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(10-10-2023, 02:13 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 02:02 AM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]No sense in arguing about it with you because where your coming from I can't make an points that will make you think or reflect.

This entire Political section is all about arguing differing views.  Smile

He made an assumption about me and jumped to conclusions. Probably thinks I am in the Aryan Brotherhood or something and I wear Jack Knife boots with a funny little mustache at a specific white sheets and linen convention behind a Wal-Mart Supercenter in the middle of Huntsville, AL. 

I am probably one of the more fair minded and level minded people you will encounter in this particular forum. When I tell you that I don't lean left nor right. I mean that. I vote with my conscious. I question authority. I like to challenge and poke holes in the mainstream media with their various narratives. 

The idea that the media is 100% truthful and has never told a tie, sold a lie or retracted statements many years after being found completely wrong is a thing. It's okay to not agree with everything the news tells you to agree with. 

It's okay to hold allies accountable for their actions. It's okay to hold politicians and elected officials accountable for mismanaging money, assets and arming the wrong people. It's okay to not be okay with American Interventionists that have a far and wide history of making billions of dollars with said conflicts. 

Not all of us wear tinfoil hats or binge watch the Burrow Network with QANON theories rampant. Not all of us listen to Alex Jones or old reruns of William Cooper. The precursor to Alex Jones. I just find it very, very fascinating that everyone seems to get a little recency bias when a narrative fits their core values or beliefs while completely picking and choosing when to disobey and buck the narrative from the very same source of information they just believed in a few moments ago. 

It's an interesting concept. It's also interesting, that, people will present and challenge me with what's been presented by said mainstream, that clearly speaks on behalf of our allies, in a positive light, while, I counter present on the ground footage of people holding their dead, lifeless children speaking in foreign tongues. 

Two wrong's don't make a right. I get that. I respect that. If I offended any Isarelies on here or Jewish people. Sorry it came off that way. I am just trying to present another set of information that you're not going to get here in the US. Whether you choose to believe that, once again, it's none of my business. Completely up to the individual. 

I'll try and keep it kosher at least.
(10-09-2023, 01:40 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]In America we tend to view this conflict through our lens of the struggle for racial civil rights.  You might remember the 1970s hit song Love Train touched on this theme.

One of the best newspaper articles I've ever read appeared in the St Pete Times (now Tampa Bay Times) on July 10, 2011 under the headline "A Long Road to Understanding".  Unfortunately it's paywalled today.

It was about a group of mostly young Black actors who put on a dramatization of our civil rights movement in this country, and some well meaning American philanthropists arranged for them to repeat the production in Israel and Palestine.  Then they were supposed to stay and help direct the locals how to put on the same play but with local actors. 

Their performance to Israelis was politely attended but the Israelis didn't want to be involved in putting on their own version.  In Palestine they also got a small but polite audience, and a lot of interest in putting on their version. 

But the Palestinians added a narrator who explained how going to the back of the bus or getting shot with a water cannon was nothing like going through an army checkpoint or being in the middle of a machine gun battle, and other striking differences.  They basically said they would love to play the role of Rosa Parks, if being put on the back of a bus was their only problem.  But they have so many problems that nonviolence, to them, is laughable.

People in America who think like this have never lived with violence. It would never occur to me to compare American civil rights with what Israelis and Palestinians live with on the daily. They're not even in the same conversation.
(10-10-2023, 04:02 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-09-2023, 01:40 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]In America we tend to view this conflict through our lens of the struggle for racial civil rights.  You might remember the 1970s hit song Love Train touched on this theme.

One of the best newspaper articles I've ever read appeared in the St Pete Times (now Tampa Bay Times) on July 10, 2011 under the headline "A Long Road to Understanding".  Unfortunately it's paywalled today.

It was about a group of mostly young Black actors who put on a dramatization of our civil rights movement in this country, and some well meaning American philanthropists arranged for them to repeat the production in Israel and Palestine.  Then they were supposed to stay and help direct the locals how to put on the same play but with local actors. 

Their performance to Israelis was politely attended but the Israelis didn't want to be involved in putting on their own version.  In Palestine they also got a small but polite audience, and a lot of interest in putting on their version. 

