this easily or is it your own personal issue?


In North Korea speaking out against the Dear Leader is against the law and punishable by death in a prison work camp, I suppose you're ok with that too? Just because something is "the law" doesn't make it moral or even right. The vast majority of vice laws are an affront to civil society.


Several recovering addicts I know started with Lortab and never smoked pot at all. Others started with cigarettes and beer.


Crime is related to drug use because the law creates a black market in which organized crime thrives, not because pot heads are more likely to commit crimes. As an example, Colorado hasn't devolved into a hotbed of crime since they went legal, but drug related crimes in Florida continue to increase. Your "crackhouse" question is solved when usage facilities are legally available instead of forcing users into the underbelly of society. Rather than worrying about illegal activities in your community maybe your should worry about why other people's pleasures are against the law.
Now he will be sitting all year.... On the bench.
Quote:1.)Self evident cases of exaggeration like comparing Collins kaepernick to !

Except that's not what happened.
Quote:You know the quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Crooked Hillary

Lying Ted

Little Marco

Quote:In North Korea speaking out against the Dear Leader is against the law and punishable by death in a prison work camp, I suppose you're ok with that too? LOL, not even close to an analogy.  You do understand their "elective" process is somewhat different than ours, don't you? 
Just because something is "the law" doesn't make it moral or even right. The vast majority of vice laws are an affront to civil society.  That is your personal opinion, to which you are certainly entitled.  The majority of the population, as evidenced by current legislation and attempts or lack thereof to modify said laws, to, does not yet agree with your position. 


Several recovering addicts I know started with Lortab and never smoked pot at all. Others started with cigarettes and beer.  Several recovering addicts you know personally don't exactly determine a national average.  A friend of mine who died of a heroin overdose started with pot so.......


Crime is related to drug use because the law creates a black market in which organized crime thrives, not because pot heads Who said "pot heads"?  Is there any disagreement that the majority of drug related crime, especially violent crime, is related to hard drugs?
 are more likely to commit crimes. As an example, Colorado hasn't devolved into a hotbed of crime since they went legal, but drug related crimes in Florida continue to increase. Doesn't that sorta prove my point?
   Your "crackhouse" question is solved when usage facilities are legally available instead of forcing users into the underbelly of society.  LOL. You duck questions well enough to run for President.  If a crack house appeared next door to your house tomorrow, what would you do?
 Rather than worrying about illegal activities in your community maybe your should worry about why other people's pleasures are against the law.  Why do you assume that concern about the former precludes the possibility of concern about the latter? 
Quote:Except that's not what happened.

Quote:Pretty easy to say when you haven't walked in their shoes! But I am sure the civil rights advocates like Martin Luther King were told to find another home too.

Clinton supporters... Its contagious.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="flsprtsgod" data-cid="803042" data-time="1472934470">
In North Korea speaking out against the Dear Leader is against the law and punishable by death in a prison work camp, I suppose you're ok with that too? LOL, not even close to an analogy.  You do understand their "elective" process is somewhat different than ours, don't you? 
Just because something is "the law" doesn't make it moral or even right. The vast majority of vice laws are an affront to civil society.  That is your personal opinion, to which you are certainly entitled.  The majority of the population, as evidenced by current legislation and attempts or lack thereof to modify said laws, to, does not yet agree with your position. 


Several recovering addicts I know started with Lortab and never smoked pot at all. Others started with cigarettes and beer.  Several recovering addicts you know personally don't exactly determine a national average.  A friend of mine who died of a heroin overdose started with pot so.......


Crime is related to drug use because the law creates a black market in which organized crime thrives, not because pot heads Who said "pot heads"?  Is there any disagreement that the majority of drug related crime, especially violent crime, is related to hard drugs?
 are more likely to commit crimes. As an example, Colorado hasn't devolved into a hotbed of crime since they went legal, but drug related crimes in Florida continue to increase. Doesn't that sorta prove my point?
   Your "crackhouse" question is solved when usage facilities are legally available instead of forcing users into the underbelly of society.  LOL. You duck questions well enough to run for President.  If a crack house appeared next door to your house tomorrow, what would you do?
 Rather than worrying about illegal activities in your community maybe your should worry about why other people's pleasures are against the law.  Why do you assume that concern about the former precludes the possibility of concern about the latter? 


Who cares how the laws are made, you've declared that just being the law makes it moral. It's clear that you feel your preferences should outweigh others, at least so long as you are in the majority. Paternalism at its finest, since you and your horde know best everyone must follow suit on pain of incarceration, even when their lifestyle would have little impact on you if you stayed out of their business. My personal actions are the same as they always are, advocate for legalization to bring those neighbors out into the light. It's people like you who cause their actions to be dangerous, but you won't see it. Instead you merely look down your nose at them and make an untenable and unwinnable situation worse. You, my friend, are a prime example of the evil lure of moral authoritarianism.
Quote:There are two number 2's

His whole argument is a load of #2.
Quote:Clinton supporters... Its contagious.
There you go. Where the hell did I mention The idiot QB from SF?

Yeah I didn't compare the two.

And that would be Johnson supporter thank you.
you're right...  bringing up MLK in response to someone saying no one is being forced to stay in the country was just a coincidence.  This is a thread about knitting sweaters afterall...  My mistake. 
Quote:you're right... bringing up MLK in response to someone saying no one is being forced to stay in the country was just a coincidence. This is a thread about knitting sweaters afterall... My mistake.
Didn't realize Colin was the only person in the country taking a non vilolent stand to issues in in the country. Wow thanks for the heads up!

I think you just enjoy arguing. I won't engage in your petty urinating contest anymore. Peace to you and yours.
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