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Quote:1300 pre-USA years of Islamist aggression says otherwise. Hell ,the first act of the USA vs a non-British foreign power was against an Islamic foe. Clearly the ones calling for action against a 1500 year old enemy are the ones not accepting reality.

The xenophoobia runs deep and blinds you to others failings.
Quote:The xenophoobia runs deep and blinds you to others failings.

There's nothing irrational about my beliefs. Stop using 'xenophobia", it doesn't apply to 1500 years of historical fact.
Quote:There's nothing irrational about my beliefs. Stop using 'xenophobia", it doesn't apply to 1500 years of historical fact.

Perhaps a quick search on the definition of the word would do you some good.

What was the rhetoric on here lately about liberals hating facts? Why should I stop using a word that so eloquently describes the views of some people in a factual manner? Wernt you and your ilk just recently parroting a supreme court justice' remarks on the meaning of words?

Aside from that, I find it interesting how people tend to forget the atrocities of another major religion while trumpeting their hatred for another one.
I know it's alot easier to just say "Islam" and "they hate us for our freedom".  It puts us in a much easier rationalization for our war on "those people".


But if I remember correctly, the hatred for America by those in the middle east that have attacked us over there and here on 9/11 were based on our involvement in the affairs on the middle east.  


Now you may say, well Bin Ladin was defending the muslims of the middle east.  So therefore it is a religous war.  I would disagree.  I think the term muslim is used in this situation in terms of an an ethnic similarity in order to bring more people over to his side.  


You cannot deny that the USA has had alot of influence in the middle east.  This influence can be seen as an occupation to the Al Queda/ISIS crowd.  But just because they say they are fighting for Islam, doesn't make it a true religious war.  To me, "Islam" is a recruiting tactic.  They are trying to gather fighters to thier cause, the easiest way to do this is to use religion. 


Think about this:  If Islam was the problem, why are we not at war with almost every nation in the middle east?  Perhaps, it's not Islam.  Perhaps it's these war mongers that are co-opting the religion to pursuade those that are easily influenced into fighting.

Also, did anyone read any of the articles regarding the Ayotollah's weekend speech.  He said they were never going to, and will not be building, a nuclear bomb.  I know, I know, you can't trust him.


But it's interesting to read up on it.


He also said, in an antagonistic way, that the relationship with the USA will remain as is.  Which is to say, Iran isn't planning on buddying up with the USA.  However, no nukes for Iran, and a relationship that starts out kinda rocky but at least we are talking, is much better than the alternative.

Quote:Perhaps a quick search on the definition of the word would do you some good.

What was the rhetoric on here lately about liberals hating facts? Why should I stop using a word that so eloquently describes the views of some people in a factual manner? Wernt you and your ilk just recently parroting a supreme court justice' remarks on the meaning of words?

Aside from that, I find it interesting how people tend to forget the atrocities of another major religion while trumpeting their hatred for another one.

Xenophobia - The IRRATIONAL or UNREASONABLE fear of that which is seen as different or strange. Maybe you should be more careful with your words. Lefties like to make every disagreement about fear; they are the masters of labeling others with the Phobias. As I said, my beliefs are completely rational.
Quote:Xenophobia - The IRRATIONAL or UNREASONABLE fear of that which is seen as different or strange. Maybe you should be more careful with your words. Lefties like to make every disagreement about fear; they are the masters of labeling others with the Phobias. As I said, my beliefs are completely rational.
This is not a shot at you directly, more of a general question: why is it that those on the right say that the left boils every disagreement down to one factor, and that factor is always different?
Quote:This is not a shot at you directly, more of a general question: why is it that those on the right say that the left boils every disagreement down to one factor, and that factor is always different?

That is a 64,000 dollar question my friend.

Also, what I notice that I this weekend, the typical left wing critique is not that lefties use personal attacks, as those personal attacks seem to be coming from the other side thus weekend...
Quote:This is not a shot at you directly, more of a general question: why is it that those on the right say that the left boils every disagreement down to one factor, and that factor is always different?