But the Palestinians added a narrator who explained how going to the back of the bus or getting shot with a water cannon was nothing like going through an army checkpoint or being in the middle of a machine gun battle, and other striking differences.  They basically said they would love to play the role of Rosa Parks, if being put on the back of a bus was their only problem.  But they have so many problems that nonviolence, to them, is laughable.

People in America who think like this have never lived with violence. It would never occur to me to compare American civil rights with what Israelis and Palestinians live with on the daily. They're not even in the same conversation.

The extreme violence both sides have witnessed is one thing, and the brainwashing is another.  When you meet people who have grown up in most middle eastern countries, most of them really, viscerally hate Jews, even though they and their families have lived peaceful lives, never meeting any Jews, for generations. Black people in the US have never taught their children to hate that way.
(10-10-2023, 01:56 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 01:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The part that really breaks my heart is there are innocent people in Gaza too.  Their population is 2 million.  The Hamas fighters and support staff that are actively engaged in trying to kill Israelis probably number less than 20,000.  Do you think maybe 1% of the people in Gaza are disgusted by all of this? That would be 20,000 innocent people who are now going to be under a starvation seige from Israel for an unknow amount of time.
Its probably more than 1% .  What would you do if you were born in Gaza? How would you work towards eliminating Hamas and replacing them with a rational government? There are no easy answers.

You can't. You're born into a ghetto and you're not even allowed to pick a side really. You're just born into the wrong system, with the wrong people at the wrong time in a never ending conflict. 

But, it's all the Muslims doing. It's all Islam's fault. Israel (well, let me be careful, specific groups of a specific religion, not the people and religion as a whole) essentially desires the genocide of these people. 

Also, here's another thing to consider. Where would these 2 million people go if some type of deal was brokered? And, it results in Palestine being erased beneath the sands and Israel expanding itself upon it?

Do these people get displaced to us here in the states? Do they get to go to other Western countries or parts of Europe? Nobody would want them anyway. Too risky. Too sketchy. Too many fears of domestic terrorism being brewed up. Just like the fears now with the US Southern border.

These people are nothing more than camp fodder, cornered rats that are completely [BLEEP] at the end of the day. I cannot shake some of the things I have seen. That man holding his baby girl, lifeless, in an emergency room is a punch to the gut. Genuinely cannot believe people take a side in this and condone this. It's shameful. 

I don't care who you vote for. We can do better than that, folks. We can do better than that. Do our tax dollars really need to be aiding these countries with their problems when we have enough over here to worry about at the moment? We can't even trust these people to do the right, humanitarian thing with our tax dollars.

We've accepted almost 200,000 of them already.  But the ones who came here wanted to.  They were OK with giving up on the dream of getting their old family home back. The people in Gaza now, a lot of them fled there during the 1948-49 war, leaving homes that are now in Israeli territory, thinking it would be just temporary.   That's why Gaza is so dense.  Many of them have turned down opportunities to leave the area, hoping to one day get their old home back.
(10-10-2023, 07:05 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 01:56 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]You can't. You're born into a ghetto and you're not even allowed to pick a side really. You're just born into the wrong system, with the wrong people at the wrong time in a never ending conflict. 

But, it's all the Muslims doing. It's all Islam's fault. Israel (well, let me be careful, specific groups of a specific religion, not the people and religion as a whole) essentially desires the genocide of these people. 

Also, here's another thing to consider. Where would these 2 million people go if some type of deal was brokered? And, it results in Palestine being erased beneath the sands and Israel expanding itself upon it?

Do these people get displaced to us here in the states? Do they get to go to other Western countries or parts of Europe? Nobody would want them anyway. Too risky. Too sketchy. Too many fears of domestic terrorism being brewed up. Just like the fears now with the US Southern border.

These people are nothing more than camp fodder, cornered rats that are completely [BLEEP] at the end of the day. I cannot shake some of the things I have seen. That man holding his baby girl, lifeless, in an emergency room is a punch to the gut. Genuinely cannot believe people take a side in this and condone this. It's shameful. 

I don't care who you vote for. We can do better than that, folks. We can do better than that. Do our tax dollars really need to be aiding these countries with their problems when we have enough over here to worry about at the moment? We can't even trust these people to do the right, humanitarian thing with our tax dollars.

