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(06-12-2019, 01:57 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 07:38 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Honest question to everyone. Are you comfortable with Joe Biden running your country?

He does not seem to be mentally "all there".

And Trump is?

No, I don't care much for Biden. He's one of the more centrist candidates coming from the Democratic Party, which I appreciate, but he's about as inspiring as a block of wood. He wouldn't stand a chance of defeating Trump.

(06-12-2019, 01:28 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]The same poll that had Hillary up 18 points over Trump in 2015 has Biden up 13 points on Trump.

Polls 17 months before the election are worth as much as the paper they're written on, and most polls are physically written down anymore. I can almost guarantee you that any poll showing Biden up by that much on Trump is heavily skewed towards the Democratic field. 2-3 points I'd believe, but 13? That question has to be phrased in a way that the AOC crowd can't possibly answer with "I'm staying home unless X wins the nomination."

Biden is no longer a centrist. He has pandered to the left on everything in order to stay afloat. 

I don't believe in polls. The fact that I have never been polled makes me believe in them even less.
(06-12-2019, 08:55 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 08:52 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Supporters of Donald Trump castigating anyone else for not being 'all there". That's irony right there folks.

Even though he is likely more physically active at 73 than you are at less than half his age?
I have never met or seen someone as obsessed with another person as you are Trump.

Good grief.
(06-12-2019, 06:01 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Now Quinnipiac has published some head to head polls they took, which show Biden leading Trump by 13 points, 53% to 40%.  In fact, they say 6 different Democrat candidates would beat Trump if the election were held today.  

So I looked up Quinnipiac's track record, specifically in the 2016 election, and they were (barely) within the margin of error in most of the battleground states.  

You have to wonder if they have corrected some of their deficiencies from 2016.

Quinnipiac has typically missed to the right.
They tended to underestimate Obama's support because a lot of Obama supporters weren't willing to take calls from pollsters.
I think Trump supporters, at least the ones that weren't reliable voters either way prior to Trump, are probably hard to get on the phone as well.
(06-12-2019, 02:19 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 08:55 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Even though he is likely more physically active at 73 than you are at less than half his age?
I have never met or seen someone as obsessed with another person as you are Trump.

Good grief.

TDS is a real thing.
(06-12-2019, 09:41 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 02:19 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]I have never met or seen someone as obsessed with another person as you are Trump.

Good grief.

TDS is a real thing.

It doesn't matter who's in the White House.  40% of the country is going to think the world is coming to an end.  The same thing happened with Obama.  Obama Derangement Syndrome, if you want to call it that.
(06-13-2019, 05:01 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 09:41 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]TDS is a real thing.

It doesn't matter who's in the White House.  40% of the country is going to think the world is coming to an end.  The same thing happened with Obama.  Obama Derangement Syndrome, if you want to call it that.

This ground has been plowed before, but it’s worth revisiting. TDS far outshines the vitriol aimed at Obama, or any other president for that matter. Its breadth and depth are mainstream and exceed the bounds of any reasonable level of contempt towards not only Donald Trump, but his supporters as well. There is no comparison.
(06-13-2019, 05:01 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 09:41 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]TDS is a real thing.

It doesn't matter who's in the White House.  40% of the country is going to think the world is coming to an end.  The same thing happened with Obama.  Obama Derangement Syndrome, if you want to call it that.

If one of these democratic candidates had anything to say that I agree with, I have no problem saying it.

They are bashing a tax cut they say is for the .01% that I personally benefited from and put $400 additional dollars in my pocket a month, so they are lying to me.
They are talking about weaponizing the DOJ (again) to go after a president after he is out of office. Is this a banana republic? Surely democratic voters have a problem with this type of thinking, right?
They are telling me tarrifs will kill the middle class when taxing the middle class is what defines them.

The only positive to the dems getting in office is their policies would likely create good buying opportunities in both the stock market and real estate. The democrats are like Chunk from Goonies. If you want something broken, just give it to them.
(06-13-2019, 05:01 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2019, 09:41 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]TDS is a real thing.

It doesn't matter who's in the White House.  40% of the country is going to think the world is coming to an end.  The same thing happened with Obama.  Obama Derangement Syndrome, if you want to call it that.

