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Caldrac I know where your getting a lot of this information from, listen man I've been down that rabbit hole. At some point you realize all those conspiracies have one thing in common, the evil western empire is pulling all the puppet strings, and if you dig deeper it's the liberal Jews that bank it all.

Lots of that stuff is foreign propaganda ment to undermine western influence, you mix in a little truth a little exaggeration and some flat out lies and boom you have a bonafide western media is behind the industrial complex banked by the Jews to establish a nwo and take your freedoms. I know you'll blow this off but give it some time it'll click one day.

No sense in arguing about it with you because where your coming from I can't make an points that will make you think or reflect.
My advice to anyone is not become too emotionally or ideologically invested in what’s happening there. It’s an endless religious conflict that will consume anyone who stands too close.
(10-09-2023, 09:50 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-09-2023, 09:32 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]Israel is a perfect study of what happens when you appease an enemy and allow them to nest in your border. Israel should move to eliminate Hamas with prejudice they must be rooted out and eliminated. It will be ugly and bloody but if they don't go full throttle and eliminate all support for Hamas they will simply suffer the same attacks again.

Liberalism has left Israel weak and now they are suffering for it. They have rejected a two state solution 5 times since 1927, And twice since 2008. Palastine only acceptable outcome is no Israel you can't negotiate with them you can't appease them you can't coexist with them.

The real problem is Iran, time is coming that someone is going to have to take action against Iran. I fully support Israel, I can also acknowledge a lot of the problems they have they created.
Disagree. Until our Government gets it's hands out of being the world police, or, worse, which I think it really is, a power hungry military industrial complex. None of this will stop.

We gave money to Iran. They had access to billions of dollars to fund Hamas. This is classic, good old fashioned, USA "intervention" that caused this.

I am so tired of people being brainwashed by the media, virtually owned by the jewish elite to begin with, boot licking for Israel because the media said so.

Pathetic. Try harder. There's a tax paying sucker born here every minute now. Israel is a perfect example of what western power hungry influence can do with billions of dollars at it's disposal.

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So all these posts you continue to make in the political section….. and you’re not brainwashed?

Lol if I was you, I would take a break from social media.
(10-09-2023, 10:29 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 848d1bea691f8de18215e2d00bebf9ad.jpg]

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(10-09-2023, 10:27 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of swallowing the propaganda.
Speaking of bootlickers...

The guy that swallows Pro-Vax everything.

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"But..but..but.. the media told me"

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Ah yes, touched the nerve I see. We can tell by the differences in heat between your and my responses to those topics who's got the investment.
(10-09-2023, 11:01 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.instagram.com/p/COwJ5ZeAfe-/...ODBiNWFlZA==


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That guy partners with Holocaust deniers, he's like the David Koresh of Judaism.
I am going to bow out of this topic. As it will result without a doubt me being banned or labeled something I am not. You guys can believe whatever you want to believe. That's not my business.

At the end of the day? There's a ton of strings that are being pulled here and abroad at the expense of the American Tax Payer and at the expense of innocent lives being taken on BOTH sides due to a long, standing manufactured conflict that benefits a few and condemns the many.

Telling me to stay away from social media, when, all you see in the mainstream media is PRO Israel, PRO Jewish people and ANTI Muslim people and ANTI Palestinian people, is, once again, rich. When I shared multiple videos of lifeless children, parents begging for their salvation and they're just as bloodied as the so called "oppressed".

I encourage all of you to do some soul searching. Especially if you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. All I ultimately care about at the end of the day, as previously stated, is, cui bono? Follow the money. It often times never lies and reveals the truth in due time.

If being a Nationalist that wants to put Americans first, regardless of color and creed, and, my concern as to where our tax money is going while our country goes to [BLEEP] leads to me being labeled a Racist or Antisemite?


Now, you guys can all carry on back to getting your regular dose of poison of choice from FAUX or CNN and I'll go back to my poison of choice. Promptly [BLEEP] off in the other direction. Bye, bye, have a blessed day now!
(10-10-2023, 08:11 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]I am going to bow out of this topic. As it will result without a doubt me being banned or labeled something I am not. You guys can believe whatever you want to believe. That's not my business.

