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(10-17-2023, 11:49 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Neither side is moderate. Especially when they're being given millions of dollars from our economy to do as they please.

Your "both sides bad argument" is nonsense. One side wants to be left alone, the other wants genocide.

I didn't say both sides are bad. I said neither side is moderate and they're not going to ever come to terms as long as we keep providing for them financially. 

Both sides hate each other equally, both sides want genocide. One side, Israel, is currently winning that fight. Nothing more. Nothing less. I just want our Government to stop sleeping in their beds, using our tax dollars like a housewife that sleeps with the pool boy on Wednesday's and Amazon driver on Friday's. 

Not hard to understand really. America first. American taxes being put to better use than feeding into dogma that will never end first.
(10-17-2023, 11:53 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:49 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Your "both sides bad argument" is nonsense. One side wants to be left alone, the other wants genocide.

I didn't say both sides are bad. I said neither side is moderate and they're not going to ever come to terms as long as we keep providing for them financially. 

Both sides hate each other equally, both sides want genocide. One side, Israel, is currently winning that fight. Nothing more. Nothing less. I just want our Government to stop sleeping in their beds, using our tax dollars like a housewife that sleeps with the pool boy on Wednesday's and Amazon driver on Friday's. 

Not hard to understand really. America first. American taxes being put to better use than feeding into dogma that will never end first.

Bull [BLEEP]. If Israel wanted genocide it would've already happened. If the "palestinians" wanted peace it would've already happened.
I don't believe Israel wants genocide. I do think the Zionists want total control of Jerusalem, though. I think they want to rid themselves of the Palestinian problem. I think they are perfectly capable of carrying out long-term strategies in this regard.

(10-17-2023, 11:00 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]US news outlets always make it a point to quantity the number of Americans killed or kidnapped.  Given the fact that all of the Americans in Israel have had an opportunity to evacuate AND more importantly there are actually Americans that are currently traveling to Israel to support the IDF in battle AND Israel is listed as a Code 3 Reconsider Travel AND Gaza is listed as Code 4 Do Not Travel by the US State Dept., do you agree (with me) that anyone American kidnapped moving forward should not benefit from any type of prisoner swap?  Note:  I think Gaza has always been Code 4 Do Not Travel as well so this would apply to any Americans living in Gaza, past or present, as well.

I guess it depends on how LGBTQ+ they are...
(10-17-2023, 11:59 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:53 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't say both sides are bad. I said neither side is moderate and they're not going to ever come to terms as long as we keep providing for them financially. 

Both sides hate each other equally, both sides want genocide. One side, Israel, is currently winning that fight. Nothing more. Nothing less. I just want our Government to stop sleeping in their beds, using our tax dollars like a housewife that sleeps with the pool boy on Wednesday's and Amazon driver on Friday's. 

Not hard to understand really. America first. American taxes being put to better use than feeding into dogma that will never end first.

Bull [BLEEP]. If Israel wanted genocide it would've already happened. If the "palestinians" wanted peace it would've already happened.

Wrong on both points. If Israel wanted genocide, (it's damn near getting to that point), it would lead to global tensions and fallout. Also, I didn't mention peace for Palestine. I said they BOTH want genocide above. It's the only way to truly rid themselves of one another.

Israel is winning that battle though. In terms of damage and body count. Spain has spoke out against them. China is speaking out against them. Iran is speaking out against them. It's a pain literally being in the middle of the world. It's a strategic location for the West and East really. 

I think most people on both sides, whether they're Arab or Jewish truly want peace, however, those living there mostly don't get a legitimately say in it. Just like we don't get a say in it here in the United States. Now, you may THINK you do, or, you may BUY into the illusion of it. However, we're seeing that vale come down here.

Just look at our last few elections and how much people kept throwing around the elections being rigged, etc. It's no different over there. They just use religion as an excuse. My biggest, again, root issue with it all is our tax dollars funding, arming and supplying both groups. Period. That's all I care about. That's the heart of the matter for me. 

Unfortunately. We're [BLEEP] stuck in the middle of it now and because of various attempts to be an "interventionist". Again, we're just beating a dead horse man. I am not even trying to get anybody to take sides in this conflict. Just trying to get people to think about how [BLEEP] up it is that people in positions of power and financial control can tell us to our faces that we can now afford two Wars in the middle of our issues here. 

