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(03-04-2020, 10:06 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 09:50 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Getting triggered over an insult to one of the biggest phonies in politics is so RJ of you.

Sounds like you're triggered by any reference to cadet bone spurs...

Winners don't trigger me.
(03-04-2020, 10:15 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 10:06 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like you're triggered by any reference to cadet bone spurs...

Winners don't trigger me.

You threw a gratuitous insult at Warren.  Looked like you were triggered, to me.
(03-04-2020, 09:38 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 03:25 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]The democrat party has no choice but to stop Bernie.  I have enough faith in the democrats that they won't allow a Socialist anywhere near The Oval Office.  Even if Sanders did win the nomination (highly unlikely) there is no way that this country will vote in a Socialist.

The DNC is pretty much scrambling at this point.  They were hoping that Bloomberg would be the answer to the "Biden problem".  When Bloomberg did so poorly in the so-called "debates" and was basically rejected by traditional democrats the DNC pretty much "persuaded" three "moderate" candidates to drop out of the race and endorse Biden just days before Super Tuesday.  It's pretty clear that they have already selected the nominee.  The rest of the primary doesn't matter.

I suspect that Pocahontas will end her bid soon.

If you're going to call Sen. Warren "Pocahontas" because of her one small, inconsequential lie, shouldn't you call the POTUS "Bone Spurs" for one of his biggest lies?

Or do you give him a pass like every other blind loyalist?
Most of her career was founded on that ‘inconsequential’ lie. She never would have been at Harvard without having claimed Native American heritage. Warren is the ultimate example of why identity politics are stupid. Her research on medical debt and bankruptcy especially prior to Harvard but even after was very very poor. I guess I should be more clear tho, her conclusions were not actually supported by her research. She’s no better than Hillary when it comes to doing ‘whatever it takes’ to try and get ahead.
(03-04-2020, 11:13 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Look, there's no conspiracy here.   The fact is, there are a lot more moderate voters than people were saying.

This has been my hope as well. The voices of the extreme (especially the Left, but some on the right) have gotten way to loud. If you looked at this election based on comments supporting Bernie, you would think he would win in a landslide. The realty is that his followers are all engaging in circular reasoning and way overestimating their support. They don’t even know his own policies he wants to implement (I.e. changes to the tax codes and inheritance) and focus on his pie in the sky promises that he can’t pay for at all M4a, forgiving all student loans, free healthcare for all illegals. 

I will give Bernie credit tho, he helped the democrats figure out what was gonna happen if they keep going down the road they have been on, and most of them realized that socialism isn’t something they want. Bernie has also gotten less honest with age, and is trying to trick people into thinking he’s a ‘Nordic style’ democratic socialist when no such thing exists. 

Anyway, to say I’m happy Bernie got curb stomped is an understatement. That man has been on the dole way too long and it’s time for his 15 minutes to end. 

At least with Biden I just have to worry about some higher taxes and not straight up communism.
(03-04-2020, 11:09 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 10:15 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Winners don't trigger me.

You threw a gratuitous insult at Warren.  Looked like you were triggered, to me.

A horrible woman who places 3rd in her own state and refuses to bow out deserves to be insulted. Even her husband hates her.
(03-04-2020, 11:39 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 11:09 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You threw a gratuitous insult at Warren.  Looked like you were triggered, to me.

A horrible woman who places 3rd in her own state and refuses to bow out deserves to be insulted. Even her husband hates her.

"Gratuitous" doesn't mean she didn't deserve it.  It means we didn't need to hear it. Placing third in your home state is insulting enough, isn't it?
People who claim to be progressives glossing over the fact a woman pretended to be a minority for most of her life in order to gain social and political clout is hilarious to me. I guess because it's only native Americans people think it doesn't matter huh
(03-04-2020, 11:42 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 11:39 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]A horrible woman who places 3rd in her own state and refuses to bow out deserves to be insulted. Even her husband hates her.

"Gratuitous" doesn't mean she didn't deserve it.  It means we didn't need to hear it. Placing third in your home state is insulting enough, isn't it?