We've accepted almost 200,000 of them already.  But the ones who came here wanted to.  They were OK with giving up on the dream if getting their old family home back. The people in Gaza now, a lot of them fled there during the 1948-49 war, thinking it would be just temporary.   That's why it's so dense.  Many of them have turned down opportunities to leave the area, hoping to one day get their old home back.
It's hard to ask people to do that. I understand that. I am speaking more along the lines of it being forced, made mandatory or mandated and universally accepted by a majority rule.

Then what?

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(10-10-2023, 07:14 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 07:05 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]We've accepted almost 200,000 of them already.  But the ones who came here wanted to.  They were OK with giving up on the dream if getting their old family home back. The people in Gaza now, a lot of them fled there during the 1948-49 war, thinking it would be just temporary.   That's why it's so dense.  Many of them have turned down opportunities to leave the area, hoping to one day get their old home back.
It's hard to ask people to do that. I understand that. I am speaking more along the lines of it being forced, made mandatory or mandated and universally accepted by a majority rule.

Then what?

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Once they surrender, many of them will be forced to leave. Not asked. It wasn't that way in previous conflicts involving Gaza but it will be that way now. They're going to end up all over the world.
If they don't end up six feet under thanks to their terrorist government.
What @Caldrac has said is most likely correct.

If you admit that the media, government, and politicians are working together/closely in the US, then you should also believe the same level of control exists in other countries. Then you can believe they are working together across countries.

These things have always happened with the US trying to get leaders elected that are friendly and the other countries do the same thing.

The US and the world are ending funding to Ukraine as that laundromat has run out of soap.
The US gives Iran money that they knew would be used to fund terrorists.
Iran funds the terrorists as everyone knew they would.
Security somehow misses all the warnings and intel before, none of the advanced monitoring worked, no one monitoring the gate to see them, etc.
Before this attack, the liberals were making a lot of noise there and gaining too much power.
Immediately afterwards, war is declared and all the liberals are shutdown, guns being given to anyone, and Gaza going to be bulldozed into the water.
The US immediately has to provide more unending funds. They may even try to tie money to Ukraine in this so they can double dip.

You have to see how this could all be allowed to happen because the amount of money to be made is huge. They need a new laundromat and they got one by funding both sides and using a 3rd party to do it.

It's not most of the people's fault on both sides, although there is a high % of terrorists who would definitely do the terrible things that are being said to have happened.

If you need more proof on why it's all a game and allowed to happen, why does Iran fund these terrorists groups? Why don't they just give the money to the people in Gaza and make it a utopia to live in. They could improve the lives of the people there, employ them all, and they would have to keep people out. Poor people are easier to control and it's easier when they can blame and hate someone else. That then allows Israel to spend lots of money on defense, they respond when rockets are launched, and then people see them as the big bad enemy and Iran and Gaza can keep their people under control.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk
Leave gaza or…

Crazy times

(10-10-2023, 02:13 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 02:02 AM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]No sense in arguing about it with you because where your coming from I can't make an points that will make you think or reflect.

This entire Political section is all about arguing differing views.  Smile

Welcome to politics
(10-11-2023, 12:35 AM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]What @Caldrac has said is most likely correct.

If you admit that the media, government, and politicians are working together/closely in the US, then you should also believe the same level of control exists in other countries. Then you can believe they are working together across countries.

These things have always happened with the US trying to get leaders elected that are friendly and the other countries do the same thing.

The US and the world are ending funding to Ukraine as that laundromat has run out of soap.
The US gives Iran money that they knew would be used to fund terrorists.
Iran funds the terrorists as everyone knew they would.
Security somehow misses all the warnings and intel before, none of the advanced monitoring worked, no one monitoring the gate to see them, etc.
Before this attack, the liberals were making a lot of noise there and gaining too much power.
Immediately afterwards, war is declared and all the liberals are shutdown, guns being given to anyone, and Gaza going to be bulldozed into the water.
The US immediately has to provide more unending funds. They may even try to tie money to Ukraine in this so they can double dip.

You have to see how this could all be allowed to happen because the amount of money to be made is huge. They need a new laundromat and they got one by funding both sides and using a 3rd party to do it.

It's not most of the people's fault on both sides, although there is a high % of terrorists who would definitely do the terrible things that are being said to have happened.

