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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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Quote:I don't think it has anything to do with standing up for what he believes in OR disrespecting the country. He's trying to keep himself relevant and in the news. If his play can't do that then he's gonna rely on scandal to do it.

Stand up for what you believe in? That's cool. Be part of the change, don't just make empty protests.
Bingo! He needs to keep his name out there.

If he really wanted to raise awareness, do some charity work for the cause he is protesting about and promote the heck out of it.

Now he just makes me want to protest why modern day pro athletes are dumb as rocks

Also, is the "oppression of minorities" just a 2016 phenomenon? No? Then why didn't CK do this when his "brand" was still marketable? Maybe its been a while since CK got a phone call to do a Beats By Dre commercial, etc. and this is his way of saying: Hey guys, remember me?
BLM has released a list of demands.



Quote:BLM has released a list of demands.



What did he accomplish?  What is the goal?  "I would like to bring attention to Black people in this country being ruthlessly killed by police officers when they were innocently engaged in felonious activity and threatening the lives of those sworn to protect the community!"


As I have said before and I will keep saying until it hits home, you don't have a systemic form of oppression unless Black people are being deprived due process of law and any action taken by a state agency is either not investigated or evidence is hidden so that it's not properly adjudicated.   Black eye witnesses corroborating the story of Darren Wilson doesn't constitute OPPRESSION OF BLACK PEOPLE!  BLM still waves this case around as the poster child for the movement.  It makes BLM look stupid because anyone with common sense can see the absence of logic in the argument and it makes black people look reactionary and emotional in the face of logical evidence. 


When Martin Luther King Jr. marched and helped provide meaningful lasting and enduring change in this country he had a clear message based in legal fact, "that the united States of America should live up to the constitution."  He had real objectives, real goals, he organized non violent protest both in the form of marches and boycotts to facilitate and end to segregation and the enfranchisement of Black people.  Also, the tactics that he used engendered a nation sentiment of empathy because he had moral clarity on his side.  Even people who may have been apathetic towards the plight of black people before couldn't deny the fact that it as wrong for the police to terrorize the peaceful black people marching for the basic rights we all enjoy every day. 


That's a far cry from marching down the street chanting about dead cops and claiming that a minority officer from the neighborhood having to shoot some guy he went to school with because the guy had a gun and pointed at him is systemic of white oppression.  Honestly, I think this is all some kind of a cruel joke and they only choose to highlight cases that will ultimately be proven as justifiable shootings in the end just to make us look worse on T.V. 


And when I look at CK, God bless him, is this really the face of societal change that we are looking for?  He doesn't carry himself like the next senator from the bay area.  He looks like another punk kid from the T-shirt generation. 


Feel goodism means JACK when 99% of the country lives in realville and can't hit a receiver on a 25 yard corner route. 

Quote:BLM has released a list of demands.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://policy.m4bl.org/'>https://policy.m4bl.org/</a>

I agree with some of this, and obviously not others.

However, setting some sort of hierarchy would be helpful. Achieve SOMETHING that will help your communities before over reaching for all of these items, some of which are gaurenteed to never happen.

What are 3 things you can place pressure on local/ state/ federal politicians to enact over the next 4 years. This site is just going to be sticker shock to most of America, and even the political allies of black lives matter will tune them out.
Quote:I agree with some of this, and obviously not others.

However, setting some sort of hierarchy would be helpful. Achieve SOMETHING that will help your communities before over reaching for all of these items, some of which are gaurenteed to never happen.

What are 3 things you can place pressure on local/ state/ federal politicians to enact over the next 4 years. This site is just going to be sticker shock to most of America, and even the political allies of black lives matter will tune them out.


Think bigger.  This has nothing to do with BLACK LIVES.  This is basically an iteration of the communist manifesto.  What does divesting in fossil fuels have to do with helping black people?  Think about it? 


When you look at the insanity coming from the BLM leadership and then you realize it is being largely funded by George Soros and the like you see that its just another head in the snake of the left. 


We have a Black President, chief law enforcement officer in the country.  We have a Black AG.  in the case of Baltimore you had a black Mayor, and a Black prosecutor, and a black judge on the bench for the trial of the police officers.  That's a recipe for systemic racism?


Is this the same Kaepernick who personally oppressed Lamarr Houston? The balls on this guy must be as big as his schnozz.

Quote:We have a Black President, chief law enforcement officer in the country.  We have a Black AG.  in the case of Baltimore you had a black Mayor, and a Black prosecutor, and a black judge on the bench for the trial of the police officers.  That's a recipe for systemic racism?

