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(10-13-2023, 09:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Air Force One was spotted flying over Egypt about two hours ago. It's also been reported that Israeli soldiers are giving weapons to "settlers" in the area and telling them to begin moving into Palestine and taking over their homes. We're also in the process of sending a [BLEEP] ton of warheads to drop on them.

Can't wait to see what Sleepy Joe does over there. He has a chance to call for a ceasefire and ask for a resolution, as it's clear Gaza has taken it's beating enough by now. Or, he can be toppled over as a "leader" and undermined some more. We're fixing to see a very, very interesting 48 hours here. Iran now has to make a decision. Involve themselves directly or stand back and cower amongst your friends in the East.

Damn. May God have mercy on their souls over there. Especially for the already beaten, broken and scarred. I wish them all the very best, in this life and the next. Shameful that it has come down to this. And, after the dust eventually settles? We'll be left with more questions that we'll never have the answers to. It's 2023 folks. The human race has showed, once again, not much evolution as a species.

That's not clear. In fact, every time Israel gets attacked and responds in kind folks like you start demanding they stop before they win. The hell with it, go Israel, push it over the finish line this time. Then we can have the peace of strength in place. Maybe they can go ahead and take out Iran while they're at it. Enough half measures, win the damn thing so we can all go home.
(10-13-2023, 09:43 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-13-2023, 09:19 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]Egypt is allowing NO one to exit the southern border.

I have not idea what "Israel released Gaza to control their border with Egypt" even means since Gaza is a region not a government. If you meant to state Israel released Palestine to control their border with Egypt that is absolutely not true.  Palestine does not control any portion of the Gaza border.  Why are you talking about 2005 when I am posting about the current situation.

I was responding to JIB.  You are correct that since the attacks began Israel is not allowing anyone to leave, and neither is Egypt.  You are also correct that before the attacks, even though some people were allowed to come and go, most people in Gaza were never allowed to come and go.  So your first post was basically correct.  It's JIB's post that was wrong.  Then your post replying to me, you got more specific and your specifics are unfortunately wrong.  Every border has authorities on both sides.  The two authorities must both consent for that border to be open.  If one does not, it is closed.  The border crossing between Gaza and Egypt has not had an Israeli presence since 2005 when Israel withdrew their military from the strip.  Since 2006 when Hamas took over the strip, it has been open only sporadically, and only for very few people and no goods, because Egypt does not formally recognize Hamas.

Ok, that makes sense if you were responding to JIB but since my statement was bolded, I had thought you were responding to my statement.

True, there is representation by both sides at each border but it only takes 1 side to veto an exit so that essentially means any exit must be granted by Israel to the north or Egypt to the south.  As such, by definition, my statement is correct that Palestine does not control any portion of the Gaza border because their vote essentially means nothing if Egypt and Israel doesn't consent.   Palestine does not have the power to influence or direct the Israeli's (or Egyptians) behavior or course of events as they are merely a puppet at the border crossing, checking passports and such, but not granting exits.

the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events."the whole operation is under the control of a production manager"

the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.
"the power of speech"

the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.
"she had me under her power"
(10-13-2023, 10:21 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-13-2023, 09:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Air Force One was spotted flying over Egypt about two hours ago. It's also been reported that Israeli soldiers are giving weapons to "settlers" in the area and telling them to begin moving into Palestine and taking over their homes. We're also in the process of sending a [BLEEP] ton of warheads to drop on them.

Can't wait to see what Sleepy Joe does over there. He has a chance to call for a ceasefire and ask for a resolution, as it's clear Gaza has taken it's beating enough by now. Or, he can be toppled over as a "leader" and undermined some more. We're fixing to see a very, very interesting 48 hours here. Iran now has to make a decision. Involve themselves directly or stand back and cower amongst your friends in the East.

Damn. May God have mercy on their souls over there. Especially for the already beaten, broken and scarred. I wish them all the very best, in this life and the next. Shameful that it has come down to this. And, after the dust eventually settles? We'll be left with more questions that we'll never have the answers to. It's 2023 folks. The human race has showed, once again, not much evolution as a species.