If you need more proof on why it's all a game and allowed to happen, why does Iran fund these terrorists groups? Why don't they just give the money to the people in Gaza and make it a utopia to live in. They could improve the lives of the people there, employ them all, and they would have to keep people out. Poor people are easier to control and it's easier when they can blame and hate someone else. That then allows Israel to spend lots of money on defense, they respond when rockets are launched, and then people see them as the big bad enemy and Iran and Gaza can keep their people under control.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk

Iran believes that God gave all of Palestine and especially Jerusalem to the Muslims, and that God will bless any sufficiently devout Muslim who tries to get them back, and that they will get to be the heroes in the Muslim world going forward if they fund that. Remember Iran is a polyglot state. Their country includes lots of Azeris, Arabs, and other minorities, that are "united" under Islam similar to how the caliphate operated. So it is natural for Iran's leaders to believe their influence can and should expand by inspiring people religiously.

Many different entities give Palestinians money for many different reasons, but, the particular Palestinians in Gaza, if you give them money, it goes to terrorism.  Any person in Gaza who tries to use the money to build peace and stability instead of terrorism is eliminated before they gain influence.

But this isn't some big conspiracy of weapons makers. This is a confluence of many different bad religious ideas all coming together.
(10-10-2023, 01:56 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 01:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The part that really breaks my heart is there are innocent people in Gaza too.  Their population is 2 million.  The Hamas fighters and support staff that are actively engaged in trying to kill Israelis probably number less than 20,000.  Do you think maybe 1% of the people in Gaza are disgusted by all of this? That would be 20,000 innocent people who are now going to be under a starvation seige from Israel for an unknow amount of time.
Its probably more than 1% .  What would you do if you were born in Gaza? How would you work towards eliminating Hamas and replacing them with a rational government? There are no easy answers.

You can't. You're born into a ghetto and you're not even allowed to pick a side really. You're just born into the wrong system, with the wrong people at the wrong time in a never ending conflict. 

But, it's all the Muslims doing. It's all Islam's fault. Israel (well, let me be careful, specific groups of a specific religion, not the people and religion as a whole) essentially desires the genocide of these people. 

Also, here's another thing to consider. Where would these 2 million people go if some type of deal was brokered? And, it results in Palestine being erased beneath the sands and Israel expanding itself upon it?

Do these people get displaced to us here in the states? Do they get to go to other Western countries or parts of Europe? Nobody would want them anyway. Too risky. Too sketchy. Too many fears of domestic terrorism being brewed up. Just like the fears now with the US Southern border.

These people are nothing more than camp fodder, cornered rats that are completely [BLEEP] at the end of the day. I cannot shake some of the things I have seen. That man holding his baby girl, lifeless, in an emergency room is a punch to the gut. Genuinely cannot believe people take a side in this and condone this. It's shameful. 

I don't care who you vote for. We can do better than that, folks. We can do better than that. Do our tax dollars really need to be aiding these countries with their problems when we have enough over here to worry about at the moment? We can't even trust these people to do the right, humanitarian thing with our tax dollars.

I'm with you on a lot of things, but this is too idealistic. You may as well hope for world peace. The seeds have been sewn. There needs to be a Victor for peace. Genocide or removal is pretty much the only way, either way. It sucks.
(10-11-2023, 08:48 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-11-2023, 12:35 AM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]What @Caldrac has said is most likely correct.

If you admit that the media, government, and politicians are working together/closely in the US, then you should also believe the same level of control exists in other countries. Then you can believe they are working together across countries.

These things have always happened with the US trying to get leaders elected that are friendly and the other countries do the same thing.

The US and the world are ending funding to Ukraine as that laundromat has run out of soap.
The US gives Iran money that they knew would be used to fund terrorists.
Iran funds the terrorists as everyone knew they would.
Security somehow misses all the warnings and intel before, none of the advanced monitoring worked, no one monitoring the gate to see them, etc.
Before this attack, the liberals were making a lot of noise there and gaining too much power.
Immediately afterwards, war is declared and all the liberals are shutdown, guns being given to anyone, and Gaza going to be bulldozed into the water.
The US immediately has to provide more unending funds. They may even try to tie money to Ukraine in this so they can double dip.

You have to see how this could all be allowed to happen because the amount of money to be made is huge. They need a new laundromat and they got one by funding both sides and using a 3rd party to do it.

It's not most of the people's fault on both sides, although there is a high % of terrorists who would definitely do the terrible things that are being said to have happened.