At the end of the day? There's a ton of strings that are being pulled here and abroad at the expense of the American Tax Payer and at the expense of innocent lives being taken on BOTH sides due to a long, standing manufactured conflict that benefits a few and condemns the many.

Telling me to stay away from social media, when, all you see in the mainstream media is PRO Israel, PRO Jewish people and ANTI Muslim people and ANTI Palestinian people, is, once again, rich. When I shared multiple videos of lifeless children, parents begging for their salvation and they're just as bloodied as the so called "oppressed".

I encourage all of you to do some soul searching. Especially if you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. All I ultimately care about at the end of the day, as previously stated, is, cui bono? Follow the money. It often times never lies and reveals the truth in due time.

If being a Nationalist that wants to put Americans first, regardless of color and creed, and, my concern as to where our tax money is going while our country goes to [BLEEP] leads to me being labeled a Racist or Antisemite?


Now, you guys can all carry on back to getting your regular dose of poison of choice from FAUX or CNN and I'll go back to my poison of choice. Promptly [BLEEP] off in the other direction. Bye, bye, have a blessed day now!

Yeah, you clearly can't see the difference between the restraint Israel shows and the actual use of civilian human shields by the guys who terrorize unsuspecting concert goers. If the Muslims would stop attacking there would be no violence, if the Israelis drop their guard there will be no Israel.
(10-09-2023, 10:17 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]If you stand with Israel. You're wrong. If you stand with Palestine you're wrong. Both are backed and funded by crooked, corrupted military industrial complex supporters and financial backers.
This pretty much sums it up.
(10-10-2023, 08:40 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 08:11 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]I am going to bow out of this topic. As it will result without a doubt me being banned or labeled something I am not. You guys can believe whatever you want to believe. That's not my business.

At the end of the day? There's a ton of strings that are being pulled here and abroad at the expense of the American Tax Payer and at the expense of innocent lives being taken on BOTH sides due to a long, standing manufactured conflict that benefits a few and condemns the many.

Telling me to stay away from social media, when, all you see in the mainstream media is PRO Israel, PRO Jewish people and ANTI Muslim people and ANTI Palestinian people, is, once again, rich. When I shared multiple videos of lifeless children, parents begging for their salvation and they're just as bloodied as the so called "oppressed".

I encourage all of you to do some soul searching. Especially if you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. All I ultimately care about at the end of the day, as previously stated, is, cui bono? Follow the money. It often times never lies and reveals the truth in due time.

If being a Nationalist that wants to put Americans first, regardless of color and creed, and, my concern as to where our tax money is going while our country goes to [BLEEP] leads to me being labeled a Racist or Antisemite?


Now, you guys can all carry on back to getting your regular dose of poison of choice from FAUX or CNN and I'll go back to my poison of choice. Promptly [BLEEP] off in the other direction. Bye, bye, have a blessed day now!

Yeah, you clearly can't see the difference between the restraint Israel shows and the actual use of civilian human shields by the guys who terrorize unsuspecting concert goers. If the Muslims would stop attacking there would be no violence, if the Israelis drop their guard there will be no Israel.

[Image: th?id=OIP.4DcwVfhmu0AWFzbgZcHCPAHaDI&w=3...d=3.1&rm=2]
(10-10-2023, 08:11 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]I am going to bow out of this topic. As it will result without a doubt me being banned or labeled something I am not. You guys can believe whatever you want to believe. That's not my business.

Actually, I thought you had great input and some of the information you provided supported some of my preconceived thoughts that Israel is plenty at fault.  Everyone (including you) have also acknowledged Hamas is is plenty at fault as well but you provided some startling data & facts that really support what Palestinians are faced with in their losing battle to maintain land in the region being slowly taken over by the Israelis as they are being slowly forced out.
Israel exists, therefore they are at fault. It's the Muslim way.
(10-10-2023, 09:27 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Israel exists, therefore they are at fault. It's the Muslim way.

Check out the map from 1940 - this land was Palestine.