That's not clear. In fact, every time Israel gets attacked and responds in kind folks like you start demanding they stop before they win. The hell with it, go Israel, push it over the finish line this time. Then we can have the peace of strength in place. Maybe they can go ahead and take out Iran while they're at it. Enough half measures, win the damn thing so we can all go home.
Coming to the conclusion that you're either.

A. Jewish
B. Hate Brown People
C. Both

"Folks like you". Let me tell you something. You don't know a [BLEEP] damn thing about me. Other than what I sold you or anybody on here for that matter.

You're the same moron that will go out and vote for these politicians that take our dollars, fund BOTH sides of it all globally, stir the pot from BOTH sides globally while our country is being compromised and goes to hell in a handbasket.

Do you wash your [BLEEP] clean before Uncle Sam sticks his tip in you or do you prefer it dirty and on your back like the bottom that you are?

Said it earlier. I'll say it again. Since I swallow propaganda. According to you. I would rather be a Nationalist and labelled something that I am not that puts our interests first and our countrymen first Vs. being a bootlicker like you.

Have at it, hoss. If you stand with any foreign country, that is killing ANYBODY not armed or protected from ANY regime, you're a Globalist as far as I am concerned. You do not care for your country.

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Why is the US providing Israel and Iran our tax dollars to aid in their conflicts? Why am I being told to stand with Israel? While I can clearly see innocent children, toddlers, elderly people and babies getting killed, burned, maimed and buried under rubble in Gaza? While the media has since been caught lying about some of the atrocious acts Biden said was backed with visual evidence?

Two wrong's don't make a right. If they want to fight? [BLEEP] have at it. Go for it! But, take our tax dollars out of the entire equation! That's how I feel about it. Our Government is spending our money, bleeding our coffers dry, making it harder to get by day-to-day, while making it easier to get into our country day-by-day, robbing our futures blind, sapping our retirement money dry, our savings.

They're lying. Doing it under the guise of "foreign aid". Wake the hell up! It's a sham! They get to play the role of interventionist on our dime! All they're doing is the MIC's bidding and they're expanding power and control to encroach on the East. Doesn't take a whole lot of brain power to see that. Of course, it's hard to use your [BLEEP] brain though when you're too busy on your hands and knees bootlicking for a country and group of people that doesn't give a damn about you or us to begin with!

(10-13-2023, 11:42 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Why is the US providing Israel and Iran our tax dollars to aid in their conflicts? Why am I being told to stand with Israel? While I can clearly see innocent children, toddlers, elderly people and babies getting killed, burned, maimed and buried under rubble in Gaza? While the media has since been caught lying about some of the atrocious acts Biden said was backed with visual evidence?

Two wrong's don't make a right. If they want to fight? [BLEEP] have at it. Go for it! But, take our tax dollars out of the entire equation! That's how I feel about it. Our Government is spending our money, bleeding our coffers dry, making it harder to get by day-to-day, while making it easier to get into our country day-by-day, robbing our futures blind, sapping our retirement money dry, our savings.

They're lying. Doing it under the guise of "foreign aid". Wake the hell up! It's a sham! They get to play the role of interventionist on our dime! All they're doing is the MIC's bidding and they're expanding power and control to encroach on the East. Doesn't take a whole lot of brain power to see that. Of course, it's hard to use your [BLEEP] brain though when you're too busy on your hands and knees bootlicking for a country and group of people that doesn't give a damn about you or us to begin with!


Honestly, I know both countries are war torn. I know it'll never stop and I know it's horrible.

But, I don't mind being the bad guy when I say that I just don't give a [BLEEP]. I care about this country and its citizens. Just stop them from killing each other long enough to get our people out, then if they want to continue, feel free. Just keep it off of our shores and away from our people.

Our country needs to target terrorism that's already here. That should be first and foremost, no matter which country they represent. Act right and be gone, or you get gone.

