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Quote:I'd rather take my chances with Iran, a nation with all the military capability of a third-world ghost town, than have a few hundred Russian nukes aimed at every major population center in the United States, but that's just me.

 Russia doesn't want to commit suicide.  Iran is willing to commit suicide because of their long range view that goes beyond life itself.  
Yet another reason why Ted Cruz is by far my preferred candidate for President.  


The bottom line is Ted Cruz believes in U.S, Sovereignty.   Obama believes in U.N. Sovereignty,  which violates the U.S. Constitution repeatedly.



Quote: Russia doesn't want to commit suicide.  Iran is willing to commit suicide because of their long range view that goes beyond life itself.  
Ayatollah Khamenei has been in power since 1989. He's had 25 years to "commit suicide" and hasn't. As close of allies and Iran and Russia are, surely he could have arranged for a nuke to make its way over the border. At some point, doesn't one have to acknowledge the possibility that maybe he doesn't want to blow the world up?


As much as Americans (apparently including you) want to believe that we still set the rules for the rest of the world to play by, that's not true. We don't get to say, "You can have nuclear weapons because you're our friend, but you can't because we don't like you." We don't get to start a war and tell everyone else to stay out of it. This isn't 1995. We're not the sole surviving superpower. Russia, China and the EU have as much say in things as we do these days. That's the world we live in. If you don't like it, too bad. The game has changed. The people who have changed with it and are willing to work towards agreements and accountability are the ones who will shape the future, and the people who still harbor this silly notion that America dictates the rules that everyone else plays by will find themselves left behind. Hopefully that second group all fades away before they get the rest of us killed.
Quote:Ayatollah Khamenei has been in power since 1989. He's had 25 years to "commit suicide" and hasn't. As close of allies and Iran and Russia are, surely he could have arranged for a nuke to make its way over the border. At some point, doesn't one have to acknowledge the possibility that maybe he doesn't want to blow the world up?


As much as Americans (apparently including you) want to believe that we still set the rules for the rest of the world to play by, that's not true. We don't get to say, "You can have nuclear weapons because you're our friend, but you can't because we don't like you." We don't get to start a war and tell everyone else to stay out of it. This isn't 1995. We're not the sole surviving superpower. Russia, China and the EU have as much say in things as we do these days. That's the world we live in. If you don't like it, too bad. The game has changed. The people who have changed with it and are willing to work towards agreements and accountability are the ones who will shape the future, and the people who still harbor this silly notion that America dictates the rules that everyone else plays by will find themselves left behind. Hopefully that second group all fades away before they get the rest of us killed.

  Iran views time much differently than the west.   They look at thing over a much longer time frame than what most in the west can even comprehend.    Twenty five years is practically nothing from their perspective.  


  Even if Iran doesn't get nuclear weapons,  I believe that the U.S. is very vulnerable to a nuclear bomb being set off in America because of the horrific border security.   Islamic State and other entities with similar mindsets want to bring America to its knees.  


 The United States has to protect its citizens above all else.   If the U.S. would have dealt from strength all along,  we wouldn't be in the dire situation we are now in.   It's been apparent on this end well before January, 20, 2009 that Obama wouldn't act in the best interest of the U.S.   He wants a one world type of government,  which from my perspective is the antithesis of what the vision of the founding fathers and mothers of the United States had.   The next President of the U.S. must prioritize U.S. sovereignty.    If someone other than Ted Cruz running for President pledges he / she will support the U.S. defunding and leaving the U.N. ,  that person probably will have my vote even over Cruz.   That's how important this issue is for me.  
Quote: Call it what you want. But look at the appeasement policy of former British P.M. Neville Chamberlain. That contributed greatly to WWII. Obama is putting the U.S. on a similar path.

No, no, history never repeats itself and there is absolutely nothing to learn from past experience.

Here, take my hand. Altogether now!

"Kumbaya my Lord

Quote: Call it what you want. But look at the appeasement policy of former British P.M. Neville Chamberlain. That contributed greatly to WWII. Obama is putting the U.S. on a similar path.

Fear is a fairly awful starting point to build a word view from. Let alone foreign policy. Or military action as you'd have it.
Quote:Fear is a fairly awful starting point to build a word view from. Let alone foreign policy. Or military action as you'd have it.