If you need more proof on why it's all a game and allowed to happen, why does Iran fund these terrorists groups? Why don't they just give the money to the people in Gaza and make it a utopia to live in. They could improve the lives of the people there, employ them all, and they would have to keep people out. Poor people are easier to control and it's easier when they can blame and hate someone else. That then allows Israel to spend lots of money on defense, they respond when rockets are launched, and then people see them as the big bad enemy and Iran and Gaza can keep their people under control.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk

Iran believes that God gave all of Palestine and especially Jerusalem to the Muslims, and that God will bless any sufficiently devout Muslim who tries to get them back, and that they will get to be the heroes in the Muslim world going forward if they fund that.

Many different entities give Palestinians money for many different reasons, but, the particular Palestinians in Gaza, if you give them money, it goes to terrorism.  Any person who tries to use the money to build peace and stability instead of terrorism is eliminated.

But this isn't some big conspiracy of weapons makers.  This is a confluence of many different bad religious ideas all coming together.

I don't know. It reeks of something more fierce than that I fear. Most multibillion dollar corporations would never let a good crisis like that go to waste. With the amount of money and resources funneling into that area, that vacuum, it often feels like a group of giants throwing money around and taking bids while watching a dog fight. 

It's a soup of various variables, naturally. However, the biggest variable circles back to billions and billions of dollars, in large part, being handed over to Israel. It's still blatantly egregious though, when, it's obvious our Government has also handed out millions and billions of dollars overtime to Iran. 

Knowing damn well what the risks were and will continue to be... 

So, it goes back to, what are we doing here as a country? And, ultimately, cui bono? Who benefits the most from throwing money into this dog fight with deeply rooted dogma at it's core on both sides?

(10-11-2023, 08:55 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2023, 01:56 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]You can't. You're born into a ghetto and you're not even allowed to pick a side really. You're just born into the wrong system, with the wrong people at the wrong time in a never ending conflict. 

But, it's all the Muslims doing. It's all Islam's fault. Israel (well, let me be careful, specific groups of a specific religion, not the people and religion as a whole) essentially desires the genocide of these people. 

Also, here's another thing to consider. Where would these 2 million people go if some type of deal was brokered? And, it results in Palestine being erased beneath the sands and Israel expanding itself upon it?

Do these people get displaced to us here in the states? Do they get to go to other Western countries or parts of Europe? Nobody would want them anyway. Too risky. Too sketchy. Too many fears of domestic terrorism being brewed up. Just like the fears now with the US Southern border.

These people are nothing more than camp fodder, cornered rats that are completely [BLEEP] at the end of the day. I cannot shake some of the things I have seen. That man holding his baby girl, lifeless, in an emergency room is a punch to the gut. Genuinely cannot believe people take a side in this and condone this. It's shameful. 

I don't care who you vote for. We can do better than that, folks. We can do better than that. Do our tax dollars really need to be aiding these countries with their problems when we have enough over here to worry about at the moment? We can't even trust these people to do the right, humanitarian thing with our tax dollars.

I'm with you on a lot of things, but this is too idealistic. You may as well hope for world peace. The seeds have been sewn. There needs to be a Victor for peace. Genocide or removal is pretty much the only way, either way. It sucks.

I know. There's no resolving that issue over there. However, with that said? Again, do we need to be aiding either part of this conflict financially with OUR tax dollars and OUR, so called, "trusted" politicians and leadership?

We should wash our hands clean of this and be done with it by now. Our country is on the verge of bottoming out, then what? We'll just be left over here with our borders wide open, our children and grandchildren washed out by a generation or two.
I can get behind that.
Caldrac, you ask who benefits from us giving Israel money? Don't be dense. Israel benefits. Next question, why should we care if Israel benefits? Well why should we care about anything? Caring doesn't have to be rational.

The elites care because they relate to Israel. They know that our society is built on pluralism and democracy. They know that those things can make us appear weak when compared to a society built on zealotry and dictatorship. So we can't let another pluralistic and democratic society like ours be victimized by a dictatorship of zealots. That would make our hypothetical weakness suddenly real. I am well educated and comfortable so I sympathize with the elites on these points.

Many of the plebes in the US have no real love for our pluralism or our democracy but they are under the influence of dispensational premillenialism, an interpretation of the Christian Bible that originated in Ireland in 1830.