There's a huge difference. The criticism of Obama was in reference to his policies.

With Trump the criticism is mostly personal. The TDS crowd claim Trump is a racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, misogynistic criminal who got elected by colluding with Putin. That's in spite of a two-plus year investigation by mostly Democrat bureaucrats that found no collusion, Trump's support of gay marriage, a Jewish daughter and strong support for Israel, and a history of working with black leaders. (misogynistic might be credible since he's a male)
(06-13-2019, 08:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 05:01 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't matter who's in the White House.  40% of the country is going to think the world is coming to an end.  The same thing happened with Obama.  Obama Derangement Syndrome, if you want to call it that.

There's a huge difference. The criticism of Obama was in reference to his policies.

I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.
(06-13-2019, 09:14 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 08:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]There's a huge difference. The criticism of Obama was in reference to his policies.

I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.

I heard multiple people regularly claim the exact same thing.  There were cries of Sharia Law being instituted and collusion with terrorists to bring America down.  I had family members who expected him to institute martial law at the end of his second term in order to stay in power and become a dictator.

So, yeah, Republicans just have pretty short memories I guess.
(06-13-2019, 09:14 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 08:53 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]There's a huge difference. The criticism of Obama was in reference to his policies.

I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.

Weaponizing the DOJ against a political opponent could be viewed as some form of "destroying the country on purpose", no?
(06-13-2019, 10:22 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 09:14 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.

Weaponizing the DOJ against a political opponent could be viewed as some form of "destroying the country on purpose", no?

So you think Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose?
Some first rate hypocrisy going on here. Do any of you live in north Florida? Did you sleep through 2009 - 2017? Some of the most vicious racism was directed at Obama every day. His policies! Yeah, right. To say nothing about the attacks at the Muslim religion. And of course Donald tried to combine both with his Birtherism crusade.

Why are right-wingers always playing the victim card? They're speaking bad about my boy! With all the racism thrown around, with all the religious bigotry. with all the gender attacks - many of you cool guys think it's ok to say pretty much anything about Hillary's looks - and you really need to see a shrink about your obsession re AOC, and you think Donald is being treated unfairly?

I understand that you're embarrassed at times at having to defend our Golfer in Chief so you're going to claim all kinds of silly defenses, but please learn some history and quit your whining.

(06-13-2019, 10:22 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 09:14 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.

Weaponizing the DOJ against a political opponent could be viewed as some form of "destroying the country on purpose", no?

Just because Tucker Sean and Laura say it doesn't make it true. But I like how you throw it out there as if it's a factual statement. Do you realize that every one here does not live in The Villages? Not every one is so easily scared and played for a sucker.
(06-13-2019, 09:49 AM)JaguarKick Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 09:14 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I disagree.   There was some of the normal disagreement with policies, but there was some really weird stuff, like the birtherism.  Or the book called "The Manchurian President."   Or the talk that Obama was actually a secret Muslim.  

Even my next door neighbor, a doctor, evidenced Obama derangement when he told me he thought Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose.  My jaw hit the ground.  Seriously???  On purpose???

No, there was plenty of Obama derangement.  Maybe it's amped up some in the Trump era, but it's always been there.  And I'll bet that no matter who gets elected in 2020, it'll reach a new level.

I heard multiple people regularly claim the exact same thing.  There were cries of Sharia Law being instituted and collusion with terrorists to bring America down.  I had family members who expected him to institute martial law at the end of his second term in order to stay in power and become a dictator.

So, yeah, Republicans just have pretty short memories I guess.

Now, take the contents of these private conversations, amplify them into full-throated spittle-flecked rage that is encouraged as the prevailing view in the MSM, Hollywood, and college campuses. Then, weaponize government bureaucracies to hound political opponents and encourage conservative views to be shouted down using violence and destruction, and you can see there is no comparison between what Obama endured to what Trump supporters face.
(06-13-2019, 11:26 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]So you think Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose?

Globalism is about destroying national sovereignty.

There can be no global government until America is destroyed.
(06-13-2019, 11:26 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 10:22 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Weaponizing the DOJ against a political opponent could be viewed as some form of "destroying the country on purpose", no?