Why is simple understanding labeled "fear?"
Quote:Ayatollah Khamenei has been in power since 1989. He's had 25 years to "commit suicide" and hasn't. As close of allies and Iran and Russia are, surely he could have arranged for a nuke to make its way over the border. At some point, doesn't one have to acknowledge the possibility that maybe he doesn't want to blow the world up?

As much as Americans (apparently including you) want to believe that we still set the rules for the rest of the world to play by, that's not true. We don't get to say, "You can have nuclear weapons because you're our friend, but you can't because we don't like you." We don't get to start a war and tell everyone else to stay out of it. This isn't 1995. We're not the sole surviving superpower. Russia, China and the EU have as much say in things as we do these days. That's the world we live in. If you don't like it, too bad. The game has changed. The people who have changed with it and are willing to work towards agreements and accountability are the ones who will shape the future, and the people who still harbor this silly notion that America dictates the rules that everyone else plays by will find themselves left behind. Hopefully that second group all fades away before they get the rest of us killed.

A common thread we've seen here lately is a fondness of the past and the desire to retain and or return to it. That's just not the reality of things anymore and people are not willing to accept the reality we live in.
Quote:Why is simple understanding labeled "fear?"

Because it comes from a place of fear? You've let the tourists accomplish exactly what they wanted.
Quote:Because it comes from a place of fear? You've let the tourists accomplish exactly what they wanted.

Do you realize that the West has been at war with Islam for nearly 1500 years now? At some point doesn't the pattern emerge so clearly that even liberals can recognize it?
Quote:Do you realize that the West has been at war with Islam for nearly 1500 years now? At some point doesn't the pattern emerge so clearly that even liberals can recognize it?

Islam has been at war with itself. We could just not interject in it or should I say anymore. We've done it over and over again to no effect. Is that not a letter you see?
Quote:Islam has been at war with itself. We could just not interject in it or should I say anymore. We've done it over and over again to no effect. Is that not a letter you see?

Let me ask you this.  Did Islam bring the war to us on on 12 October 2000?


What about on 11 September 2001?


Were events on those days our fault?


Did we actively cause those events because of something that we did?
Quote:Islam has been at war with itself. We could just not interject in it or should I say anymore. We've done it over and over again to no effect. Is that not a letter you see?

So your'e the guy hoping the 'Gator eats you last then.
Quote:Let me ask you this.  Did Islam bring the war to us on on 12 October 2000?


What about on 11 September 2001?


Were events on those days our fault?


Did we actively cause those events because of something that we did?

Look, if we'd just leave them alone history demonstrates over and over and over again that Islam is a peaceful religion and its adherents want nothing more than to live with their neighbors in peace.   Rolleyes
Quote:Let me ask you this. Did Islam bring the war to us on on 12 October 2000?

What about on 11 September 2001?

Were events on those days our fault?

Did we actively cause those events because of something that we did?

I'm not sure to be honest. I think a lot of our meddling had a lot to do with the cowardly actions taken o. those dates amo gst many others things. This is a very tough conversation to have and still fall within the CoC as the matters at hand as well as other dispicable acts that have happened in that past carried the same "rightniousness" behind them. The difference being people were born in different locations and different doctrines.
So dont listen to the terrorists themselves or the history of islam just blame america? Im glad to know where u stand.
Quote:I'm not sure to be honest. I think a lot of our meddling had a lot to do with the cowardly actions taken o. those dates amo gst many others things. This is a very tough conversation to have and still fall within the CoC as the matters at hand as well as other dispicable acts that have happened in that past carried the same "rightniousness" behind them. The difference being people were born in different locations and different doctrines.

It's too bad you can't explain how America is at fault to Charles Martel. It would've been enlightening for him.
Quote:Look, if we'd just leave them alone history demonstrates over and over and over again that Islam is a peaceful religion and its adherents want nothing more than to live with their neighbors in peace. Rolleyes

Just wipe out the people you disagree with. I'm sure you'd be willing to sign now for your boots and bullets eh?
Quote:It's too bad you can't explain how America is at fault to Charles Martel. It would've been enlightening for him.

You dispute out meddling has anything to do with it? Talk about sticking your head in the sand....
Quote:You dispute out meddling has anything to do with it? Talk about sticking your head in the sand...

1300 pre-USA years of Islamist aggression says otherwise. Hell ,the first act of the USA vs a non-British foreign power was against an Islamic foe. Clearly the ones calling for action against a 1500 year old enemy are the ones not accepting reality.
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