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(10-14-2023, 08:01 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-14-2023, 05:59 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Waiting on it. Didn't the white house already state that was an error?

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Just regurgitating more propaganda I swallowed. [Image: b212ebb5d762cd356f8f1a4f7c002464.jpg][Image: ad5884e8cf619442ebf5eaabdb862356.jpg]

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Oops. [Image: 87f47c44dcf3fba980bf9033806b0c9a.jpg]

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My humble apologies.  I had a well thought response referencing the six day war, WWII and tied it all into the current situation.  And then I fat fingered something and it all disappeared.  The discipline it has taken to not throw this tablet as far as humanly possible is unimaginable.

You, typing words of wisdom to be preserved in electronic posterity. 

Electronic device: "Did you say something?"

(10-14-2023, 08:41 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-13-2023, 11:21 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Coming to the conclusion that you're either.

A. Jewish
B. Hate Brown People
C. Both

"Folks like you". Let me tell you something. You don't know a [BLEEP] damn thing about me. Other than what I sold you or anybody on here for that matter.

You're the same moron that will go out and vote for these politicians that take our dollars, fund BOTH sides of it all globally, stir the pot from BOTH sides globally while our country is being compromised and goes to hell in a handbasket.

Do you wash your [BLEEP] clean before Uncle Sam sticks his tip in you or do you prefer it dirty and on your back like the bottom that you are?

Said it earlier. I'll say it again. Since I swallow propaganda. According to you. I would rather be a Nationalist and labelled something that I am not that puts our interests first and our countrymen first Vs. being a bootlicker like you.

Have at it, hoss. If you stand with any foreign country, that is killing ANYBODY not armed or protected from ANY regime, you're a Globalist as far as I am concerned. You do not care for your country.

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Well, that's a bunch of reactionary emoting you got going on there.
I'll take it as a compliment. See you in the funner side of the forum.

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Won't be long now until the Israeils start the de-Nazification of Gaza. As with Germany the work won't be easy but will lead to a better future for everyone.

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(10-15-2023, 07:14 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyaRu5JoM...ODBiNWFlZA==

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That’s a Jewish point of view we don’t see often.
(10-15-2023, 08:12 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-15-2023, 07:14 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyaRu5JoM...ODBiNWFlZA==

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That’s a Jewish point of view we don’t see often.
Because there's real fear of being cancelled or labeled Anti-Semetic or considered a self hating Jew.

There should be more people calling this out and questioning it. Especially here in the states. There's a specific line people are told not to cross.

Doesn't even have to be rooted in hate or full on support of known groups towards the Jewish faith. It's just people asking questions and connecting things that are readily available to the public.

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Well, I've kept my opinion out of this because I have no way of knowing what's true or not. It's more of a belief how I think things went down. Like most things political, you the movers and the believers. Believers have no real power, just like most democrats have no power or most republicans have no power. So there are two groups of "believers," which we think of as the religious Jews or the secular ones we've heard refer to as the self-hating Jew. I am talking about neither of these groups moving forward, because they don't have any real power to shape reality.

When we look at Jewish groups with real power, you have the religious Jews, we'll call them Zionists, and you have the secular Jews, we'll call them Bolsheviks, just because I think it's funny. Again, neither of these groups represent the average Jew living their life in America or the world. I am literally only talking about groups with wealth and power. The Bolshevik types are the secular Jews who advocated for communism in Germany and Russia. Sidenote: when I was in college, this was widely acknowledged and taught, but now the Wikipedia says it's an antisemitic conspiracy theory. Personally, I tend to lean towards the wiki article as a rewriting of history. I do think there was a conspiracy of sorts in that these dictators misidentified the motives of these Jews (they attributed to malice what I believe was a pure, ideological attempt to create utopia for all people as evidenced by Trotskyism), but I think this Wiki article is very misleading in trying to downplay the roll many Jews made in advancing Bolshevism (or communism by another name). The Jews who fled Germany after WW2 formed the Frankfurt School here in the US and continued their push for new communism. This also was predominantly driven by secular Jews.

