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(01-23-2018, 12:37 PM)EastSideDawg Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-23-2018, 12:25 PM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe it's me.

I've only been watching football three decades and have never seen a game where literally every call goes one team's way.

Sometimes the ball bounces a certain way. Sometimes there are flukes.

This just doesn't feel that way at all. I cannot ignore it. I cannot ignore zero penalties going against the New England offense or defense when clearly there were many that could have been called.

Sorry. Not sorry.

did you watch the jags/ browns game  this year  ....browns had 0 penalties after averaging like 8 a game for the rest of the season.....the fix is in

Is this how sad Pats fans are? Pretend to be fans of another team to post this drivel?

Newsflash Bostonian... no one outside of your [BLEEP] city do they think the refs are fair or your team is disciplined.
Ok so since the NFL is obviously rigged, I wonder if they'll prop up the Jags next year for the big AFC Championship rematch vs the Pats? It will be interesting to see the types of calls Jags will get next year and I think we'll all be able to tell pretty early on how it's gonna go lol.  I'll tell you guys one thing - I'll be watching the calls we get extremely closely all season now, if I can even make myself watch it next year (seriously having doubts right now but hopefully I'll come back around to it by next season). 

I've honestly been thinking the NFL is rigged for a while now, like a few seasons but I've never wanted to totally admit it. After what happened Sunday, I think it's near impossible to deny anymore now.  Before the game I've made posts all over the net saying that if it's reffed fairly Jags have a good chance. If it's Jags vs Refs it's gonna be a tough game. We all saw how they went.

Once the drive with the late delay flag thrown happened I knew the hose was in and I posted that to my Facebook at the time of the Gronk flag. I was posting as that play happened "Here come the refs, gotta will the Pats to a TD this drive" and sure enough that's exactly what happened. It's pretty sad that u can actually figure out what's going to happen in what's supposed to be a competive sport. 

Here's to Jags getting "the treatment" next year, I guess...
In reality I don’t think it’s scripted. To many moving parts but I do beleive in homefeild advantage or refs being instructed to call a game a certain way. The reality is we drafted well, and our offense doesn’t have many playmakers with a young qb so it’s no surprise we have drives that stall or we struggle to score points. Bortles must be the greatest passer of all time if he can intentionally throw that ball just short so Gilmore, of all people, make that game clinching defensive play.

I do however think we have entered the consciousness of the viewing public and coupled with our high level talent will be seen as a favorite moving forward and we will be the recipient of beneficial calls. We make money for the league in London, we played in the most watched anything on tv in the afc championship game since the last super bowl. I see Jacksonville being one of the higher end franchises now and we’ll get a little favoritism moving forward. I would even be inclined to say once Brady and Ben retire, the afc will start going through the Jacksonville.
It's actually kind've starting to feel like beating a dead horse, but I found this somewhere and I apologize in advance is this isn't new thread worthy or has already been shared (I don't recall seeing it) but I thought it could he helpful as it shows all the questionable no calls from a unbiased Seahawks fan point of view and he does the no calls committed by the Jags too. 

This is DEFINITELY worth a look if you're feeling cheated but want to see the plays together in one place to see for yourself and confirm that "robbed" feeling:

It's not scripted and I don't think the Refs are instructed to call games in certain ways. But I think it's naive to think with Sports betting as big as it is in the US that the Refs aren't biased at times. It's either that or the Refs are extremely inconsistent. I think it may be several different issues that compound upon themselves. Football is a hard game to ref at times, several different rules and nuances you have to know and unlike other sports every single player is doing something during(usually engaged with an opposing player) every single play. I think the solution is to dial back the rules a bit, simplify them and to add additional refs and retrain them and pay them more money. On top of that, it should be a full time gig with training during the off-season. Refs should be held accountable for bad calls and they should be encouraged to let things go before they get whistle happy. The main issue is Refs are clearly having an impact on games and that's never a good thing, especially when calls are extremely questionable and are subject to personal interpretation of the rules.

Now it's possible the NFL wrote the rules this way so they could call in fixes, but I'm not entirely convinced of that. I just think the whole thing has gotten bloated and reactionary rules have been added and things are just a huge mess at the moment. Very little faith they'll attempt to clean it up since the NFL is gradually being run into the ground at this point.
just stop .......are you guys going to be the crybabies of the nfl.  its sports crazy things happen but you cant script sports. 

the jags had the ball with 3 minutes and 3 timeouts. All the Jaguars had to do make one play for a TD sustain one drive to win thats it.  they were in the better position they didn't do it.
I do think the refs are influenced by the home team crowd reactions. We can dissect every game and see non-calls. We're reacting emotionally now. That's expected.
Disappointing to see the refs chatting-up TB after the game, but not egregious. Guess if you've been there 7 straight years you become pretty familiar with the officials.
All the Jags had to do was drive down the field once in the 4th with receivers getting mugged to take the lead. However I have no doubt that if that happened the Pats would have driven down and scored as they were basically allowed to hold the entire game. Their game clinching run was a blatant hold right in front of the official and their only successful drive of the first half the refs moved them from their own 27 to the jags 13 by way of 2 penalties on back to back plays.
I fully beleive refs are instructed to call games certain ways.

AJ was hand fight with Brown all game in Pitt. I believe the game was meant to be called like that. The patriots literally got walked up the field a few times over the same stuff. On the flip side Lewis was interferenced with twice and neither was called. No team is perfect lol. I think it’s more telling to get 1 pentalty than it is to get 15.

