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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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Quote:You think the Cash for Kids scandal is an isolated incident?

Are there others? Because it's been almost 10 years since that one occurred. Horrible I agree, but the system fixed that problem when it was caught.


More importantly, would the demographics be different if the prisons were NPOs?

The war on drugs has affected the black community disproportionately.  Studies have shown that blacks and whites under the age of 25 use at a similar rate, yet more blacks tend to be incarcerated for it.  This is not evidence of systemic racism.  This is a byproduct of black communities being policed more heavily due to higher rates of violent crime.  However, this doesn't prevent people from these communities from feeling like they are targets of discrimination.  How do you solve the issue of violent crime?  The best data that correlates to violent crime rate, as far as I can tell, is children being raised in fatherless homes.  The black family unit survived slavery and Jim Crow with their family unit in tact, but it was basically disintegrated by the introduction of welfare.  Black communities need to either start making a better effort to keep their family unit in tact or start reporting and condemning individuals who resort to violence.  


If I were to start somewhere to improve racial relations (specifically blacks and whites), I would focus on rehabilitation for drug users with no violent crime, and attempt to overhaul welfare by encouraging the families to stay together (it really needs to be thoroughly re-evaluated, but that is a starting point).  It should never become a generation to generation lifestyle, but that is what it has become.  


I also think it's extremely disingenuous to equate racial minorities with oppression.  Asians, for example, do statistically better than whites in virtually every category.  That's a completely different discussion, though.  


1981, if you want to have an honest discussion about race, we can always sit and talk about it.  It's just hard to really time consuming to type on the internet all the history and data that corresponds with this subject.  
Back to Kaepernick, supposedly he is dating a BLM activist and converted to Islam.  I am not sure if the latter is a major influence on this particular situation, but the former can be a powerful motivator.  

The more i look at this situation, the more i am reminded of the words of Joe Clark (From Lean on Me) "You're just a baby and you don't know [BLEEP]"

I think the kid made a mistake, i don't think that Collin Kaepernick is planning on being a Rhodes Scholar majoring in the pathway to a post racial society.

I think that there is a clear line of deliniation between people, especially younger people, who may have a strong reaction to the narrative being pushed on them (that black people are being murdered by the state in the street with no consequences) and the leadership pushing that narrative.
Quote:Are there others? Because it's been almost 10 years since that one occurred. Horrible I agree, but the system fixed that problem when it was caught.

More importantly, would the demographics be different if the prisons were NPOs?

You cannot take a stance there are not plenty of people on the take when it comes to making sure prison populations are not manufactured by design. Or do you think tens of millions of dollars in lobbyist money isn't buying anything?
they cant send you to prison if you arent committing crimes.  i really find it hard to have sympathy for career criminals. same reason most people simply don't care if criminals are shot by the police.  or if they don't think its fair they got ten years for stealing a bike. even though it was just the last on a long list of criminal activity. 
Do you really see Kaep reading studiously about Black history and stewing about how minorities have been treated? Reading different cases where black had been abused by cops? This is a publicity stunt and this guy is a clown
Quote:You cannot take a stance there are not plenty of people on the take when it comes to making sure prison populations are not manufactured by design. Or do you think tens of millions of dollars in lobbyist money isn't buying anything?

Until such time as it's proven I can.
Quote:Until such time as it's proven I can.

Hillary Clinton says hello.




Sorry, game is disheartening, the martini was a double.
Quote:Hillary Clinton says hello.




Sorry, game is disheartening, the martini was a double.

Donald Trump says hi too.

And I'm tired of laying an egg in prime time even if it is only preseason!!!
Quote:Until such time as it's proven I can

How much do you save on shampoo keeping your head in the sand?






opinion pieces.  I love three strike laws and mandatory minimums. they are the ones that decided on a life of crime. we simply try to keep them away from decent people. its simple really if they don't want to end up in a prison. stop committing felonies. how hard is that exactly.

Quote:opinion pieces.  I love three strike laws and mandatory minimums. they are the ones that decided on a life of crime. we simply try to keep them away from decent people. its simple really if they don't want to end up in a prison. stop committing felonies. how hard is that exactly.

They only commit crimes because they are against the law. No law, no crime. Until then its all The Man keeping them down.
it seems that is the argument.  as if they shouldn't be held accountable for their willful actions. almost all felonies that land you in prison are of a violent or predatory nature against other people. or reckless actions that harm others.   as such they deserve what they get. most get off to easy.

This is the definition of a man. Much respect Colin.


Let the bashing and censoring begin. 




Quote:This is the definition of a man. Much respect Colin.


Let the bashing and censoring begin. 



I suppose these statistics are opinion based as well. Based on the number of drug related charges that cause incarceration, one would think almost no white people do drugs.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/rates.html'>http://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/rates.html</a>.


Quote:The war on drugs has affected the black community disproportionately. Studies have shown that blacks and whites under the age of 25 use at a similar rate, yet more blacks tend to be incarcerated for it. This is not evidence of systemic racism. This is a byproduct of black communities being policed more heavily due to higher rates of violent crime. However, this doesn't prevent people from these communities from feeling like they are targets of discrimination. How do you solve the issue of violent crime? The best data that correlates to violent crime rate, as far as I can tell, is children being raised in fatherless homes. The black family unit survived slavery and Jim Crow with their family unit in tact, but it was basically disintegrated by the introduction of welfare. Black communities need to either start making a better effort to keep their family unit in tact or start reporting and condemning individuals who resort to violence.

If I were to start somewhere to improve racial relations (specifically blacks and whites), I would focus on rehabilitation for drug users with no violent crime, and attempt to overhaul welfare by encouraging the families to stay together (it really needs to be thoroughly re-evaluated, but that is a starting point). It should never become a generation to generation lifestyle, but that is what it has become.

I also think it's extremely disingenuous to equate racial minorities with oppression. Asians, for example, do statistically better than whites in virtually every category. That's a completely different discussion, though.

1981, if you want to have an honest discussion about race, we can always sit and talk about it. It's just hard to really time consuming to type on the internet all the history and data that corresponds with this subject.

Good post. Just getting to work. I will reply later but I appreciate beginning to have this discourse.
Quote:it seems that is the argument.  as if they shouldn't be held accountable for their willful actions. almost all felonies that land you in prison are of a violent or predatory nature against other people. or reckless actions that harm others.   as such they deserve what they get. most get off to easy.

Not sure where you get the backing for the statement in bold. It is my understanding that there are many people in prison for nonviolent offenses  perhaps even the majority. I am sure there are many prisoners that are a clear risk to others, and I imagine we would all want the Hannibal Lecters out of circulation. But your example of getting ten years for stealing a bike (even if hyperbole) is telling. A career criminal that risks a long sentence for petty theft is either making really dumb decisions or wants to go back in prison. At the same time, how smart is our decision to spend $31,000 a year to lock him/her up?
Best thing is to ignore him. I'm sure the parents who oppressed him and dumped him off to his adopted parents are supporting him. I'm sure all the money he accepted from another oppressor will be used to help the cause he's fighting.

He can take his money and move. Why stay in such a piss country?

The white folks who adopted and raised him are part of the country he disrespects. Painting the issue with such a broad brush is akin to his talents at QB. Very limited.

Can you at least stand to respect the people who died defending the flag? Blacks, whites, woman,man, gay,straight, atheist,Christian, Jew, Muslim and every other walk of life?

Is that too much to ask? Have at least a bit of character.
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