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Quote:Insisting on a split structure contract for Blackmon is probably the best move Gene Smith made when he was in charge here. Trading up for Blackmon was one of his worst.

At this point, it is better to just think of 2009-2012 as essentially yielding nothing for this organization. Guys like Branch and Alualu may still be role players for the team but overall it was just four years of complete waste. It is not a stretch to say that he was the worst GM in modern NFL history. Matt Millen at least drafted Calvin Johnson.
Quote:At this point, it is better to just think of 2009-2012 as essentially yielding nothing for this organization. Guys like Branch and Alualu may still be role players for the team but overall it was just four years of complete waste. It is not a stretch to say that he was the worst GM in modern NFL history. Matt Millen at least drafted Calvin Johnson.

Yeah, Matt Millen actually did draft some good players. The only guys that were any good were Monroe and Knighton, and they're not elite level guys at their position. Four drafts and the feather in his freakin hat is a couple of guys who are still contributing for other teams. Wallbash
Quote:Yeah, Matt Millen actually did draft some good players. The only guys that were any good were Monroe and Knighton, and they're not elite level guys at their position. Four drafts and the feather in his freakin hat is a couple of guys who are still contributing for other teams. Wallbash

What was even worse was the band of brothers proclaiming he was the next Bill Walsh, including your Johnny Cochran defense of Blaine Gabbert.
Quote:What was even worse was the band of brothers proclaiming he was the next Bill Walsh, including your Johnny Cochran defense of Blaine Gabbert.

Wanting to bench a rookie or second year guy because you think he's not good enough is moronic. Other bad QBs developed and got better. That Gabbert didn't succeed isn't an indication that not wanting to act like an idiot with personnel moves (especially when his backup is another career 70-something passer rating guy who isn't going to help anything in the long run) is the wrong way to go.


By your logic it's time to dump Bortles for Henne, since according to ESPN he had the worst rookie performance since Gabbert! The sky is falling! Why didn't the Jaguars take Bridgewater?!?! Waaah!

Quote:What was even worse was the band of brothers proclaiming he was the next Bill Walsh, including your Johnny Cochran defense of Blaine Gabbert.

Yes. Clearly your made up story of someone proclaiming him the next Bill Walsh is worse than nearly single handily destroying an NFL franchise.
Quote:Who knows, maybe he thinks football is the cause for his temptation and is just living life clean. Wouldn't be mad at him but as everyone suggests it would be nice to hear something
Good point. Very possible.
Like it was stated before, we have heard about Gordon, AP, Hardy, Vick, etc.... But Blackmon is some secret? If he was gonna reinstate he would be telling the world right now. Dude is done with pro sports. Let's just move on.
By the time the season starts he will have been out for almost two years. Guys don't come back from that type of inactivity. We really have seen no indication he is coming back. The team has moved on.

It's really his decision whether he comes back this year, next year or ever.  It's unfortunate league rules prevent Khan from helping him to the extent of his capabilities.

Quote:At this point, it is better to just think of 2009-2012 as essentially yielding nothing for this organization. Guys like Branch and Alualu may still be role players for the team but overall it was just four years of complete waste. It is not a stretch to say that he was the worst GM in modern NFL history. Matt Millen at least drafted Calvin Johnson.

Didn't Millen also draft Cliff Avril?


I mean I think we have little reason to believe Blackmon will ever be back. But Ryan O has a bizarre obsession with Blackmon.

Blackmon probably blew him off for an interview once, and being a sportswriter he probably has a high opinion of himself. He is just another Bart Hubbuch in that regard. 
Quote:If he truly doesn't want to play anymore, wouldn't he feel less pressure from everyone if he had announced his retirement as soon as he felt that way? 
This right here, I will be all for him if it wants to retire more power too him, said the same thing about Chris Borland, but not saying anything and dragging the fans and the team through the mud is my issue right now.


I know Dave says they dont worry about Blackmon but he is still a member of the Jaguars, if he wants to retire then retire if not we will see if he applied to come back,

Quote:Didn't Millen also draft Cliff Avril?

That's correct.   In the 3rd Round in 2008/


The 2008 Draft was Matt Millen's last draft.   Excluding Calvin Johnson,  who was in the 2007 Draft,   the 2008 Draft was probably one of the top 2 drafts that Millen had.   It was far from perfect but a number of players from that Lions draft were in the NFL for the 2014 season.
Quote:This right here, I will be all for him if it wants to retire more power too him, said the same thing about Chris Borland, but not saying anything and dragging the fans and the team through the mud is my issue right now.


I know Dave says they dont worry about Blackmon but he is still a member of the Jaguars, if he wants to retire then retire if not we will see if he applied to come back,

Some people might say that it's his personal life and therefore nobody's business, but as a professional athlete you are in the spotlight and a little common courtesy to the team and city that has paid you millions for essentially nothing is not too much to ask.  I'm sure he has seen a few of the articles online about himself, dropping a line via his publicist would take zero effort on his part.  Maybe he doesn't want to face the questions, spotlight and media scrutiny that will come with his eventual retirement but dragging this saga on and being completely silent on the matter is childish IMO.


I have been hanging on by a thread with regard to hoping JB comes back but today I have officially moved on.  
Blackmon "done zo" according to HIGH SCORE 18 months ago.
Write Blackmon off as a bad investment. A wasted talent. Sucks to be him.
Not sure why people are being defensive. Chances of a successful comeback must be pretty much zero after this long out the game even if he is clean.
If the Jaguars end up drafting Amari Cooper or Kevin White with the pick # 3 draft resource,  a statement from the organization regarding Justin Blackmon's future with the team won't be necessary.

Quote:If the Jaguars end up drafting Amari Cooper or Kevin White with the pick # 3 draft resource,  a statement from the organization regarding Justin Blackmon's future with the team won't be necessary.
Was thinking the same thing. If we do go WR in the first, thatll be a huge statement by its self.
Quote:If the Jaguars end up drafting Amari Cooper or Kevin White with the pick # 3 draft resource, a statement from the organization regarding Justin Blackmon's future with the team won't be necessary.

Would love to see this. Get that pick that JB was suppose to be. Bolster the recevier corps and lay to rest all notions of JB's relevance, at the same time.
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