Well clearly they are all just Uncle Toms.
I respect Kaps right to be an idiot, I also respect my right to chastise him and make him look like the fool he is for doing it. 
Quote:BLM has released a list of demands.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://policy.m4bl.org/'>https://policy.m4bl.org/</a>

What a joke. They should make demands of their own people if they want to lead better lives. Always blaming someone else is not the way to go.

I'll help them out. I call this my "Personal Accountability Plan For Leading a Better Life". The best part about this it fits any human being.

Step 1- Finish school and take your education seriously.

Step 2- Don't get arrested

Step 3- Don't have children before marriage

Step 4- Get a job
Quote:BLM has released a list of demands.



That appears to technically be a separate organization.  BLM leadership could conveniently disavow those goals if questioned about it though I suspect their demands are one and the same.
He's an idiot. Black parents dumped him as a baby, adopted and raised by a white couple who invested in his athletic development, makes millions as a result but we're the racists
Quote:Spending time together can be playing chess with a stranger in the park or striking up a conversation with someone you wouldn't normally talk to. "Nice platitude" thanks???

At this point I'm convinced you aren't reading what I'm saying, which is also okay. I didn't call you a racist and if I didn't articulate well enough with several paragraphs, not sure how in depth you wanted my plan to be. I may not have been succinct but I didn't mince words. I actually reread to be sure. Whatever your position on race relations you're welcomed to have, but it's not going require a master plan to conquer. It'll take ppl treating ppl humanely and civilly.


Asking you the same question for the 2nd and 3rd time is fun...  How do you intend to get people to play chess with a stranger or strike up a conversation with their neighbor of a different race?  How?  It's a nice thought, but you can't force people to do these things.  


And accusing me of not wanting racial harmony isn't essentially calling me a racist?  Good grief you are a slippery one to deal with.
Quote:Black eye witnesses corroborating the story of Darren Wilson doesn't constitute OPPRESSION OF BLACK PEOPLE!  BLM still waves this case around as the poster child for the movement.  It makes BLM look stupid because anyone with common sense can see the absence of logic in the argument and it makes black people look reactionary and emotional in the face of logical evidence. 




Black Lies Matter?
Quote:That appears to technically be a separate organization.  BLM leadership could conveniently disavow those goals if questioned about it though I suspect their demands are one and the same.

actually, this was a coalition of groups affiliated with BLM.  Time magazine and other outlets pointed that out.
Quote:Black Lies Matter?

David Clarke, the Milwaukee county Sheriff, coined that phrase.  It's got some staying power. 
America has a complicated and messy history with racism. This is not ancient history either. In my lifetime, government forces charged with upholding order and supporting justice have used attack dogs and other violent actions as part of official duties against peacefully protesting minorities. Regarding current police actions,this is not to say that most officers currently engage in overt or even conscious racism. I believe the opposite is true, that most officers do not. At the same time, I find it hard to believe that many would disagree that there are, simply put, a number of 'bad shoots'. Furthermore, the U.S. has a pretty significant problem with imprisonment. We have about 4 percent of the worlds population and 22 percent of the world's prisoners, if facts serve me correctly. That is the highest rate in the world. If Kaepernick's actions can lead to a deeper discussion of some of these problems, more power to him. I think he could have done a better job of explaining his actions when interviewed, but I would rather he express his beliefs imperfectly then not try to affect change about something he feels is wrong.

Quote:He's an idiot. Black parents dumped him as a baby, adopted and raised by a white couple who invested in his athletic development, makes millions as a result but we're the racists

Black parent. Momma is white as snow.


Quote:Asking you the same question for the 2nd and 3rd time is fun... How do you intend to get people to play chess with a stranger or strike up a conversation with their neighbor of a different race? How? It's a nice thought, but you can't force people to do these things.

And accusing me of not wanting racial harmony isn't essentially calling me a racist? Good grief you are a slippery one to deal with.

If you need a "how to" on making friends from strangers, I'm not going to be the person to give that to you. You can research that on your own. I'm simply telling you, if we all venture outside of our comfort zone to know ppl we wouldn't normally know it will go a long way.

You familiarize yourself with the actual definition of racist. Then you won't worry about someone accusing you covertly of being one because you will know if you are one or not. Never got you thoughts on oppression or if you read that article or not.
He has the right to not stand if he doesn't want to. Hardly the first athlete to make a political statement (he even rocked the Malcolm X hat in the post game interview). Not sure what a big money contract has to do with his message. Blacks are still profiled and make up the largest demographic in our (for-profit) prison system. Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested and charged with breaking into his own house. From the perspective of the black community they are being targeted. Whether it's Dylan Roof or any number of incidents where cops have killed blacks, whether you agree with it or not, it's understandable why he may feel that way.
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