This war will continue long after all of us are gone..
It's a touchy subject. Clearly. I am riled up about it. It's driving me insane. Really is. Trying really, really, really hard not to be a [BLEEP] [BLEEP] on here towards folks with differing opinions. Like I said, if I get banned for it. It is what it is.

It's clear though that people have chosen sides in this. I personally can say that I have not. I refuse to bow down to any country not the United States. I didn't take the bait with Ukraine. I am not taking the bait with Israel. The truth is always more complicated than what is packaged up nice and neatly and presented to you in the mainstream media.

And the fact that for the past eight years now, I have heard, "Fake news!, Fake news!, Fake news!" and FAUX this and CNN that. And rigged election this and Pelosi that, Trump this. Biden that. Biden Jr. this. List goes on and on and [BLEEP] on. Now, some of those very same people? Who were on their soap boxes literally telling their fellow citizens these claims? And saying "Don't swallow the propaganda". Are now turning around and telling me to swallow this propaganda instead?

Get the hell out of here. All I know is this. It's a golden [BLEEP] rule. A country divided cannot stand. America is dying folks. It's getting weak. It's changing, and not for the better. If we don't start demanding better from our congressmen and women? And better from the people we elect? If we don't stop this global, mobilizing agenda from being pushed and pushed and pushed?

We're not going to have anything here. I have to stay out of this section man. It really is a cesspool. A [BLEEP] landmine. Again, I'll apologize publicly for some of the things I said or how it might come off. But, my God, something has to give here.

How many of the 100 hostages do you think will be rescued alive?

I'm going with a morbid prediction of 0.
(wagging my finger) Like I said, don’t get emotionally or ideologically invested in this. It’s an endless conflict that will consume those who get too close. There’s absolutely no advantage in getting riled up over events in which we have no control.

I’ll step off my soapbox now.
(10-13-2023, 11:57 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]It's a touchy subject. Clearly. I am riled up about it. It's driving me insane. Really is. Trying really, really, really hard not to be a [BLEEP] [BLEEP] on here towards folks with differing opinions. Like I said, if I get banned for it. It is what it is.

It's clear though that people have chosen sides in this. I personally can say that I have not. I refuse to bow down to any country not the United States. I didn't take the bait with Ukraine. I am not taking the bait with Israel. The truth is always more complicated than what is packaged up nice and neatly and presented to you in the mainstream media.

And the fact that for the past eight years now, I have heard, "Fake news!, Fake news!, Fake news!" and FAUX this and CNN that. And rigged election this and Pelosi that, Trump this. Biden that. Biden Jr. this. List goes on and on and [BLEEP] on. Now, some of those very same people? Who were on their soap boxes literally telling their fellow citizens these claims? And saying "Don't swallow the propaganda". Are now turning around and telling me to swallow this propaganda instead?

Get the hell out of here. All I know is this. It's a golden [BLEEP] rule. A country divided cannot stand. America is dying folks. It's getting weak. It's changing, and not for the better. If we don't start demanding better from our congressmen and women? And better from the people we elect? If we don't stop this global, mobilizing agenda from being pushed and pushed and pushed?

We're not going to have anything here. I have to stay out of this section man. It really is a cesspool. A [BLEEP] landmine. Again, I'll apologize publicly for some of the things I said or how it might come off. But, my God, something has to give here.

Never apologize for being sincere..

It's definitely frustrating and infuriating to no point. The only thing you can do is vote. Weak men create weak times. This whole administration is weak, which is now leading to these weak times. Greed has gotten us to this point. Party greed, corporate greed and personal greed. 

This country needs Trump.. Now more than ever.

My 2 cents.
(10-13-2023, 12:04 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ](wagging my finger) Like I said, don’t get emotionally or ideologically invested in this. It’s an endless conflict that will consume those who get too close. There’s absolutely no advantage in getting riled up over events in which we have no control.

I’ll step off my soapbox now.

