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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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I don't recall many instances where someone used negativity to promote their cause where it ended up being successful in winning the hearts and minds of those they intended to target with their message.  It won't be successful here either.  It's just ignorance and hate raising it's hand to identify itself.  Take note.

There are too many to posts in this thread for me to quote all of my favorite,  so forgive me if my comments have already been posted.


Nationwide criticism of Colin Kapernick's decision to sit or kneel down during the national anthem has quickly become successful. Seattle's Jeremy Lane did it before a preseason game. Now Brandon Marshall is kneeing with one foot on the grass while the anthem is played. The Seahawks are planning a unity demonstration, not declined to provide any details. Many teams are going to catch on by the end of 2016.

Quote:This would be a disgrace to everything that we are as a country.  I can't imagine something like that going down and if it does the NFL can pretty much say goodbye to a lot of fans/revenue.  I don't give a [BAD WORD REMOVED] if a player wants to "protest" by whatever means he chooses, but when you have a bunch of lemmings doing the same thing that is disrespectful to our flag and our country, I have a real problem with that.

lol i highly doubt many fans are going to stop watching the nfl/buying tickets because of this...
Quote:lol i highly doubt many fans are going to stop watching the nfl/buying tickets because of this...

Well they should, you'll see how fast those players stand up.
Quote:This would be a disgrace to everything that we are as a country.  I can't imagine something like that going down and if it does the NFL can pretty much say goodbye to a lot of fans/revenue.  I don't give a [BAD WORD REMOVED] if a player wants to "protest" by whatever means he chooses, but when you have a bunch of lemmings doing the same thing that is disrespectful to our flag and our country, I have a real problem with that.

LOL a disgrace?  Exercising your freedoms is a disgrace now?  You really don't care about the Constitution do you?  Just admit it.  You want people to bow down to your authority.  No offense, but that's not a very American attitude you have going on there. 
Quote:Well they should, you'll see how fast those players stand up.

Here's a fun fact:  Players get paid whether fans show up or not...  
Quote:I don't recall many instances where someone used negativity to promote their cause where it ended up being successful in winning the hearts and minds of those they intended to target with their message. It won't be successful here either. It's just ignorance and hate raising it's hand to identify itself. Take note.

Is it really negativity? Or is it simply protest you don't like. In the grand scheme, it's taking a knee. It's not flipping the bird or turning one's back. I love this country, but I don't believe for a second they always have my best interests in mind with every action they take. Should we always blindly support every action the US takes without question? There is a group that feels marginalized and is taking a stand. You don't have to like it or agree with it. But can you put yourself in their shoes for a moment and understand why they may feel that way? Personally, I think people who are getting so bent out of shape over it are being hypersensitive. These people are saying over and over they don't have issue with cops or the military. They are seeking social change and calling attention to some ugly truths. That's all.
Black protesters take to the streets to march and they are called thugs and terrorists.  A black football player takes a knee during the national anthem and he's called a piece of (Bad Word Removed).  


Black people can't win.  Apparently, for the authoritarians the only type of protest should be done in your own home where nobody is bothered by it.
Quote:Black protesters take to the streets to march and they are called thugs and terrorists. A black football player takes a knee during the national anthem and he's called a piece of (Bad Word Removed).

Black people can't win. Apparently, for the authoritarians the only type of protest should be done in your own home where nobody is bothered by it.

Why dont black protesters take to the streets when its black on black crime? Its because they would take to the streets every 5 hours. Black on black crimes are at a record high in Chicago it was announced yesterday. But the moment a white person commits the same crime, lets take to the streets.
Quote:Why dont black protesters take to the streets when its black on black crime? Its because they would take to the streets every 5 hours. Black on black crimes are at a record high in Chicago it was announced yesterday. But the moment a white person commits the same crime, lets take to the streets.

Dumb arguments are dumb.  It's good to know that you are so lacking in actual critical thinking skills that you can be duped by the conservative propaganda.  


<p style="font-size:18px;font-family:Georgia, 'Droid Serif', serif;color:rgb(51,51,51);">Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention.