Down at the bottom of the Wiki page (link below), there is a 100 year map history of the Middle East 1910 to 2010)

(10-10-2023, 09:27 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Israel exists, therefore they are at fault. It's the Muslim way.

Islamophobia exists. It's the American Mainstream media way. Therefore, brown people bad, white people with star of David on their flag good.

For the record. I have a mix background. Religiously and blood wise. Not a self hating Jew by any means. Grew up Christian on my Mom's side. My Dad has some Jewish heritage and background in him. Mostly Hungarian. He's an Athiest though. 

On my wife's side. They're Muslim, not devout by any means, not the praying to the East type of folks, they love bacon, pork, etc. My father in law is an Orthodox Christian. They witnessed Bosnia get torn apart after Tito's death and it was mostly rooted and based over religious conflict on a historical level.

I was an Agnostic. Practicing on being a Christian again. If that helps paint a picture as to where my stance and beliefs are coming from. Again, nothing against religion, nothing against Jewish people, Muslim people, or any people really. 

Just devoted to finding facts and sorting out fictions. If you're Pro-Israel. Good for you. Just know it's been a multi billion dollar investment for decades now and all of our hands are involved whether we like it or not due to how the tax payouts work and our politicians robbing us blind.

It's a big [BLEEP] show no matter what seat you have in the theater though. The issue is not the Jewish people nor Judaism. It's the fact that Israel is embedded heavily with Zionism ideology and that, in and of itself, spits directly in the face of Judaism. As they're not to set up shop. This is widely known amongst their faithful. It is, however, drowned out by the media and silenced.
Innocent people including Americans are dead, homeless, have lost loved ones and are being made pawns in a war that has always existed and will never end. Neither side/government is innocent but this attack on Israel, the worst since 1973, is by a known terrorist group who was voted into government and is funded by Iran. If you vote for terrorism you're going to get chaos. Will the end really justify the means?

I don't have strong feelings for one side or another but I do have strong feelings about innocent people on both sides being put in this situation due to things they have no control over.
(10-10-2023, 09:35 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 09:27 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Israel exists, therefore they are at fault. It's the Muslim way.

Check out the map from 1940 - this land was Palestine.


Down at the bottom of the Wiki page (link below), there is a 100 year map history of the Middle East 1910 to 2010)


Palestine in 1940 was patrolled by British troops and included settlements of both Muslims and Jews living in relative harmony. The first phase of the Zionist migration involved Muslim and Christian Arabs selling their land willingly to new Jewish settlers, mostly from Europe.  But there had been a significant minority of Jews there since Roman times, and it was majority Jewish before that.  When Titus destroyed Jerusalem, Jews were evicted from the city, but remained elsewhere in the province in large numbers.

Arabs had lived in the area since the 700s AD but they "ruled" it as part of a caliphate that was sometimes dominated by Persians, or Kurds, or Turks over its 1000+ years of existence.  The caliphate tolerated both Jews and Christians but only as second class citizens.  The polity tried to treat various ethnic and language groups equally, most of the time, but only if they were Muslim.

As much as we may fault Zionism for spoiling the stew so to speak, it was natural for Jews to want to want to organize a state for their religion when there had been 1000 years of them being in a state organized for a different religion.  We should also note that the Jews were dispersed throughout the Middle East during the caliphate years.  There were many in Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq.  In the fervor of the late 1940s and early 1950s, all of these Jews were expelled and Arabs forced them to go to Israel whther they believed in Zionism or not.  We should also remember that all of the Arabs of all religions who chose not to fight or flee in 1948 and 1949 are now full citizens of Israel who are free to practice their religions and run their own schools under Israeli rule.  You will find that the opposite is not true.  The tolerance only goes one way.
(10-10-2023, 10:09 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Innocent people including Americans are dead, homeless, have lost loved ones and are being made pawns in a war that has always existed and will never end. Neither side/government is innocent but this attack on Israel, the worst since 1973, is by a known terrorist group who was voted into government and is funded by Iran. If you vote for terrorism you're going to get chaos. Will the end really justify the means?

I don't have strong feelings for one side or another but I do have strong feelings about innocent people on both sides being put in this situation due to things they have no control over.

