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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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selling drugs is predatory in nature. its not a noble altruistic hobby decent people engage in.  drug possession felonies are the exception, and why I said almost all. we aren't talking a little weed here. but heroin, coke, ect.

I am really enjoying the fresh blood this thread has brought to the political forum. Arguing with the same old tired faces can get boring.

there seems to be a bunch of people out there who think our national anthem needs to be changed because it was written during the War of 1812 (considered by some as an unjustifiable war) and references slaves who fought for the British side under the promise of freedom.  fwiw

Someone told me about a year or so ago they didn't understand why I fly the American flag on my front porch when everything in DC and with the politicians is in such disarray and the country is going to hell. They equated the flag with what goes on in DC and the politicians and how messed up the whole system is. I told him he must have forgotten what the flag really stands for because it sure as hell isn't about politics and the hot mess our nation's capital has turned into.


I think a lot of folks have forgotten what the flag stands for (this perfectly and beautifully describes what the flag is about). It represents the principles of liberty, justice and humanity. It has no opinion on who is right or wrong and is not influenced by society's fickle nature. It doesn't care about the race, religion, skin tone, gender, etc., of anyone. It is an inanimate object that represents truth, justice and the American Way, but is used and abused by people who have agendas and ulterior motives and THAT is where the discontent comes from. Not the flag itself but the attitude and motivations of the people.


To put blame on the flag or the national anthem for anything, but in this case the oppression of the black community makes about as much sense as someone blaming the employees of a company for how the CEO runs that company. The employees have no say just as the flag and the national anthem have no say. 


I am a veteran, come from a family of peacetime and war veterans, have friends that still serve, have lost friends who laid down their lives. None of us ever want to think that what we sacrificed to serve this country will be made ugly or mocked by the (sometimes) innocent ignorance, willful ignorance, or plain stupidity, hate, indifference, etc., of the people of this nation, but it happens and when it does we have to remember that we served for them too. We served so they have the right to express their opinions, though the consequence of their actions is all on them. It's extremely difficult to hold my tongue when I see or hear about something like this or other actions of disrespect, and I don't always succeed, but I try to remember the Why of why I served. It wasn't for college money or because I had nothing better to do. I served because I wanted to preserve the ideals and freedoms of this nation and to somehow give back to those who came before me in their service to our nation. 


What Kaepernick did was rude and disrespectful IMO. But in our country it is his right to voice his opinion however he deems fit as long as it isn't immoral, unethical, or illegal. And whether we like it or not we have to respect that. It's not to say we can't have our own opinions on him or his actions, we just have to remember that he has a right to express his opinion. 

Quote:It is his right to do this, but I think this would be a more powerful statement from someone with less personal controversy.

However the reason these sort of protests are widely reported is people feel it should be required to stand/ hand on heart/ remove hat/ etc. I follow this, but I would not dream of demanding others do the same.

It's also a more powerful statement when you choose a more productive platform.


Hard to find anything positive to come from his choice at all.


No one's stopping him from setting up a foundation, etc. and actually assist people and neighborhoods that could benefit.


Instead, his choice does none of that and stirs emotions that only further divide in some circumstances.  At best, it's divisive.  At worst, no once notices/cares.  Again, not a productive/effective way to achieve what he desires.


Quote:The war on drugs has affected the black community disproportionately. Studies have shown that blacks and whites under the age of 25 use at a similar rate, yet more blacks tend to be incarcerated for it. This is not evidence of systemic racism. This is a byproduct of black communities being policed more heavily due to higher rates of violent crime. However, this doesn't prevent people from these communities from feeling like they are targets of discrimination. How do you solve the issue of violent crime? The best data that correlates to violent crime rate, as far as I can tell, is children being raised in fatherless homes. The black family unit survived slavery and Jim Crow with their family unit in tact, but it was basically disintegrated by the introduction of welfare. Black communities need to either start making a better effort to keep their family unit in tact or start reporting and condemning individuals who resort to violence.

If I were to start somewhere to improve racial relations (specifically blacks and whites), I would focus on rehabilitation for drug users with no violent crime, and attempt to overhaul welfare by encouraging the families to stay together (it really needs to be thoroughly re-evaluated, but that is a starting point). It should never become a generation to generation lifestyle, but that is what it has become.

I also think it's extremely disingenuous to equate racial minorities with oppression. Asians, for example, do statistically better than whites in virtually every category. That's a completely different discussion, though.

1981, if you want to have an honest discussion about race, we can always sit and talk about it. It's just hard to really time consuming to type on the internet all the history and data that corresponds with this subject.

You are on the right path, but black families were torn apart during the slavery Era. The 70'[BLEEP] saw the father removed from the home due to incarceration and the war. By the time we got to 80's the "block" was doing a lot of the upbringing. The increase in violence is directly related to money. Around Jax, my mom would tell me stories of violence erupting after the police performed a large seizure of drugs. Late 70's early 80's, I don't think we could have predicted the fallout from the father not being there. The attitude is much different now that those same children have grown up to become parents. Still, the idea of a family intact remains somewhat elusive.