Then you have the Zionists. It's well documented, but little well known that there was a religious group of Jews who believed in the return of their homeland, Israel. So much so, that they pushed for the Balfour Declaration during WW1, despite Germany having a large number of free Jews. When Britain signed the pact, they were hoping for 3 things: it would swing Russia to maintain pressure on Germany's Eastern Front, since Jews had been prominent in the March Revolution of 1917 (you know that thing the other wiki article says didn't happen); it would rally the large Jewish community in the United States to press for greater funding for the American war effort, underway since April of that year; and, lastly, that it would undermine German Jewish support for Kaiser Wilhelm II. Additionally, the World Zionist Organization, who up until this point had been neutral, threw it's support behind the allies. I would argue this turned the tide of the war and I believe it to be one of the reasons Hitler (and the German people at large) had so much resentment for German Jews. I really think it's hard to imagine how much wealth and power Jews had, especially in the US back then.

Even though these two groups have different ideas, if you've ever argued with a Jew, they are some of the best in the world at not taking things personally. While I think these groups have two different philosophies, I think they still consider themselves the same people. I think they often battle of the future of Israel. The secular Jews with power still advocate for global government. Again, I don't believe this is a world dominance thing. I think it's pure idealism. If the world can be united, then the Jewish people will be safe wherever they go. The Zionists don't care about that. They want their religious homeland and will do what it takes to secure it. Within our government, both of these powerful groups have a strong influence. All that is just to give some context to my belief that follows.

The powerful secular Jews are almost exclusively democrat. I think they give money and resources to Arab countries because they believe in appeasement. I think Zionist Jews hate this approach because it threatens their homeland. I think Bolshevik Jews hate thinking of any one place as their homeland. However, when this terrorist attack occurred, I think both powerful groups were equally offended. Thus, you see almost universal backlash in the media against any Hamas support for the first time. You see Hollywood, the DNC, MSM, all spinning the same tune for once. I think Netanyahu has the greenlight to finish what he wants to do anyways, which is level that area and cleans it from Hamas. I think we'll see the swift and systematic replacement of Palestinians in that area with Jews. I don't believe this green light will last long, but I think he has it. For now.

Personally, as much as I hate it, something has to give. In truth, Israel should have displaced them all years ago. Nobody wants to be prisoners. Nobody wants to be stripped of their home. However, given the two choices, I would rather move and start over than be trapped. There is nothing worse than festering bad blood.
I spent 2 months in Jerusalem in 2005. During that time, there were "settlers" that were pushing into the West Bank. What was very interesting to me was that there were Israeli citizens that were protesting the obvious genocide.

My parents hated that I went. They thought I was going to be killed. I reminded them that the number of murders in Albuquerque was actually higher than the number of murders in Jerusalem. Just know, you guys, there are a bunch of Arabs/Muslims that totally want to just live their lives. And, even more so, there are so many Jewish families that just want to live in peace.

This whole thing is [BLEEP]. Netenyahoo is a devil. Hamas are devils. But that doesn't mean that the entire land should be destroyed. These are good people, the Muslim believers and the the Hebrew believers. I work from home. I flip from CNN, to MSNBC, to FOX News, to Fox Business. And they all are [BLEEP] lying to us.
(10-14-2023, 02:13 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]There are about 150,000 to 200,000 Palestinians in the US already.  They are not making trouble.  Unfortunately about a third of them decided to settle in Dearborn Michigan which kinda makes the area a ghetto but it's far from the worst ghetto in this country.  We can take in another 200,000 *well vetted* Palestinians easily. Egypt and the gulf Arab states can easily take in about that many each as well.  1 million refugees is a manageable problem if you spread it out over a year, spread it out over the developed world, and silence the clown politicians that want to make a big deal about it.

No one wants them. Egypt definitely won't take them and I doubt any other country in the area wants them. US and EU will probably be forced to take them.

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(10-15-2023, 11:35 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-14-2023, 02:13 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]There are about 150,000 to 200,000 Palestinians in the US already.  They are not making trouble.  Unfortunately about a third of them decided to settle in Dearborn Michigan which kinda makes the area a ghetto but it's far from the worst ghetto in this country.  We can take in another 200,000 *well vetted* Palestinians easily. Egypt and the gulf Arab states can easily take in about that many each as well.  1 million refugees is a manageable problem if you spread it out over a year, spread it out over the developed world, and silence the clown politicians that want to make a big deal about it.