Again, if the Arabs would accept peace they would've had it. It's been that way since the Arabs got their [BLEEP] kicked the first time they went to war against Israel and it's been that way every time since. And every time Israel wins they let them off the hook. We'll have peace once the Israelis tell the anti-Jew factions in the West to bugger off and jjust finish the job entirely.
(10-17-2023, 12:44 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Again, if the Arabs would accept peace they would've had it. It's been that way since the Arabs got their [BLEEP] kicked the first time they went to war against Israel and it's been that way every time since. And every time Israel wins they let them off the hook. We'll have peace once the Israelis tell the anti-Jew factions in the West to bugger off and jjust finish the job entirely.

I actually agree with you on this. You're really passionate about all of this. Interesting. 

I think the majority of the world would be better off, along with our own people here in the states or the West in general, if we just stuck to ourselves for awhile. Only intervene when they start making stupid threats towards our country directly. 

Kind of tired of seeing everybody look to us globally, the tax payers like:

(10-17-2023, 11:36 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:31 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The post is about what they believed, not what I believe. 
Which part do you think is wrong?

This line of bull [BLEEP], "But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas."

You make me LOL with such absurdity.

The PLO accepts the existence of Israel and, in principle, wants its own country next to Israel.  This is what they say.  Meanwhile Hamas says they do not accept Israel's existence.  The PLO used to be like Hamas in this regard.  But over time, they moderated, at least in terms of what they say.  That's just history man.  Public record.  You may doubt the PLO's sincerity, but must of the Israeli elite does not.
Richard Dawkins put it this way.
Many Israelis would be OK with a smaller Israel and giving some Palestinians compensation for their land while others get their land back. But the Israelis who believe God gave them the whole thing effectively hold a veto over this in Israel's multiparty parliamentary political system. Perhaps that veto would fade if more Israeli Arabs participated in elections, but their voter turnout is low, sometimes because they are too intimidated, sometimes because they are too disgusted by the whole thing.
Many Palestinians would be OK with giving up a large portion of Palestine so Israel can exist. But the Palestinians who believe they should have the whole thing and struggle to kill all Jews until they get it, have an effective veto over this because Palestine does not have a voting system at all and they are willing to be more violent than the less zealous Palestinians.

(10-17-2023, 11:49 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Neither side is moderate. Especially when they're being given millions of dollars from our economy to do as they please.

Your "both sides bad argument" is nonsense. One side wants to be left alone, the other wants genocide.

Israel does not want to be left alone.
Israeli settlers wish to steal land owned by Palestinians, evict those Palestinians, and build homes and farms on it.  They continue to do it more and more, year after year.  Most Israelis oppose this. But their voting system silences them. More and more Hebrew alphabet names and US style cul-de-sacs appear on the map of the West Bank year after year.  No compensation is given.
(10-17-2023, 12:24 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I don't believe Israel wants genocide. I do think the Zionists want total control of Jerusalem, though. I think they want to rid themselves of the Palestinian problem. I think they are perfectly capable of carrying out long-term strategies in this regard.

(10-17-2023, 11:00 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]US news outlets always make it a point to quantity the number of Americans killed or kidnapped.  Given the fact that all of the Americans in Israel have had an opportunity to evacuate AND more importantly there are actually Americans that are currently traveling to Israel to support the IDF in battle AND Israel is listed as a Code 3 Reconsider Travel AND Gaza is listed as Code 4 Do Not Travel by the US State Dept., do you agree (with me) that anyone American kidnapped moving forward should not benefit from any type of prisoner swap?  Note:  I think Gaza has always been Code 4 Do Not Travel as well so this would apply to any Americans living in Gaza, past or present, as well.

I guess it depends on how LGBTQ+ they are...

Oh yes, I was just talking about heterosexuals.  As far as it goes with the LGBTQ+ community, the prison swap ratio needs to be releasing 10 terrorist in exchange for every 1 LGBTQ+ American.
(10-17-2023, 12:44 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Again, if the Arabs would accept peace they would've had it. It's been that way since the Arabs got their [BLEEP] kicked the first time they went to war against Israel and it's been that way every time since. And every time Israel wins they let them off the hook. We'll have peace once the Israelis tell the anti-Jew factions in the West to bugger off and jjust finish the job entirely.