Your quandary, Caldrac and L2L, is you clearly don't belong to either category, neither an optimistic secular elite nor a pessimistic but religious plebe.
Hezbollah has gotten into the mix. They bombed northern Israel with guided missles from southern Lebanon. Israel retaliated with air strikes on villages in Lebanon.

A dude on al-Jazeera is saying this is going to turn into a much bigger war than just Hamas and Israel. He says the difference between this and Russia/Ukraine is Russia and Ukraine could come to what he calls a win-win solution and go about their business. This situation with Israel and Hamas will, at best, come to a lose-lose conclusion because there is no solution and other nations will be pulled into this.

He also said the world is living in the most dangerous time since just before WW2 started.
(10-11-2023, 09:56 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Caldrac, you ask who benefits from us giving Israel money? Don't be dense.  Israel benefits.  Next question, why should we care if Israel benefits? Well why should we care about anything? Caring doesn't have to be rational. 

The elites care because they relate to Israel.  They know that our society is built on pluralism and democracy. They know that those things can make us appear weak when compared to a society built on zealotry and dictatorship.  So we can't let another pluralistic and democratic society like ours be victimized by a dictatorship of zealots.  That would make our hypothetical weakness suddenly real.  I am well educated and comfortable so I sympathize with the elites on these points.

Many of the plebes in the US have no real love for our pluralism or our democracy but they are under the influence of dispensational premillenialism, an interpretation of the Christian Bible that originated in Ireland in 1830. 

Your quandary,  Caldrac and L2L, is you clearly don't belong to either category, neither an optimistic secular elite nor a pessimistic but religious plebe.

Not being dense. Just asking at the end of the day, given the amount of issues we're seeing here at home in the states, whether you stand on the liberal side, conservative side or right in the center like most people TRY to do. Is it really fair to keep involving the US tax payer into these global issues that have failed miserably in producing any long, substantial peace? 

We're getting nothing out of this. Other than more threats and fear after the dust eventually settles. I don't care because I have a heart in the matter over there, Mikesez. I care because the money we send over there is less money being utilized to better the lives of the only people I do care about over here. Americans.

Elites playing God, Judge, Jury and Executioner has always worked out so well for all of the classes beneath them, right? It's just a game of monopoly to these folks. While they're playing with house money and some of us are struggling to keep the lights on, food on the table or even a [BLEEP] foot in the door. 

It's bittersweet being caught in the middle of this nonsense. I cannot tell you how much it eats at me that I get no say in where my tax dollars go. I get no say in how and why it should be used here to benefit our people but yet I am told I am a racist, P.O.S for not siding with Ukraine and Israel on a daily basis by social media and the mainstream media. 

While they slaughter each other with arms and resources already provided to them. We're overdue for some major, major karma here at home. We've done nothing to stop this. We've done nothing to slow it down. It wears on me. I cannot explain it. I am grateful to be here and alive and well for now as an American.

I just fear for it's long term health. My health. Our health. Your health. Our kids and grandkids futures. We're failing them. It bothers me.

It's mind numbing.
(10-11-2023, 10:46 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Hezbollah has gotten into the mix. They bombed northern Israel with guided missles from southern Lebanon. Israel retaliated with air strikes on villages in Lebanon.

A dude on al-Jazeera is saying this is going to turn into a much bigger war than just Hamas and Israel. He says the difference between this and Russia/Ukraine is Russia and Ukraine could come to what he calls a win-win solution and go about their business. This situation with Israel and Hamas will, at best, come to a lose-lose conclusion because there is no solution and other nations will be pulled into this.

He also said the world is living in the most dangerous time since just before WW2 started.

Yes. It's prophetic. If you read the Bible and Quran. There's a belief that once the Euphrates river begins to dry up? Angels will be released and take out 2/3's of the population. 

It's slowly been drying up now for a few years as climate change has worsened. You can clearly see how bad things have gotten globally after covid. It was already delicate enough to begin with.

There's too many conflicts occurring all at once and all it will take is just one or two more "missiles in the middle of the night" to get this party started. If Iran gets involved directly it will prompt some interesting moves on the board. 

I warned my wife during the presidential debates in 2020 that this is what I feared with Biden in office. He cannot lead. He cannot make amends. He cannot do anything other than be the war mongering man he's always been in office throughout his career. 

