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The whole atmosphere surrounding this debate reminds me of the book/movie "7 Days in May."   It's a great movie starring Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster.   I highly recommend it.  




It's about a controversial treaty and the attempt to stop it. 

Quote:That was genuine? Isn't what he said the same rhetoric all those opposed to the deal have been saying?

   While some of the points that have been brought out by most opposing the deal are similar,   Allen West,   Frank Gaffney,   and Ret. Admiral James Lyons Jr.  were the speakers at Wednesday's rally that practically held nothing back.   At least from my perspective,   these were the most effective and inspiring speeches. 
Quote:This is the guy who said there are 80 communists in the Congress. 




If you like this guy, you would have really liked Joe McCarthy. 

   I agree with Allen West regarding that statement.   
Quote:   I agree with Allen West regarding that statement.   

Then name them.  And prove that they're communists too.  In fact, name 10 and prove they're communists.

Quote:Then name them.  And prove that they're communists too.  In fact, name 10 and prove they're communists.


 The focus of my comment is regarding economics.    I'll re-phase what I expressed,  using the word socialists instead.   


 I don't want to get to off topic.  But to illustrate what I was trying to convey,  the following article is from 2009.   Many of these individuals listed in the article are still in Congress:



Quote:This is the guy who said there are 80 communists in the Congress.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0412/75025.html'>http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0412/75025.html</a>

If you like this guy, you would have really liked Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy was an American patriot and hero.
Quote:McCarthy was an American patriot and hero.

Joseph McCarthy was scum, who used his power to ruin innocent lives.
Quote:Joseph McCarthy was scum, who used his power to ruin innocent lives.

They weren't innocent.
Quote:McCarthy was an American patriot and hero.

And a drunk and a coward.
Quote:They weren't innocent.

You think it's okay to destroy someone's life over their political beliefs?  


Joe McCarthy dragged people in front of Congress and accused them of being Communists.   In the first place, it has never been illegal to be a Communist, and in the second place, most of them weren't even Communists.   He destroyed numerous people's lives.  You think that was okay?  
Quote: The focus of my comment is regarding economics.    I'll re-phase what I expressed,  using the word socialists instead.   


 I don't want to get to off topic.  But to illustrate what I was trying to convey,  the following article is from 2009.   Many of these individuals listed in the article are still in Congress:



I followed your link and there is no substantiation for that charge whatsoever.   None!    Some unnamed person names a bunch of liberals.   The link to the Socialist Party of America doesn't even work.  Neither does the other link in the article.  


Secondly, what Allan West said was that there were 80 COMMUNISTS in Congress.  Not "socialists."   Communists.  
Quote:They weren't innocent.

Unless you believe homosexuals were guilty of something just because they were homosexuals.


Google "Lavender Scare" and Senator Lester Hunt.
Quote:They weren't innocent.

I see an Ann Coulter reference coming very shortly.
Quote:At the STOP IRAN RALLY in Times Square yesterday, former Fla. Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West made one of the best genuine and powerful speeches that I have heard in my entire lifetime.   This is the type of leader I proudly support and wish America had at all levels of government:



WOW!  Thank you so much for sharing that.  I don't think know that there is not one phrase that he uttered that I disagree with.  I do wish that people would watch that video and try to dispute it.
Quote:WOW!  Thank you so much for sharing that.  I don't think know that there is not one phrase that he uttered that I disagree with.  I do wish that people would watch that video and try to dispute it.

My pleasure.  I was extremely confident that you and many others that saw this video would have great appreciation for what Lt. Col. Allen West expressed in Times Square the other day.


I think that you and many others will also appreciate the comments by Ret. Admiral James Lyons Jr.  and Frank Gaffney.  I'm going to post a link to the entire ' STOP IRAN RALLY' event in NYC.  While most of the other speeches are worth listening to if you have the time,  the speeches by Admiral Lyons ( 2:17:40 mark )  and Frank Gaffney ( 2:36:40 ) are very highly recommended.   These speeches reflect my point of view and the approaches needed to deal with Iran,  Obama,  and John Kerry.   These are the type of people I want in the next Presidential Cabinet:



Quote:I followed your link and there is no substantiation for that charge whatsoever.   None!    Some unnamed person names a bunch of liberals.   The link to the Socialist Party of America doesn't even work.  Neither does the other link in the article.  


Secondly, what Allan West said was that there were 80 COMMUNISTS in Congress.  Not "socialists."   Communists.  

 Before commenting on the link,   I want to again mention that I should have used the word socialist instead of communist.   While I'm not discounting what Lt. Col. Allen West said,  I don't know enough to say whether these Congress representatives ( in some cases former representatives )  are communists or not.    Having said that,  the policies that so many of the individuals on the list I provided support are from my perspective as bad or in some cases even worse than what's considered Communist policies.    I want them out of office like much of the left worked to get Allen West,  Joe Walsh,  and Michele Bachmann out of office.  


 The website from the article existed back in 2009 and 2010.   I found it on the Wayback Machine:





Quote: Before commenting on the link,   I want to again mention that I should have used the word socialist instead of communist.   While I'm not discounting what Lt. Col. Allen West said,  I don't know enough to say whether these Congress representatives ( in some cases former representatives )  are communists or not.    Having said that,  the policies that so many of the individuals on the list I provided support are from my perspective as bad or in some cases even worse than what's considered Communist policies.    I want them out of office like much of the left worked to get Allen West,  Joe Walsh,  and Michele Bachmann out of office.  


 The website from the article existed back in 2009 and 2010.   I found it on the Wayback Machine:




Yeah, she probably did most of the damage to herself. 
Quote:McCarthy was an American patriot and hero.
And Adolf Hitler is the great hero of the German people.
Quote: Before commenting on the link,   I want to again mention that I should have used the word socialist instead of communist.   While I'm not discounting what Lt. Col. Allen West said,  I don't know enough to say whether these Congress representatives ( in some cases former representatives )  are communists or not.    Having said that,  the policies that so many of the individuals on the list I provided support are from my perspective as bad or in some cases even worse than what's considered Communist policies.    I want them out of office like much of the left worked to get Allen West,  Joe Walsh,  and Michele Bachmann out of office.  


 The website from the article existed back in 2009 and 2010.   I found it on the Wayback Machine:





Again, I'm looking at the links you provided, and I find no list of "socialists" in Congress.   On the original link you provided, an unnamed person lists some liberals in congress and calls them socialists.   But what we were talking about was the claim that there are 80 communists in congress.    What Allan West said was that  there  are 80 communists in congress, and while a  couple of people  on this message board have expressed agreement, there is no evidence of it either from Allan West or anyone else.  


Of course, if you want to say, all liberals are socialists and all socialists are communists, then all liberals are communists and there are a bunch of communists in congress. 


Personally, I think it's a bizarre thing to say, and it shows why Allan West is no longer  in congress. 

Quote:This is the guy who said there are 80 communists in the Congress. 




If you like this guy, you would have really liked Joe McCarthy. 

1.) you still didn't refute anything in the above video.  


2.) we are on a head on collision course with socialized medicine and most lending to college kids and first time home buyers is either directly or underwritten by the wholly government owned GNMA.  


Is it really that much of a stretch?  at least less of a stretch than climate change caused isis?
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