So you think Obama was trying to destroy the country on purpose?

You can't Fundamentally Transform it any other way.
If 2020 was shaping up as a great battle at sea, the Dem strategy would not be to muster ships, but to drain the ocean.
They know they cannot win in a fair fight.
Trump won the internet in 2016, so the Dems are making sure there is no internet for conservatives in 2020.
There is nothing they won't destroy to beat Trump.
(06-13-2019, 11:51 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Some first rate hypocrisy going on here. Do any of you live in north Florida? Did you sleep through 2009 - 2017? Some of the most vicious racism was directed at Obama every day. His policies! Yeah, right. To say nothing about the attacks at the Muslim religion. And of course Donald tried to combine both with his Birtherism crusade.

Why are right-wingers always playing the victim card? They're speaking bad about my boy! With all the racism thrown around, with all the religious bigotry. with all the gender attacks -  many of you cool guys think it's ok to say pretty much anything about Hillary's looks - and you really need to see a shrink about your obsession re AOC, and you think Donald is being treated unfairly?

I understand that you're embarrassed at times at having to defend our Golfer in Chief so you're going to claim all kinds of silly defenses, but please learn some history and quit your whining.

This is nonsense. Attacks on the Muslim religion were not attacks on Obama. The Birther movement was started by Hillary's camp and fed by Obama by  not releasing his actual birth certificate for several years. In any case the mainstream conservatives were not part of the birthers, unlike the NYT and CNN attacking Trump daily.

And I see you are actually supporting my point in your second paragraph by citing racism, religious bigotry and gender attacks (whatever that means). You're just parroting the mainstream media attacks on Trump.
(06-15-2019, 08:31 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2019, 11:51 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Some first rate hypocrisy going on here. Do any of you live in north Florida? Did you sleep through 2009 - 2017? Some of the most vicious racism was directed at Obama every day. His policies! Yeah, right. To say nothing about the attacks at the Muslim religion. And of course Donald tried to combine both with his Birtherism crusade.

Why are right-wingers always playing the victim card? They're speaking bad about my boy! With all the racism thrown around, with all the religious bigotry. with all the gender attacks -  many of you cool guys think it's ok to say pretty much anything about Hillary's looks - and you really need to see a shrink about your obsession re AOC, and you think Donald is being treated unfairly?

I understand that you're embarrassed at times at having to defend our Golfer in Chief so you're going to claim all kinds of silly defenses, but please learn some history and quit your whining.

This is nonsense. Attacks on the Muslim religion were not attacks on Obama. The Birther movement was started by Hillary's camp and fed by Obama by  not releasing his actual birth certificate for several years. In any case the mainstream conservatives were not part of the birthers, unlike the NYT and CNN attacking Trump daily.

And I see you are actually supporting my point in your second paragraph by citing racism, religious bigotry and gender attacks (whatever that means). You're just parroting the mainstream media attacks on Trump.

Very good - I knew you'd come to Donald's rescue. It's what you do. Deflect and excuse. It's always someone else. Obama. NYT. CNN. 

Why do Trumpettes seem to have no self-respect? They'll go to any depths to defend a con man. I guess you can fool some of the people all of the time. So many sleepwalkers among us.
(06-15-2019, 09:12 AM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-15-2019, 08:31 AM)MalabarJag Wrote: [ -> ]This is nonsense. Attacks on the Muslim religion were not attacks on Obama. The Birther movement was started by Hillary's camp and fed by Obama by  not releasing his actual birth certificate for several years. In any case the mainstream conservatives were not part of the birthers, unlike the NYT and CNN attacking Trump daily.

And I see you are actually supporting my point in your second paragraph by citing racism, religious bigotry and gender attacks (whatever that means). You're just parroting the mainstream media attacks on Trump.

Very good - I knew you'd come to Donald's rescue. It's what you do. Deflect and excuse. It's always someone else. Obama. NYT. CNN. 

Why do Trumpettes seem to have no self-respect? They'll go to any depths to defend a con man. I guess you can fool some of the people all of the time. So many sleepwalkers among us.

Such a well thought out response detailing your disagreements with everything I said. Typical from the far left.