The education system is not what it's made out to be and as far as crime, there are elements that can't allow it to subside. It is a very long and dark conversation. Not sure if you're in Jax, but if so perhaps we can get into it more during the season. I'll be trying to get up with a few others on this board as well.
Its equal to spreading awareness, which is the least anyone can do for any cause. Rebuild a community, fund education, pay for the legal fees of someone fighting injustice. The problem in america with these stands is they dont so much stand for anything they just attract attention. A better way to take a stand is to lead by example and actually do something instead of just saying hey look a problem! Instead of noticing a problem try and find solutions to fix the problem.
Colin is more man than all of you. Didn't even read any of your posts but I know the type of elements in he-yump (sorry neo joe fan). No use arguing because we all know you're all just going to lie and make up stuff. More of the same from the last 500 year basically. 


He's got it all and you can't do anything about it, but hate. Even if he was broke he's the type that would stand on it. Something money can't buy and none of you understand - the heart of a warrior. Maybe if the Jags had players like this they wouldn't get wiped so much. Go ahead and keep crying for a song made for people that have taken everything from you. Go buy Jordans too. I hear he really cares about you. 


I digress. Save for Sherman, Seattle was full of alphas. I grew up in Jax. my grandama, mom and aunts got their hair done by a man named Gus. 


Go figure.  :whistling:

Quote:Colin is more man than all of you. Didn't even read any of your posts but I know the type of elements in he-yump (sorry neo joe fan). No use arguing because we all know you're all just going to lie and make up stuff. More of the same from the last 500 year basically. 


He's got it all and you can't do anything about it, but hate. Even if he was broke he's the type that would stand on it. Something money can't buy and none of you understand - the heart of a warrior. Maybe if the Jags had players like this they wouldn't get wiped so much. Go ahead and keep crying for a song made for people that have taken everything from you. Go buy Jordans too. I hear he really cares about you. 


I digress. Save for Sherman, Seattle was full of alphas. I grew up in Jax. my grandama, mom and aunts got their hair done by a man named Gus. 


Go figure.  :whistling:

Then I guess you have it figured out.

You know what money can buy?  A lot of help for some of these communities he feels are oppressed.  But not standing is more important than actually helping.
It's the perfect preemptive strategy to prevent getting cut: if they release him he just just claim retaliation for his political views and slacktivism.

Quote:It's the perfect preemptive strategy to prevent getting cut: if they release him he just just claim retaliation for his political views and slacktivism.

I don't think he's that smart.
Quote:What branch Doc? Navy Corpsman?

Yes sir
Quote:Then I guess you have it figured out.

You know what money can buy?  A lot of help for some of these communities he feels are oppressed.  But not standing is more important than actually helping.
1. How do you know he doesn't?

2. I don't care if he buys 1000 pink convertibles. He's doing his job as a man with the world against him. And as a man, you don't count other man's money unless they got money they owe you. Then it's time to collect. Know what I'm saying...

3. and most important of all  he's 100 percent right.
I watched Kaepernicks presser about the issue and it was very informative about his protest. If you get a chance you should listen to it
Quote:Colin is more man than all of you. Didn't even read any of your posts but I know the type of elements in he-yump (sorry neo joe fan). No use arguing because we all know you're all just going to lie and make up stuff. More of the same from the last 500 year basically.

He's got it all and you can't do anything about it, but hate. Even if he was broke he's the type that would stand on it. Something money can't buy and none of you understand - the heart of a warrior. Maybe if the Jags had players like this they wouldn't get wiped so much. Go ahead and keep crying for a song made for people that have taken everything from you. Go buy Jordans too. I hear he really cares about you.

I digress. Save for Sherman, Seattle was full of alphas. I grew up in Jax. my grandama, mom and aunts got their hair done by a man named Gus.

Go figure. :whistling:

Quote:1. How do you know he doesn't?

2. I don't care if he buys 1000 pink convertibles. He's doing his job as a man with the world against him. And as a man, you don't count other man's money unless they got money they owe you. Then it's time to collect. Know what I'm saying...

3. and most important of all he's 100 percent right.

No he's not
I still wonder if he will be cut or traded for being a crappy QB.  This is a nice side show distraction or future place of blame for why he gets cut.

Francis Scott Key


1. look up the original version of the Star Spangled Banner.


2. He owned 100's of slaves and said the black race is the inferior race.


3. Just in case you're too lazy to look it up the original version celebrated slavery.
oh my gosh. Slavery happened? I wasn't aware.
Quote:oh my gosh. Slavery happened? I wasn't aware.
What does your comment have to do with this point? It's a real good reason for Kap and Myke not to stand for a song made with this intent in a country that kills and disrespects their people. If it were the other way around, would you stand?


<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Francis Scott Key

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">1. look up the original version of the Star Spangled Banner.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">2. He owned 100's of slaves and said the black race is the inferior race.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">3. Just in case you're too lazy to look it up the original version celebrated slavery.
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