Is "peace" having 2+ million people imprisoned in a small area where they have limited access to resources, work opportunities, or control of where they can go?  It's called the largest out-door prison for a reason.
This is suspicious as hell. 
I think they did it.
The most reputable video we have, in my estimation, is this one https://twitter.com/evanhill/status/1714366113818038412 which as far as we know geostamped and timestamped to a balcony near the hospital, has what sounds to me like a turbine engine roaring then a second later an explosion. [Edit - I was able to find video of large sugar rockets.  They have a higher pitched sound that I thought.  This may have been a Qassam rocket actually] But if the explosion came from a jet aircraft or cruise missile, only Israel and the US have those.
So that along with Israeli official accounts being proven wrong, makes me more strongly suspect that IDF struck the hospital.  Perhaps not all of IDF signed off on it, but IDF clearly had some sort of plan to attempt to cover up an incident like this, even though that plan isn't working well.
(10-18-2023, 09:15 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]This is suspicious as hell. 
I think they did it.
The most reputable video we have, in my estimation, is this one https://twitter.com/evanhill/status/1714366113818038412 which as far as we know geostamped and timestamped to a balcony near the hospital, has what sounds to me like a turbine engine roaring then a second later an explosion. [Edit - I was able to find video of large sugar rockets.  They have a higher pitched sound that I thought.  This may have been a Qassam rocket actually] But if the explosion came from a jet aircraft or cruise missile, only Israel and the US have those.
So that along with Israeli official accounts being proven wrong, makes me more strongly suspect that IDF struck the hospital.  Perhaps not all of IDF signed off on it, but IDF clearly had some sort of plan to attempt to cover up an incident like this, even though that plan isn't working well.
No, no, no. You're wrong. Biden said the other team did it. So, nothing to see there. Hamas blew up their own people.


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Man, look at that little hamas terrorist. He's lying...

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personally, I think intentionally killing people at a concert event and going into communities to kill entire families is just as reprehensible, if not more reprehensible that inadvertently firing a missile onto a hospital.
I think Americans have been lied to for so long and the goals have been so profit-driven, that we no longer understand the purpose of war. War doesn't make any sense unless the enemy has been thoroughly brought to heel. Negotiations for peace only makes sense when both parties are exhausted.
The lack of a crater is a compelling piece of evidence. The explosion was not from any correctly functioning rocket or from anything dropped from a plane. It was either from a smallish stationary explosive, a cruise missile flying low, or a failed rocket. In theory, one weak weld on one of those Hamas sugar rockets can send it sideways after it launches.

Israel would not have been able to plant a stationary explosive. Israel has lots of cruise missiles but has not used them recently. Or at least has not mentioned using them during press briefings. Israel has lots of solid fuel rockets that might malfunction, but you have to assume their failure rate is lower than anything Hamas has.

I'm still bothered by Israel presenting incorrect info at first, but it does look more like an accident, possibly Israeli, more probably by Hamas or PIJ.

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(10-18-2023, 03:17 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The lack of a crater is a compelling piece of evidence.  The explosion was not from any correctly functioning rocket or from anything dropped from a plane.  It was either from a smallish stationary explosive, a cruise missile flying low, or a failed rocket.  In theory, one weak weld on one of those Hamas sugar rockets can send it sideways after it launches.

Israel would not have been able to plant a stationary explosive.  Israel has lots of cruise missiles but has not used them recently.  Or at least has not mentioned using them during press briefings.  Israel has lots of solid fuel rockets that might malfunction, but you have to assume their failure rate is lower than anything Hamas has. 

I'm still bothered by Israel presenting incorrect info at first, but it does look more like an accident, possibly Israeli, more probably by Hamas or PIJ.

Do you have a background in weapons?
(10-18-2023, 07:30 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-18-2023, 03:17 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The lack of a crater is a compelling piece of evidence.  The explosion was not from any correctly functioning rocket or from anything dropped from a plane.  It was either from a smallish stationary explosive, a cruise missile flying low, or a failed rocket.  In theory, one weak weld on one of those Hamas sugar rockets can send it sideways after it launches.

Israel would not have been able to plant a stationary explosive.  Israel has lots of cruise missiles but has not used them recently.  Or at least has not mentioned using them during press briefings.  Israel has lots of solid fuel rockets that might malfunction, but you have to assume their failure rate is lower than anything Hamas has. 

I'm still bothered by Israel presenting incorrect info at first, but it does look more like an accident, possibly Israeli, more probably by Hamas or PIJ.

Do you have a background in weapons?

Rockets, yes. What about you?
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