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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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Race card in 4......,3..........2............
Quote:Im African American so I have a different perspective

This and Im one that stands during the anthem when I attend games
Screw Colin..He's a piece of [BLEEP] and I hope he breaks his legs on a play..
I don't have time to address it now, but I do agree that raising awareness is the key to solving these issues.  However, people need to start with common ground.  BLM is intentionally divisive.  Ideas like cultural appropriation, microaggressions and other tools of progressives limit honest dialog.  


As far as athletes are concerned, so far, LeBron James has been one of the best examples I've seen in dealing with the issues facing the black community.  He gives back a ton of his own money to help educate children from impoverished areas, tries to avoid taking sides contentious topics (which are, more often than not, used to generate revenue for the media, not solve problems), and encourages his peers to do likewise.    


I would have to write a book to really lay out the issues facing the black community and what I think needs to be done to fix them.  Having an open conversation without being labeled a racist or thug is an important part of that process, though.  Understanding that people have had their world views shaped differently by their circumstances is important as well. 


Quote:I don't have time to address it now, but I do agree that raising awareness is the key to solving these issues. However, people need to start with common ground. BLM is intentionally divisive. Ideas like cultural appropriation, microaggressions and other tools of progressives limit honest dialog.

As far as athletes are concerned, so far, LeBron James has been one of the best examples I've seen in dealing with the issues facing the black community. He gives back a ton of his own money to help educate children from impoverished areas, tries to avoid taking sides contentious topics (which are, more often than not, used to generate revenue for the media, not solve problems), and encourages his peers to do likewise.

I would have to write a book to really lay out the issues facing the black community and what I think needs to be done to fix them. Having an open conversation without being labeled a racist or thug is an important part of that process, though. Understanding that people have had their world views shaped differently by their circumstances is important as well.
Well, I'll wait with an open ear for what you have to say. Hopefully you'll include how these things were able to get you involved.

Also, I'm all about open and honest dialog. You seem to want to limit divisiveness so hopefully you'll refrain from using divisive terms like "progressives." From what I tell from your post so far, the issue in black communities seems to be complex. I didn't detect your issue with Colin's protest as being too overly simplistic, but you'll educate me I'm sure. I'd also love it if you could tell me what the "sides" are.
I'm American-American.
Backup QB for the worst team in football wants to "protest" by "not standing" during the national anthem.

Ehhh ... well .... Hmmmm...

OK - I get it. He knew it would make waves, ruffle some feathers, tick off the establishment. But really - what's this going to accomplish?
I don't stand when they play the American national anthem. Sorry >_>

To be fair to him, you guys play it SO much it must get tedious standing up all the time. Heck the Jags played it before the freaking scrimmage lol
Quote:He was so oppressed when he signed that $100 mil contract.


I mean, I can show you some very real "oppression", but we would have to leave the USA to do so.
Quote:America is close to the top in many things.

Close to the top, is not the top.
Bring me on some oppression like that. Oppress me dammit. His words could not be any more hollow.


Quote:Bring me on some oppression like that. Oppress me dammit. His words could not be any more hollow.

Who in this country do you want to hear from regarding oppression?
Quote:Close to the top, is not the top.

America doesn't need to be at the top of many things to be a damn good country. Being close to the top works just fine.
America is the greatest country in the world. The reason why we have so many people here and trying to get here.
I'll echo what was already stated and that is that he has and should have every right to do what he did and say what he said, but that doesn't come without the potential repercussion of what the fans think and what the team/league thinks.  Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the potential repercussions of that speech.  


You have to question his intelligence with what is at stake for him to lose.  Maybe it's just evidence that he's no longer "hungry" and helps explain why his play has dropped off.  What's going to accomplish his goals more effectively?  A national anthem protest stance or the money he may potentially lose from said stance?  I'd say that money he may lose had he spent it on causes he believed in would have been more effective.


Not much would make me give up my season tickets, but if a player on the Jags did what he did and wasn't released for it I'd give strong consideration to cancelling them.  And word from Mike Freeman on Twitter indicates that a lot of players around the league have privately shown solidarity with Colin so there is a scenario here where the team loses me as a season ticket holder.  I never thought I'd say that.  I know that doesn't mean much by itself and my two seats would probably be quickly filled, but I wonder how many others might react the same way?  Is the league concerned?  I'm sure there are discussions being had about it behind closed doors.


Quote:I'll echo what was already stated and that is that he has and should have every right to do what he did and say what he said, but that doesn't come without the potential repercussion of what the fans think and what the team/league thinks. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the potential repercussions of that speech.

You have to question his intelligence with what is at stake for him to lose. Maybe it's just evidence that he's no longer "hungry" and helps explain why his play has dropped off. What's going to accomplish his goals more effectively? A national anthem protest stance or the money he may potentially lose from said stance? I'd say that money he may lose had he spent it on causes he believed in would have been more effective.

Not much would make me give up my season tickets, but if a player on the Jags did what he did and wasn't released for it I'd give strong consideration to cancelling them. And word from Mike Freeman on Twitter indicates that a lot of players around the league have privately shown solidarity with Colin so there is a scenario here where the team loses me as a season ticket holder. I never thought I'd say that. I know that doesn't mean much by itself and my two seats would probably be quickly filled, but I wonder how many others might react the same way? Is the league concerned? I'm sure there are discussions being had about it behind closed doors.
Ok so in a way you're protesting his protest? And if he made the protest knowing it would cost him money, would that not prove he's convicted and not necessarily lacking intelligence? I mean if you have everything to lose and you still take a stand, doesn't that mean you place something above money? It's like his contract functions as hush money. Lastly, what is something ppl could protest about and who are the ppl allowed to do it without it rubbing ppl the wrong way?
Quote:I'm American-American.

Just when I thought I couldn't think less of you...


Looking at these replies... no wonder you guys believe in Bradley and you considered Gene Smith a genius for a long time.


Man, I have new respect for Kap.
New name for Colin:

Kap-tain America.


Again, this is an attempt by someone who can feel their career/livelihood slipping away, trying to maintain some sort of relevance and create a diversion for his subpar play. He should move to Canada and play for the CFL
Quote:Ok so in a way you're protesting his protest? And if he made the protest knowing it would cost him money, would that not prove he's convicted and not necessarily lacking intelligence? I mean if you have everything to lose and you still take a stand, doesn't that mean you place something above money? It's like his contract functions as hush money. Lastly, what is something ppl could protest about and who are the ppl allowed to do it without it rubbing ppl the wrong way?

Do you not make decisions on where you spend your money based on what the company/person does or stands for?   


I already answered your "intelligence" response question in my original post. Go re-read it if you didn't catch it.


A protest will likely always rub someone the wrong way.  What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Not sure why people get offended by this. If he feels that way it's up to him. Doesn't stop anyone else loving their country.
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