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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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But good job not standing up for the national anthem Kap, that will surely fix everything.


I'm gonna stand up twice as long for the anthem in hopes I cure cancer. Smile


Quote:Would you tell someone who had breast cancer that their concerns are any less valid because "all cancers matter"? All lives matter is a very racist statement, in that it attempts to undermine and delegitimization the very valid criticism of the systematic oppression of all those in color. Read a book if you don't understand what I'm saying.
OIC , you're trolling. Not gonna get me with your sjw trap.  :yucky:
Quote:OIC , you're trolling. Not gonna get me with your sjw trap. :yucky:

Nope, no troll here sir but I will accept that as an admission of just how very wrong you are on this topic
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game

Haven't we had a black president in the White House for the last 8 years? So boycott every form of patriotism because minorities are always oppressed. Racism and bigotry exists in every country and varies with individuals. Why not boycott the whole world and people as a whole. Colin is feeding the distrust of the masses, and trying to be somewhat of a people's champion. I think it is a an attempt of deflection from his poor performance as of late.


Quote:Nope, no troll here sir but I will accept that as an admission of just how very wrong you are on this topic
Im on your side bra, just black lives matter and that's not racist one bit.


All lives matter is soo dumb it's basically like you're in the KKK if you say that phrase.


Let's go loot and destroy the local businesses to prove our point this weekend.


Quote:Im on your side bra, just black lives matter and that's not racist one bit.

All lives matter is soo dumb it's basically like you're in the KKK if you say that phrase.

Let's go loot and destroy the local businesses to prove our point this weekend.

Let me ask you a question: has BLM protested against police violence where the victim was not a minority or have they exclusively come to the aid of minorities?
Quote:Im on your side bra, just black lives matter and that's not racist one bit.

All lives matter is soo dumb it's basically like you're in the KKK if you say that phrase.

Let's go loot and destroy the local businesses to prove our point this weekend.

Sad you are incapable of intelligent conversation, we can tally this as another failure of the public school system, I suspect. Alas, that's another topic for another day.
Quote:"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game

Haven't we had a black president in the White House for the last 8 years? So boycott every form of patriotism because minorities are always oppressed. Racism and bigotry exists in every country and varies with individuals. Why not boycott the whole world and people as a whole. Colin is feeding the distrust of the masses, and trying to be somewhat of a people's champion. I think it is a an attempt of deflection from his poor performance as of late.

That's exactly what he's trying to do, as someone who is largely irrelevant. But many of you should listen to some of the things Muhammed Ali had to say, as he is much more popular but said/did many things that make this act by Kaep look quite small, and Ali remains a legend and one of the most respected athletes of all time
Anyone who thinks America isn't great has the freedom to leave it.


Quote:Anyone who thinks America isn't great has the freedom to leave it.

Is change allowed?
This thread should be in the political forum.

Quote:Anyone who thinks America isn't great has the freedom to leave it.

I love America. But there are very few things this country is actually leading the world in.
Quote:I love America. But there are very few things this country is actually leading the world in.

America is close to the top in many things.
what does the draft dodging cassius clay have to do with anything. atleast colin isn't that bad.

I never could exactly put my finger on why I didn't care for him. Now I have a damn good reason.

Quote:Anyone who thinks America isn't great has the freedom to leave it.

So Donald Trump and his supporters should leave then...correct? Seeing as his campaign is about America not being great.
Quote:If he really wanted to stand up for something he believes in, he would find a more practical way to accomplish that. Disrespecting the very flag that allows him have an opinion is counter-productive.

Yes!!! Bravo good sir! As a Texan I have a huge problem with People disrespecting our nation/flag.
I may not like him nor think he is a good QB but I do like the idea of him standing up for something he believes in. Freedom of speech and all that good stuff. To me overall this is not a big deal and Im glad the NFL isnt going to punish him.

Quote:Would you tell someone who had breast cancer that their concerns are any less valid because "all cancers matter"? All lives matter is a very racist statement, in that it attempts to undermine and delegitimization the very valid criticism of the systematic oppression of all those in color. Read a book if you don't understand what I'm saying.

This is terrible logic.  If you want to draw awareness to a particular facet of breast cancer, you should be specific about the issue.  All cancers do matter. Does a person's breast cancer supersede another person's prostate cancer?   I don't think any sane person would suggest otherwise.  Regardless, it's hard to take you seriously when you include an ad hominem in your post. Let me see if I can put this another way.


Black Lives Matter is a message.  To understand what it is conveying to the populace, you only need to look at the anti-thesis of that statement, namely, black lives don't matter.  Very few people in this nation believe black lives don't matter.  So, to make that the predominant theme of your movement comes across as unnecessary and borderline offensive to a majority of people in this country.  There are much better ways to address the actual disadvantages faced by the black community and garner American sympathy, but, so far, those issues have been ignored.  In addition, BLM makes no attempt to differentiate between lawful and unlawful actions, which is ultimately hurting the black community (i.e. The Ferguson Effect).  


If you want to debate this, you are welcome to it, but there are plenty of facts to support this position.


That said, it is my personal opinion that Colin Kaepernick has a right to take that stand in the same way that Americans have a right to consider it inflammatory.  I don't believe that taking a stand against an entire country is the optimal way to address the issue.  The divisive tactics of progressives are not healing race relations in this country.


Quote:This is terrible logic. If you want to draw awareness to a particular facet of breast cancer, you should be specific about the issue. All cancers do matter. Does a person's breast cancer supersede another person's prostate cancer? I don't think any sane person would suggest otherwise. Regardless, it's hard to take you seriously when you include an ad hominem in your post. Let me see if I can put this another way.

Black Lives Matter is a message. To understand what it is conveying to the populace, you only need to look at the anti-thesis of that statement, namely, black lives don't matter. Very few people in this nation believe black lives don't matter. So, to make that the predominant theme of your movement comes across as unnecessary and borderline offensive to a majority of people in this country. There are much better ways to address the actual disadvantages faced by the black community and garner American sympathy, but, so far, those issues have been ignored. In addition, BLM makes no attempt to differentiate between lawful and unlawful actions, which is ultimately hurting the black community (i.e. The Ferguson Effect).

If you want to debate this, you are welcome to it, but there are plenty of facts to support this position.

That said, it is my personal opinion that Colin Kaepernick has a right to take that stand in the same way that Americans have a right to consider it inflammatory. I don't believe that taking a stand against an entire country is the optimal way to address the issue. The divisive tactics of progressives are not healing race relations in this country.
What are these better ways to address the actual disadvantages? Have they been tried before? Did they make you want to become more involved? I'm asking because if they are/were working we need to spread the word, especially if they moved you enough to become involved.
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