Most rationale people do. Congratulations, you have a heart. A rarity in these days. 

I have seen countless posts from Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine camps and they have the same, vicious rhetoric towards each other with nothing but cups filled with contempt and chalices filled with nothing but deeply rooted malice. 

It's a sad situation all the way around. Period. Both political parties over the decades have had their fair share in this conflict. Currently, the Democrats. You cannot defend the $6B that Biden handed over to Iran. Just like when Obama was pulling his [BLEEP] with the Nuclear deal with Iran during his term and gave a handsome payout to Palestine on his way out. 

That's where I implore people to look and dig the farthest for. It's always been about money and land grabbing. Everybody just likes to hide behind their religion because it's an easy cop out, an easy excuse. 

The part that really breaks my heart is there are innocent people in Gaza too. Their population is 2 million. The Hamas fighters and support staff that are actively engaged in trying to kill Israelis probably number less than 20,000. Do you think maybe 1% of the people in Gaza are disgusted by all of this? That would be 20,000 innocent people who are now going to be under a starvation seige from Israel for an unknow amount of time.
Its probably more than 1% . What would you do if you were born in Gaza? How would you work towards eliminating Hamas and replacing them with a rational government? There are no easy answers.
(10-10-2023, 01:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The part that really breaks my heart is there are innocent people in Gaza too.  Their population is 2 million.  The Hamas fighters and support staff that are actively engaged in trying to kill Israelis probably number less than 20,000.  Do you think maybe 1% of the people in Gaza are disgusted by all of this? That would be 20,000 innocent people who are now going to be under a starvation seige from Israel for an unknow amount of time.
Its probably more than 1% .  What would you do if you were born in Gaza? How would you work towards eliminating Hamas and replacing them with a rational government? There are no easy answers.

You can't. You're born into a ghetto and you're not even allowed to pick a side really. You're just born into the wrong system, with the wrong people at the wrong time in a never ending conflict. 

But, it's all the Muslims doing. It's all Islam's fault. Israel (well, let me be careful, specific groups of a specific religion, not the people and religion as a whole) essentially desires the genocide of these people. 

Also, here's another thing to consider. Where would these 2 million people go if some type of deal was brokered? And, it results in Palestine being erased beneath the sands and Israel expanding itself upon it?

Do these people get displaced to us here in the states? Do they get to go to other Western countries or parts of Europe? Nobody would want them anyway. Too risky. Too sketchy. Too many fears of domestic terrorism being brewed up. Just like the fears now with the US Southern border.

These people are nothing more than camp fodder, cornered rats that are completely [BLEEP] at the end of the day. I cannot shake some of the things I have seen. That man holding his baby girl, lifeless, in an emergency room is a punch to the gut. Genuinely cannot believe people take a side in this and condone this. It's shameful. 

I don't care who you vote for. We can do better than that, folks. We can do better than that. Do our tax dollars really need to be aiding these countries with their problems when we have enough over here to worry about at the moment? We can't even trust these people to do the right, humanitarian thing with our tax dollars.
(10-10-2023, 02:02 AM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]No sense in arguing about it with you because where your coming from I can't make an points that will make you think or reflect.

This entire Political section is all about arguing differing views.  Smile
(10-10-2023, 01:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The part that really breaks my heart is there are innocent people in Gaza too.  Their population is 2 million.  The Hamas fighters and support staff that are actively engaged in trying to kill Israelis probably number less than 20,000.  Do you think maybe 1% of the people in Gaza are disgusted by all of this? That would be 20,000 innocent people who are now going to be under a starvation seige from Israel for an unknow amount of time.
Its probably more than 1% .  What would you do if you were born in Gaza? How would you work towards eliminating Hamas and replacing them with a rational government? There are no easy answers.

Most people in the Gaza Strip are never even allowed to leave the 140 square miles region, as dictated by the Israeli Gov.  Think about that.  The Gaza Strip is 6x LESS the size of Jacksonville.   Imagine being trapped in a city 6x less then the size of Jacksonville and never being able to leave.  C R A Z Y !!!!
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