No one wants them. Egypt definitely won't take them and I doubt any other country in the area wants them. US and EU will probably be forced to take them.

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Biden may need the votes so taking in 1 million refugees and granting them immediate citizenship in our swing states kind of makes sense.
I'm kind of conflicted about this whole thing. What Hamas did was barbaric. And Israel has the right to defend itself. But I also think that Hamas has provoked Israel into a reaction that is exactly what Hamas wanted. Because now what the world will see is the death of thousands of innocent civilians who live in Gaza. And the reaction in the Arab world will be to unite once again against Israel, and that means the end of any prospect of rapprochement between the Arab states and Israel. Hamas wins by getting Israel to invade Gaza and kill a bunch of people.
(10-16-2023, 12:35 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I'm kind of conflicted about this whole thing.  What Hamas did was barbaric.  And Israel has the right to defend itself.  But I also think that Hamas has provoked Israel into a reaction that is exactly what Hamas wanted.  Because now what the world will see is the death of thousands of innocent civilians who live in Gaza.  And the reaction in the Arab world will be to unite once again against Israel, and that means the end of any prospect of rapprochement between the Arab states and Israel.  Hamas wins by getting Israel to invade Gaza and kill a bunch of people.

This is a good interview which explains the history and motivations behind the attack. 

People forget that the PLO began as a terror organization that would never recognize Israel. But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas. Israeli elite consensus has been that Hamas would eventually do the same thing. The elites felt that the hard work of actually governing always moderates the views of radicals. It certainly sometimes makes radicals more moderate, but, not always. Not when the radicals are actually pawns of another, larger state.
US news outlets always make it a point to quantity the number of Americans killed or kidnapped. Given the fact that all of the Americans in Israel have had an opportunity to evacuate AND more importantly there are actually Americans that are currently traveling to Israel to support the IDF in battle AND Israel is listed as a Code 3 Reconsider Travel AND Gaza is listed as Code 4 Do Not Travel by the US State Dept., do you agree (with me) that anyone American kidnapped moving forward should not benefit from any type of prisoner swap? Note: I think Gaza has always been Code 4 Do Not Travel as well so this would apply to any Americans living in Gaza, past or present, as well.
(10-16-2023, 02:49 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]People forget that the PLO began as a terror organization that would never recognize Israel.  But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas.  Israeli elite consensus has been that Hamas would eventually do the same thing.  The elites felt that the hard work of actually governing always moderates the views of radicals.  It certainly sometimes makes radicals more moderate, but, not always.  Not when the radicals are actually pawns of another, larger state.

Lol, you really believe that?
(10-17-2023, 11:23 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-16-2023, 02:49 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]People forget that the PLO began as a terror organization that would never recognize Israel.  But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas.  Israeli elite consensus has been that Hamas would eventually do the same thing.  The elites felt that the hard work of actually governing always moderates the views of radicals.  It certainly sometimes makes radicals more moderate, but, not always.  Not when the radicals are actually pawns of another, larger state.

Lol, you really believe that?

The post is about what they believed, not what I believe. 
Which part do you think is wrong?
(10-17-2023, 11:31 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:23 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, you really believe that?

The post is about what they believed, not what I believe. 
Which part do you think is wrong?

This line of bull [BLEEP], "But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas."

You make me LOL with such absurdity.
(10-17-2023, 11:36 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:31 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The post is about what they believed, not what I believe. 
Which part do you think is wrong?

This line of bull [BLEEP], "But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas."

You make me LOL with such absurdity.

Neither side is moderate. Especially when they're being given millions of dollars from our economy to do as they please.
(10-17-2023, 11:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-17-2023, 11:36 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]This line of bull [BLEEP], "But over time, they moderated and now they only have the ambition to govern their areas."

You make me LOL with such absurdity.

Neither side is moderate. Especially when they're being given millions of dollars from our economy to do as they please.

Your "both sides bad argument" is nonsense. One side wants to be left alone, the other wants genocide.
Those 2 countries have been fighting long before us and they'll be fighting long after us..

I'm tired of both of their [BLEEP]..
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