<p style="font-size:18px;font-family:Georgia, 'Droid Serif', serif;color:rgb(51,51,51);">Did you hear about the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, the nation's oldest black Greek-letter fraternity, marching down 79th Street last month to protest shootings in Chatham? How about the army of mothers in Englewood who gather at the scene of every shooting and patrol the streets of their neighborhood on foot? And what about the annual peace march in Grand Crossing that draws hundreds of South Siders onto the streets at the start of the school year?

<p style="font-size:18px;font-family:Georgia, 'Droid Serif', serif;color:rgb(51,51,51);">This is a sample of what you overlooked while you were busy keeping tabs on the weekly death count. You need those numbers when spouting off that blacks kill more blacks than white cops do. 

<p style="font-size:18px;font-family:Georgia, 'Droid Serif', serif;color:rgb(51,51,51);">http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/colum...story.html
Must be a new found conviction for CK. When he was balling out and kissing biceps he wasn't sitting. Well at least it bothers him now.........Right?

Quote:Must be a new found conviction for CK. When he was balling out and kissing biceps he wasn't sitting. Well at least it bothers him now.........Right?

Better late then never, right?
Quote:Better late then never, right?
I guess. Unless maybe your a dead black guy that his sitting earlier for might have saved.
Quote:Dumb arguments are dumb. It's good to know that you are so lacking in actual critical thinking skills that you can be duped by the conservative propaganda.

Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention.

Did you hear about the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, the nation's oldest black Greek-letter fraternity, marching down 79th Street last month to protest shootings in Chatham? How about the army of mothers in Englewood who gather at the scene of every shooting and patrol the streets of their neighborhood on foot? And what about the annual peace march in Grand Crossing that draws hundreds of South Siders onto the streets at the start of the school year?

This is a sample of what you overlooked while you were busy keeping tabs on the weekly death count. You need those numbers when spouting off that blacks kill more blacks than white cops do.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/ct-black-crime-glanton-talk-20151206-story.html'>http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/ct-black-crime-glanton-talk-20151206-story.html</a>

Deep down, they may actually care about black on black crime on the surface, but it damn sure doesn't influence them much.
Quote:Deep down, they may actually care about black on black crime on the surface, but it damn sure doesn't influence them much.

Well, that's a deeper discussion, isn't it?
Marshall says he did it because of a police incident in Miami this offseason.  He was in a restaurant, gunshots were fired outside the place, and when the police showed up, they asked everyone to exit the restaurant.  They were telling patrons which way to exit, but Marshall says, "I went my own way".  He got surrounded by police and threatened with a taser.  So that's why he's protesting.  He didn't follow a lawful order and got singled out for it, so it's obviously "social injustice". 

Quote:Marshall says he did it because of a police incident in Miami this offseason.  He was in a restaurant, gunshots were fired outside the place, and when the police showed up, they asked everyone to exit the restaurant.  They were telling patrons which way to exit, but Marshall says, "I went my own way".  He got surrounded by police and threatened with a taser.  So that's why he's protesting.  He didn't follow a lawful order and got singled out for it, so it's obviously "social injustice". 
Link please.
Quote:LOL a disgrace?  Exercising your freedoms is a disgrace now?  You really don't care about the Constitution do you?  Just admit it.  You want people to bow down to your authority.  No offense, but that's not a very American attitude you have going on there. 

You do recognize that exercising a freedom and behaving disgracefully aren't mutually exclusive, yes?
Quote:Well, that's a deeper discussion, isn't it?

No, it's just racist talk, so shut up!


Quote:Why dont black protesters take to the streets when its black on black crime? Its because they would take to the streets every 5 hours. Black on black crimes are at a record high in Chicago it was announced yesterday. But the moment a white person commits the same crime, lets take to the streets.

Maybe I am missing something in this whole 'black on black crime' thing. It seems like a red herring to me but perhaps you can explain it to me. My understanding is that the vast majority of black crime (especially murder) is 'black on black'. It is also my understanding that the same goes for 'white on white' crime, the overwhelming majority of whites are killed by whites. From what I understand, most people are killed by people they know, and folks tend to live near and with others of similar racial identification. If so, it seems the whole 'black on black' crime thing isn't really that relevant. Can you clarify this?


Edit - too funny, I just skimmed the infowars link somebody (jagibelieve?) put up a while back, and it uses the exact same phrase 'red herring' in discussing what dems say about the black on black crime thing.

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