Mikesez with another gratuitous post.
Warren is part of the establishment. That's the only reason she's staying in this race. My suspicion is that she will stay in, continue to "ally" herself with Bernie to draw progressive votes from Sanders. Then, after Biden wins the nomination and a reasonable time has passed, she will be the VP selection for Biden. He will claim he is reaching out to progressives with the pick, and she will claim she is just doing whatever it takes to defeat Trump. The progressives get their "first," which is the first woman VP, and the neo-liberals get their bridge to the progressive vote. It's a smart play.

Also, you can call a person a name based on one blunder. A pejorative, by its design, is meant to be negative. It's especially effective in the rhetorical world of politics. It's not an accident, so seems silly to even bring it up. It's not like there's an abundance of civility being heaped upon Trump.

When people want to make civility the principle that shapes politics, I'm all for it. I'm not, however, inclined to treat it like a serious argument when it's primarily used along party lines. It's either a principled position or it isn't. That goes both ways, Republican or Democrat.
(03-04-2020, 09:15 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-04-2020, 09:08 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]On Tuesday, Biden won primaries in states where he bought no ads, spent no money, opened no campaign office and didn't bother to visit.  Michael Bloomberg spent $500 million for one delegate.  Joe just stumbled around incoherently and won the whole carnival.  It's a miracle for the Comeback Kid.

Conspiracies aside, just vote for Trump man.  That’s all you need to know. I think the vast majority of the nation knows that.  

Forget about the Dark side.

This is a touch of an overstatement, isn't it? Especially considering 2016 totals
(03-05-2020, 08:17 AM)Last42min Wrote: [ -> ]Also, you can call a person a name based on one blunder. A pejorative, by its design, is meant to be negative. It's especially effective in the rhetorical world of politics. It's not an accident, so seems silly to even bring it up. It's not like there's an abundance of civility being heaped upon Trump.

When people want to make civility the principle that shapes politics, I'm all for it. I'm not, however, inclined to treat it like a serious argument when it's primarily used along party lines. It's either a principled position or it isn't. That goes both ways, Republican or Democrat.

RJ was definitely trying to make it go both ways, though. He was saying, you call her Pocahontas, I call him Captain bone spurs.
(03-05-2020, 08:17 AM)Last42min Wrote: [ -> ]Warren is part of the establishment. That's the only reason she's staying in this race. My suspicion is that she will stay in, continue to "ally" herself with Bernie to draw progressive votes from Sanders. Then, after Biden wins the nomination and a reasonable time has passed, she will be the VP selection for Biden. He will claim he is reaching out to progressives with the pick, and she will claim she is just doing whatever it takes to defeat Trump. The progressives get their "first," which is the first woman VP, and the neo-liberals get their bridge to the progressive vote. It's a smart play.  

Also, you can call a person a name based on one blunder. A pejorative, by its design, is meant to be negative. It's especially effective in the rhetorical world of politics. It's not an accident, so seems silly to even bring it up. It's not like there's an abundance of civility being heaped upon Trump.

When people want to make civility the principle that shapes politics, I'm all for it. I'm not, however, inclined to treat it like a serious argument when it's primarily used along party lines. It's either a principled position or it isn't. That goes both ways, Republican or Democrat.

Oh man, I hope so, but I don't think he has a choice who his VP will be. The establishment will pick it, and it will be Clinton. If they don't pick Clinton, they are making a huge mistake.
(03-05-2020, 09:20 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 08:17 AM)Last42min Wrote: [ -> ]Also, you can call a person a name based on one blunder. A pejorative, by its design, is meant to be negative. It's especially effective in the rhetorical world of politics. It's not an accident, so seems silly to even bring it up. It's not like there's an abundance of civility being heaped upon Trump.

When people want to make civility the principle that shapes politics, I'm all for it. I'm not, however, inclined to treat it like a serious argument when it's primarily used along party lines. It's either a principled position or it isn't. That goes both ways, Republican or Democrat.

RJ was definitely trying to make it go both ways, though. He was saying, you call her Pocahontas, I call him Captain bone spurs.

Both deserve it.  They're both phonies.  If those two were running against each other, I'd vote 3rd party or stay home.
(03-05-2020, 09:33 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 09:20 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]RJ was definitely trying to make it go both ways, though. He was saying, you call her Pocahontas, I call him Captain bone spurs.

Both deserve it.  They're both phonies.  If those two were running against each other, I'd vote 3rd party or stay home.

