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Full Version: Colin Kap won't stand for National Anthem...just wow
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Quote:You know the quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
Quote:A strong military presence overseas, actively engaged in seeking out and destroying terrorist organizations and training camps before they get the chance to come here and harm us, helps me sleep at night.
I do as well. Unfortunately many of us don't follow that mantra enough.

I think it's because you need someone who shares similar ideas to discuss. It's easier to gossip.

Now...on to Kaepernicks socks. Did you see them? Omg omg omg omg
Quote:Anyone intelligent enough and open-minded enough to realize and admit that terrorists aren't going away, except in a body bag.
Quote:Are you proposing cops being put in body bags? Huh
Quote:I don't know what humor you're referring to sir. As a member of the world wide Pan-African community, cops are the only terrorist I know of. I just asked the man if he really believes they should be in body bags. I wasn't making a joke.


In no way, shape, or form do I believe GOOD cops should be in body bags. I would never advocate put a GOOD cop in a body bad either. No one should want a GOOD cop in a body bag. There's nothing funny about GOOD cops being in body bags either.


Anyways, I'm hungry. I'm making my favorite treat. Yummy!!!! Banana

[Image: pigs_in_a_blanket.JPG]

You really think cops are terrorists?

Nice munchies though. Little weenies wrapped in white bread
Quote:You know the quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Great Quote! Honestly, Integrity and Justice are my favorites Ideas.  :thumbsup:

You really think cops are terrorists?

Nice munchies though. Little weenies wrapped in white bread


What percentage of cops are terrorists?  Like 50%, 40%, what?
Quote:What percentage of cops are terrorists?  Like 50%, 40%, what?

98% of all I've encountered personally. I'd say about 6% of the ones I see in movies.

Quote:98% of all I've encountered personally. I'd say about 6% of the ones I see in movies.

That explains a lot.
Quote:98% of all I've encountered personally. I'd say about 6% of the ones I see in movies.

I'd move. You can do that can't you? There are other continents that are more suitable to you, I'm sure.
Quote:I'd move. You can do that can't you? There are other continents that are more suitable to you, I'm sure.

Cowards can't move me and I don't move for cowards. 
I'm going to go support my man Colin. 


FTP everyone  :thumbsup:


Forget the Policy

Quote:I'm going to go support my man Colin. 


FTP everyone  :thumbsup:


Forget the Policy

Exactly what policy should we be forgetting?
Quote:Exactly what policy should we be forgetting?

A policy. You know, a place where police work.
Quote:Regarding your first question, I'm of the belief that any citizen of this country that refuses to honor the very country that they live in given the freedom and opportunity is an idiot.  Someone that speaks out against our country is a coward, especially when they have done nothing to support or defend it.  I could go on-and-on regarding what I think of Colin Kaepernick and people like him, but that's a whole other thing.


I guess we are going to just have to agree to disagree on this one. Based on his responses in his interview
 , I thought he was in support of the ideals that America stands for, but felt that it wasn't living up to those ideals. Personally I don't find speaking out against something you see as wrong as cowardly, I see it as supportive of democracy. 


Regarding your story, I do believe that times are changing.  I don't think that there are many members of this board or forum that are old enough to remember when segregation was real.  Is there still racism around?  Certainly.  Do people of another color or another race get certain "looks" from others at times?  Certainly.  I've actually had it happen to me personally.  My point is, that behavior is fading away.


Sadly, I tend to agree with you here. Not sad that it is fading away, but sad that it is probably similar to revolutions in science. Significant change doesn't happen so much because of a general 'eureka' moment, but as believers in antiquated ideas die off. Still, while overt racism has faded, I feel racial issues still greatly affect many people's thinking and actions. I am sure this is a bit of a cliche, but
have shown that people with 'black' names do not get the same treatment in the economic market. And While I am not really into looking 
up a bunch of citations. I believe there are a number of studies
showing a disproportionate number of profiling and perception incidents that affect fair treatment of blacks. These studies aren't ancient history, to the best of my knowledge.


Regarding what your final comment was about.  Show me where anyone from BLM or any movement made any comment that suggests the former of your interpretation.  Quite frankly it leans more towards the latter.


Not sure where you are getting that it leans toward the latter. Guess I will just
the reference from the BLM site, might check out point eight in the linked page.


I personally agree with the former comment, but when anyone says that ALL LIVES MATTER it now becomes an issue of "hate speech".  The DNC even has plans for that.  It's not about trying to solve a problem, it's about how to pander for votes.


Again, I think it depends on how you interpret the intent of those in the BLM movement toward the missing part of the sentence. It seems we both agree with the former interpretation, but you believe that those supportive of the BLM movement generally think it is the latter, whereas I don't see where you draw that conclusion. I certainly don't think that 'All Lives Matter' is hate speech, but it think it is a misunderstanding of what those who feel 'Black Lives Matter' are saying when they make the statement. 
Anyway, appreciate the feedback. Discussions about race can be right up there with abortion and religion when it comes to difficult subjects, I hope everyone can do their best to remain civil while addressing such thorny issues. 
Quote:Exactly what policy should we be forgetting?

The, uh, one where you get to keep posting after using a term like "coon?"
Quote:The, uh, one where you get to keep posting after using a term like "coon?"

I've apparently missed something... :blink:
Quote:I've apparently missed something... :blink:

Yeah, this guy is a real personality.
Much respect to the brave individuals doing their duty to their people. Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid and Jeremy Lane, we salute you.

Quote:Much respect to the brave individuals doing their duty to their people. Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid and Jeremy Lane, we salute you.

No "we" don't.   
Quote:Cowards can't move me and I don't move for cowards.

Ok. Stay where you feel oppressed. If I didn't feel welcome, I certainly wouldn't try to make someone like me, and stick around. There are places where one would be more welcome and less oppressed. But some others rather complain, raise their fists and shout poor me, I'm oppressed. But assuming you're in your heroes shoes, kaepernick, Reid,etc...and have their cash flow....your oppression is easier to take innit?

Stay angry my friend.
This thread. I'm so confused by it.
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