I dunno. I've just noticed that everytime I disagree about something it's labeled a phobia from which I suffer.
Quote:Also, what I notice that I this weekend, the typical left wing critique is not that lefties use personal attacks, as those personal attacks seem to be coming from the other side thus weekend...

[Image: quizzicaldog1.gif]
Quote:[Image: quizzicaldog1.gif]

You know...
Quote:You know...

I know I was a little hung over, but that sentence still doesn't make sense to me even 8 hours later.
Quote:I know I was a little hung over, but that sentence still doesn't make sense to me even 8 hours later.

I'm not hung over or even drinking, but I'm trying to decipher it as well.   Wink


Ok I lied... I just opened a cold one to have before I go to bed.  3:30 AM comes too quick for me.
Sorry I was in the airport ask day yesterday. I trying to explain how you guys doth protest too much regarding "typical left wing attacks"... whatever, it's not important right now. :-)
This message is mainly geared to those that oppose the Iranian Nuclear Deal or those that are on the fence. 


Tomorrow ( Wednesday ),  there's going to be a number of rallies opposing the Iran Nuclear Deal.  With the largest one being in Times Square in New York.   In case you want to watch the rally,  the following link will take you to a linked site that will provide coverage,   People from both sides of the aisle will be participating:




For those of you in South Florida,  there's going to be a rally in Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow at the Federal Court House at 5:30pm on Broward Blvd,  and 3rd.

Quote:I know it's alot easier to just say "Islam" and "they hate us for our freedom".  It puts us in a much easier rationalization for our war on "those people".


But if I remember correctly, the hatred for America by those in the middle east that have attacked us over there and here on 9/11 were based on our involvement in the affairs on the middle east.  


Now you may say, well Bin Ladin was defending the muslims of the middle east.  So therefore it is a religous war.  I would disagree.  I think the term muslim is used in this situation in terms of an an ethnic similarity in order to bring more people over to his side.  


You cannot deny that the USA has had alot of influence in the middle east.  This influence can be seen as an occupation to the Al Queda/ISIS crowd.  But just because they say they are fighting for Islam, doesn't make it a true religious war.  To me, "Islam" is a recruiting tactic.  They are trying to gather fighters to thier cause, the easiest way to do this is to use religion. 


Think about this:  If Islam was the problem, why are we not at war with almost every nation in the middle east?  Perhaps, it's not Islam.  Perhaps it's these war mongers that are co-opting the religion to pursuade those that are easily influenced into fighting.

I think that's all pretty true.  I don't think they hate us for our freedom.   They hate us because we are there, and we have a history of exploiting the region for our own financial gain.  They hate us because we take sides in their regional wars.   They hate us because we are propping up Israel, which they see as a colony of foreigners planted in their midst, who bomb and kill Arab women and children without any penalty.  They hate us because we send explicit sex into their homes via the internet.    There are so many reasons why they hate us.   Mostly, I think they hate us because no matter what happens, there we are, stirring the pot, protecting our own interests.  
At the STOP IRAN RALLY in Times Square yesterday, former Fla. Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West made one of the best genuine and powerful speeches that I have heard in my entire lifetime.   This is the type of leader I proudly support and wish America had at all levels of government:



Wait you are telling me we are going to give them the knowledge of how to make the bomb, fund it, and ask for nothing in return????

Obama & Kerry are foreign relation experts and should probably win another noble award before the earth blows up by the middle east.

Quote:At the STOP IRAN RALLY in Times Square yesterday, former Fla. Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West made one of the best genuine and powerful speeches that I have heard in my entire lifetime. This is the type of leader I proudly support and wish America had at all levels of government:

That was genuine? Isn't what he said the same rhetoric all those opposed to the deal have been saying?
Quote:At the STOP IRAN RALLY in Times Square yesterday, former Fla. Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West made one of the best genuine and powerful speeches that I have heard in my entire lifetime.   This is the type of leader I proudly support and wish America had at all levels of government:



This is the guy who said there are 80 communists in the Congress. 




If you like this guy, you would have really liked Joe McCarthy. 
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