Help me understand why you think Warren is a phony.
She has very little common touch, I agree. but, she *is* a commoner. She was educated at state universities and dropped out to get married and have children, as many middle class women did in her time. Not like, say, Hillary, who went to elite private schools her whole life and didn't have a kid until age 32.
(03-05-2020, 10:13 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 09:33 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Both deserve it.  They're both phonies.  If those two were running against each other, I'd vote 3rd party or stay home.

Help me understand why you think Warren is a phony.
She has very little common touch, I agree.  but, she *is* a commoner. She was educated at state universities and dropped out to get married and have children, as many middle class women did in her time. Not like, say, Hillary, who went to elite private schools her whole life and didn't have a kid until age 32.

She claimed she was a Native American in order to secure a job.  Putting down "Native American" when you weren't born on a reservation and don't know any Native Americans yourself, because you know it would be to your advantage to claim native american ancestry makes her a phony.
(03-05-2020, 10:22 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 10:13 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Help me understand why you think Warren is a phony.
She has very little common touch, I agree.  but, she *is* a commoner. She was educated at state universities and dropped out to get married and have children, as many middle class women did in her time. Not like, say, Hillary, who went to elite private schools her whole life and didn't have a kid until age 32.

She claimed she was a Native American in order to secure a job.  Putting down "Native American" when you weren't born on a reservation and don't know any Native Americans yourself, because you know it would be to your advantage to claim native american ancestry makes her a phony.

That you have to explain this shows how deep is the con he's running.
(03-05-2020, 10:22 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 10:13 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Help me understand why you think Warren is a phony.
She has very little common touch, I agree.  but, she *is* a commoner. She was educated at state universities and dropped out to get married and have children, as many middle class women did in her time. Not like, say, Hillary, who went to elite private schools her whole life and didn't have a kid until age 32.

She claimed she was a Native American in order to secure a job.  Putting down "Native American" when you weren't born on a reservation and don't know any Native Americans yourself, because you know it would be to your advantage to claim native american ancestry makes her a phony.

But just that one thing?  Pretty sure we've all told lies like that. The salutatorian of my high school class got into one of the ivy league schools by claiming to be Hispanic. Dude was whiter than me.
What Warren did is a lot less phony than claiming to be New Yorker when you grew up in Illinois and spent most of your career in Arkansas, or speaking with a Texas drawl when you grew up in Connecticut...
(03-05-2020, 10:51 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 10:22 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]She claimed she was a Native American in order to secure a job.  Putting down "Native American" when you weren't born on a reservation and don't know any Native Americans yourself, because you know it would be to your advantage to claim native american ancestry makes her a phony.

But just that one thing?  Pretty sure we've all told lies like that. The salutatorian of my high school class got into one of the ivy league schools by claiming to be Hispanic. Dude was whiter than me.
What Warren did is a lot less phony than claiming to be New Yorker when you grew up in Illinois and spent most of your career in Arkansas, or speaking with a Texas drawl when you grew up in Connecticut...

No, it was a lot more phony that speaking with a drawl, or claiming to be a New Yorker, for sure.  

You say "Pretty sure we've all told lies like that." I'm pretty sure we have not all told lies like that.
When you are an Elizabeth Warren apologist, you have made some wrong turns in your life.
(03-05-2020, 10:51 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-05-2020, 10:22 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]She claimed she was a Native American in order to secure a job.  Putting down "Native American" when you weren't born on a reservation and don't know any Native Americans yourself, because you know it would be to your advantage to claim native american ancestry makes her a phony.

But just that one thing?  Pretty sure we've all told lies like that. The salutatorian of my high school class got into one of the ivy league schools by claiming to be Hispanic. Dude was whiter than me.
What Warren did is a lot less phony than claiming to be New Yorker when you grew up in Illinois and spent most of your career in Arkansas, or speaking with a Texas drawl when you grew up in Connecticut...

Not just one thing. She also lied about being fired because she was pregnant. She lied about her kids going to public school. She lied about her father being a janitor. And her Native American lie was a long and ongoing benefit to her career. Someone else lost a chance at that slotted minority set aside. Someone was actually hurt by her lie.

I'm no fan of Hillary, but I don't think she ever claimed to be a New Yorker beyond having her citizenship changed to run for Senator from NY. But correct me if I'm wrong.