It's a weird one for me. I am not Pro-Israel nor Pro-Palestine. Just Pro-Life and Pro-American in this situation as the same with any major, global conflict. I just have no faith in our leadership and how they're using our tax dollars and it's sickening that we see it washed in so much blood around the world. 

It's weighed on me. A lot. Clearly. The older I get, the more fired up and passionate I get. I have lost a lot of good friends to these Wars for these rich folks to benefit from with no resolution in sight. The way our country turns it's back on we, the people, and, our veterans that helped pave this road to hell we're all on now for these people? 

It's disturbing. It truly, truly bothers the hell out of me. Not trying to get overly personal. But, my eyes are hollow from all of this [BLEEP] I have seen. I see it with my wife and her family as well. It's like the Bosnian war for them all over again. They have PTSD from barely getting out of there alive and losing their homes, friends they grew up with. 

I just genuinely worry about the future of our country. That's all it boils down to. I feel like the more we get invested and involved with these issues abroad? The more and more we weaken and stretch ourselves thin as a country. I know I can be too idealistic at times, however, I think it's fair to question the mainstream narratives and how our dollars are being used.

Most of us on here, we won't live long enough to see our retirement and we're getting gouged yearly to the tune of 2, 3 months of our income going out in a increasingly harder economy to scrape by in. So, sorry if I come off as a little emotionally invested too much here, or, out of touch with reality. 

Can you forgive me though? The more I see the less I believe.
(10-13-2023, 11:57 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]It's a touchy subject. Clearly. I am riled up about it. It's driving me insane. Really is. Trying really, really, really hard not to be a [BLEEP] [BLEEP] on here towards folks with differing opinions. Like I said, if I get banned for it. It is what it is.

It's clear though that people have chosen sides in this. I personally can say that I have not. I refuse to bow down to any country not the United States. I didn't take the bait with Ukraine. I am not taking the bait with Israel. The truth is always more complicated than what is packaged up nice and neatly and presented to you in the mainstream media.

And the fact that for the past eight years now, I have heard, "Fake news!, Fake news!, Fake news!" and FAUX this and CNN that. And rigged election this and Pelosi that, Trump this. Biden that. Biden Jr. this. List goes on and on and [BLEEP] on. Now, some of those very same people? Who were on their soap boxes literally telling their fellow citizens these claims? And saying "Don't swallow the propaganda". Are now turning around and telling me to swallow this propaganda instead?

Get the hell out of here. All I know is this. It's a golden [BLEEP] rule. A country divided cannot stand. America is dying folks. It's getting weak. It's changing, and not for the better. If we don't start demanding better from our congressmen and women? And better from the people we elect? If we don't stop this global, mobilizing agenda from being pushed and pushed and pushed?

We're not going to have anything here. I have to stay out of this section man. It really is a cesspool. A [BLEEP] landmine. Again, I'll apologize publicly for some of the things I said or how it might come off. But, my God, something has to give here.
Something we can all agree on!
(10-13-2023, 12:00 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]QUESTION FOR ALL:

How many of the 100 hostages do you think will be rescued alive?

I'm going with a morbid prediction of 0.

It would take a miracle for them to get out.  Whichever slightly disloyal Hamas member decides to allow such a miracle will make it look like an accident.  I wouldn't rule out 1 or 2 groups getting out,  but I wouldn't be surprised if none do.

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This is just the kind of stupidly provocative act that's going to create violence here. Nice rack, though.

(10-14-2023, 08:41 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]This is just the kind of stupidly provocative act that's going to create violence here. Nice rack, though.

Scary times. Fighting fire with fire leads to damnation though. I'll be glad when this is all over temporarily and we can stress about this in another twenty years.

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(10-14-2023, 08:55 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyYKtgvO6...ODBiNWFlZA==

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In the US I say, vote for clowns, enjoy the circus.
The middle east version is vote for terrorists,  enjoy the terrorism. I am not calling the IDF terrorists but I am saying if your kid gets hurt from a bomb dropping on your apartment building, that feels like terrorism whether it is or not. So I feel bad for them, but they voted for this.

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