It was never this bad with Trump. I cannot recall it ever being this bad globally at least since when I was a boy during 9/11 and we had a bunch of neocons in office running the show. Democrats are just as [BLEEP] blood thirsty as the neocons I grew up with.
(10-11-2023, 12:42 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-11-2023, 10:46 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Hezbollah has gotten into the mix. They bombed northern Israel with guided missles from southern Lebanon. Israel retaliated with air strikes on villages in Lebanon.

A dude on al-Jazeera is saying this is going to turn into a much bigger war than just Hamas and Israel. He says the difference between this and Russia/Ukraine is Russia and Ukraine could come to what he calls a win-win solution and go about their business. This situation with Israel and Hamas will, at best, come to a lose-lose conclusion because there is no solution and other nations will be pulled into this.

He also said the world is living in the most dangerous time since just before WW2 started.

Yes. It's prophetic. If you read the Bible and Quran. There's a belief that once the Euphrates river begins to dry up? Angels will be released and take out 2/3's of the population. 

It's slowly been drying up now for a few years as climate change has worsened. You can clearly see how bad things have gotten globally after covid. It was already delicate enough to begin with.

There's too many conflicts occurring all at once and all it will take is just one or two more "missiles in the middle of the night" to get this party started. If Iran gets involved directly it will prompt some interesting moves on the board. 

I warned my wife during the presidential debates in 2020 that this is what I feared with Biden in office. He cannot lead. He cannot make amends. He cannot do anything other than be the war mongering man he's always been in office throughout his career. 

It was never this bad with Trump. I cannot recall it ever being this bad globally at least since when I was a boy during 9/11 and we had a bunch of neocons in office running the show. Democrats are just as [BLEEP] blood thirsty as the neocons I grew up with.

But where do you get off blaming Biden or Trump for Russia and Hamas starting wars? Stop blaming the US for stuff we didn't do.
(10-11-2023, 01:09 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-11-2023, 12:42 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. It's prophetic. If you read the Bible and Quran. There's a belief that once the Euphrates river begins to dry up? Angels will be released and take out 2/3's of the population. 

It's slowly been drying up now for a few years as climate change has worsened. You can clearly see how bad things have gotten globally after covid. It was already delicate enough to begin with.

There's too many conflicts occurring all at once and all it will take is just one or two more "missiles in the middle of the night" to get this party started. If Iran gets involved directly it will prompt some interesting moves on the board. 

I warned my wife during the presidential debates in 2020 that this is what I feared with Biden in office. He cannot lead. He cannot make amends. He cannot do anything other than be the war mongering man he's always been in office throughout his career. 

It was never this bad with Trump. I cannot recall it ever being this bad globally at least since when I was a boy during 9/11 and we had a bunch of neocons in office running the show. Democrats are just as [BLEEP] blood thirsty as the neocons I grew up with.

But where do you get off blaming Biden or Trump for Russia and Hamas starting wars?  Stop blaming the US for stuff we didn't do.

When you're throwing money at these countries? With US tax dollars? We're partly to blame. Especially when we have intelligence in these countries, connections in these countries, relationships with these countries and we've been working in conjunction with the UN and NATO to bolster some of these territories which naturally makes the Eastern front nervous and uneasy. 

Bad policies, bad stances being taken over the years, the mismanaging of assets and money in these regions has historically and now, currently, shows why we're at fault. Each administration plays a hand in this to some extent. Saying we didn't do it is the equivalent of saying "Well, you know, I was just in the car at the time of the robbery or murder, your honor, I didn't personally pull the trigger or kill anybody, I was just there".

We're an accessory in this. A MASSIVE FINANICAL ACCESSORY. Plus arms, weapons, etc. Again, grateful to be here in the West. Glad I wasn't born in any of those countries. However, I can admit it to myself and see for myself that US leadership over the years has done nothing but aid, agitate and fan the flames of these global issues. 

People can say, "Well, it's incompetent leadership doing this and it's hard to balance it out with different parties involved every four years and the gridlock issues we have with Congress". That's bogus. There's people getting paid to make these decisions and there's people in high places paying premium for these decisions to be made.
I'm sure someone has mentioned it - but it sure seems the US values Israel as an ally against Iran more than they value staying out of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict/occupation.
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