We have also been told refs are instructed to let plays happen and then reveiw them afterwards but we have been victims to the early whistle at least 4 times this season. It is what it is. Even with all that we still had a chance to win the game just came up short.

I’m actually impressed we were that close in beating both the pats and the refs. Most teams just get smoked and lay down. Don’t worry. Brady will be gone before you know it and there will be balance in the force lol
We were obviously playing far better than the Pats. I think the league wants the Pats to get a sixth ring to promote the ring competition between the Steelers and them. Come on, just one penalty in the whole game against the Pats? That is simply unbelievable. There's enough photo evidence to the contrary. Our D was man handling their offense and our offense was shutting their D down. They didn't know if we were going to pass or run. Home cooking no doubt. The NFL can't have an upstart team like the Jags beating the SB champs at home, one game out from the SB. Oh my God, what would happen to the TV ratings?!
Don't know or care why the bias in officiating occurred. To deny that it occurred is laughable. The whole damn world saw it happen right in front of their eyes. It must be addressed by the league or there will be lasting consequences.

Ask any big time boxing fan what happens to a sport when it becomes obvious the fix is in. The sport fades into the background.
Statically we won basically all categories. Yards, top, turnovers. Except pentalties. Take that how you may
(01-23-2018, 02:01 PM)jagsfan1983 Wrote: [ -> ]All the Jags had to do was drive down the field once in the 4th with receivers getting mugged to take the lead. However I have no doubt that if that happened the Pats would have driven down and scored as they were basically allowed to hold the entire game. Their game clinching run was a blatant hold right in front of the official and their only successful drive of the first half the refs moved them from their own 27 to the jags 13 by way of 2 penalties on back to back plays.

focus on your team and not cry about the refs ..... its a B*** move jags d line was terrible in the postseason. where did they go tired? injured?  nope they got held  right ?give me a break. 

they arent as good as they think they are.   giants, ravens, broncos beat brady up i was hoping Jax would hit brady every other pass and pummel him but they didn't deliver.

Show me the last time the Pats were called for an offensive hold in the playoffs. I can wait.
I must say I do love all these "It's rigged!" posts that have populated all kinds of threads after the game. You knew they were coming - and they're really funny. I guess the emotionally fragile had to go there.

Would someone answer me this: what are the mechanics of fixing games for the Patriots - the team the NFL has severely punished twice, the last time with little or no evidence - but now they want the Pats to win?

Does Goodell make a call? Sent an e-mail? Text? Does he contact only the Head Ref or an entire crew? How has this never leaked to one of the 4,678 journalists covering the NFL? This would be Pulitzer Prize material. Why would Goodell risk his $40 mil a year job to help a team people in New England say he hates?

Ah - but it's rigged. It's a clear conspiracy I tell you! Don''t let facts and logic tell you otherwise. We was robbed!
(01-23-2018, 02:19 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]I must say I do love all these "It's rigged!" posts that have populated all kinds of threads after the game. You knew they were coming - and they're really funny. I guess the emotionally fragile had to go there.

Would someone answer me this: what are the mechanics of fixing games for the Patriots - the team the NFL has severely punished twice, the last time with little or no evidence - but now they want the Pats to win?

Does Goodell make a call? Sent an e-mail? Text? Does he contact only the Head Ref or an entire crew? How has this never leaked to one of the 4,678 journalists covering the NFL? This would be Pulitzer Prize material. Why would Goodell risk his $40 mil a year job to help a team people in New England say he hates?

Ah - but it's rigged. It's a clear conspiracy I tell you! Don''t let facts and logic tell you otherwise. We was robbed!

Facts and logic? The Patriots are a big deal for the NFL and play the villain. How many do you think tune in to the super bowl in hopes that Brady is knocked off his throne. Having the Patriots in the super bowl is a cash cow for the NFL. Much moreso than the Jags. Deflategate and spygate are just drama that fan the flames.

My eyes told me (and plenty of other unbiased spectators) that a certain team got far more benefit from the officiating than the other team. Who knows, maybe the Patriots played the cleanest game in the playoffs since...the 2011 Patriots. There is photographic/video evidence that would seem to contradict that though.
It's not rigged. But some teams get the "benefit of the doubt" moreso than others. Steelers were the top one. Looks like the Pats now slid into their spot.

Conspiracy Theories....
So is a Patriots-Eagles Super Bowl supposed to be some kind of political propoganda? I mean just look at the team names. America's Super Bowl? Big Grin
(01-23-2018, 12:31 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-23-2018, 12:25 PM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe it's me.

I've only been watching football three decades and have never seen a game where literally every call goes one team's way.

Sometimes the ball bounces a certain way. Sometimes there are flukes.

This just doesn't feel that way at all. I cannot ignore it. I cannot ignore zero penalties going against the New England offense or defense when clearly there were many that could have been called.

Sorry. Not sorry.
Just to clarify, do you think the refs missed any calls against us?

A few I saw. 

They didn't miss [BLEEP] ALL of them.
(01-23-2018, 01:55 PM)EastSideDawg Wrote: [ -> ]just stop .......are you guys going to be the crybabies of the nfl.  its sports crazy things happen but you cant script sports. 

the jags had the ball with 3 minutes and 3 timeouts. All the Jaguars had to do make one play for a TD sustain one drive to win thats it.  they were in the better position they didn't do it.

The Jaguars made a play with 13:49 to play in the game to score a TD that would have made it 27-10. Bad officiating kept them out of the end zone.
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