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DNC won't let Biden debate Bernie after this shellacking.

DNC will continue to hide Biden using Coronavirus as an excuse. May even try avoid debate with Trump. Can they hide Joe until the election while continuing to hide his cognitive decline from the casual democratic base?
It looks like they really want to shut down the remaining primaries and debates to protect Joe from his own failing intellect.
Jim Clyburn just called for shutting down the process and James Carville is saying the same thing.
(03-11-2020, 08:01 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]It looks like they really want to shut down the remaining primaries and debates to protect Joe from his own failing intellect.
Jim Clyburn just called for shutting down the process and James Carville is saying the same thing.

As Tucker so eloquently called him, Bernie is a professional loser and will likely bow out. The guy has no fight. His base has no fight. They are all a bunch of lazy frauds who live in their parents basement that will show up for a rally for free cheese and crackers but not get out to vote when it counts.
Hidin' Biden's eloquent interactions with an auto worker and a female staff member will be replayed all summer and it won't be pretty.
They gotta drag him out again and see if he can avoid physically threatening a voter or shushing his underlings on camera.
Ok, ok, ok. Bernie apparently showing a sign of intestinal fortitude forcing Biden to debate him. There is some hope yet...
(03-11-2020, 02:36 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, ok, ok. Bernie apparently showing a sign of intestinal fortitude forcing Biden to debate him. There is some hope yet...

Hope for what? Bernie to be the candidate? That's definitely what the GOP/Trump administration have been hoping for.

FWIW, I think Bernie knows his campaign is over, but remains committed to unseating Trump. How do you feasibly do that in a losing DNC primary battle when #DEMEXIT is trending on his behalf? 

My .02: Debate until the next couple of primaries reveal ultimately what everyone knows will be the outcome - making a best attempt to draw somewhat of an alignment between both candidates' camps in terms of policy importance instead of further widening the divide. The absolute worst thing the DNC could do right now would be shut things down.
(03-11-2020, 03:17 PM)Gabe Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 02:36 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, ok, ok. Bernie apparently showing a sign of intestinal fortitude forcing Biden to debate him. There is some hope yet...

Hope for what? Bernie to be the candidate? That's definitely what the GOP/Trump administration have been hoping for.

FWIW, I think Bernie knows his campaign is over, but remains committed to unseating Trump. How do you feasibly do that in a losing DNC primary battle when #DEMEXIT is trending on his behalf? 

My .02: Debate until the next couple of primaries reveal ultimately what everyone knows will be the outcome - making a best attempt to draw somewhat of an alignment between both candidates' camps in terms of policy importance instead of further widening the divide. The absolute worst thing the DNC could do right now would be shut things down.

No. Hope to expose Biden to the world for what he is and not letting the DNC hide him.

Funny you say he remains committed to unseating Trump but based on his decision to stay in and force Biden to debate says otherwise.
(03-11-2020, 03:25 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 03:17 PM)Gabe Wrote: [ -> ]Hope for what? Bernie to be the candidate? That's definitely what the GOP/Trump administration have been hoping for.

FWIW, I think Bernie knows his campaign is over, but remains committed to unseating Trump. How do you feasibly do that in a losing DNC primary battle when #DEMEXIT is trending on his behalf? 

My .02: Debate until the next couple of primaries reveal ultimately what everyone knows will be the outcome - making a best attempt to draw somewhat of an alignment between both candidates' camps in terms of policy importance instead of further widening the divide. The absolute worst thing the DNC could do right now would be shut things down.

No. Hope to expose Biden to the world for what he is and not letting the DNC hide him.

Funny you say he remains committed to unseating Trump but based on his decision to stay in and force Biden to debate says otherwise.

That's my perspective - I'll be happy to recant Monday morning after the previous evening's debate is finished if it goes that way. If Bernie thinks he can feasibly win this (I don't see how), then it'll be an all-out slugfest. Given his public presser qualification this afternoon on electability, I don't really see that happening.
(03-11-2020, 03:37 PM)Gabe Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 03:25 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]No. Hope to expose Biden to the world for what he is and not letting the DNC hide him.

Funny you say he remains committed to unseating Trump but based on his decision to stay in and force Biden to debate says otherwise.

That's my perspective - I'll be happy to recant Monday morning after the previous evening's debate is finished if it goes that way. If Bernie thinks he can feasibly win this (I don't see how), then it'll be an all-out slugfest. Given his public presser qualification this afternoon on electability, I don't really see that happening.

I think Bernie is just holding out for a 4th house from the DNC as a gift and showing his followers who stayed home yesterday that he still cares about him.

The nation deserves to see Joe Biden in a 1 on 1 debate.
Bernie holding a press conference in his home state was both a good move yet deceptive.  It was basically nothing more than a "free" campaign ad.  Either way it's good for President Trump because it exposes Biden and the communist to the public even more.  It also furthers the chaos in the democrat party and divides it even more.  Either way it pretty much ensures a Trump re-election.  The "Bernie bros brats" will go into full meltdown and probably riot when the DNC holds the coronation of Biden as the nominee in the democrat convention in July.
(03-11-2020, 04:10 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]Bernie holding a press conference in his home state was both a good move yet deceptive.  It was basically nothing more than a "free" campaign ad.  Either way it's good for President Trump because it exposes Biden and the communist to the public even more.  It also furthers the chaos in the democrat party and divides it even more.  Either way it pretty much ensures a Trump re-election.  The "Bernie bros brats" will go into full meltdown and probably riot when the DNC holds the coronation of Biden as the nominee in the democrat convention in July.

Speaking of the Bernie Bros, can't think of a greater example than yesterday that proves "Twitter isn't real life".
(03-11-2020, 04:18 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 04:10 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]Bernie holding a press conference in his home state was both a good move yet deceptive.  It was basically nothing more than a "free" campaign ad.  Either way it's good for President Trump because it exposes Biden and the communist to the public even more.  It also furthers the chaos in the democrat party and divides it even more.  Either way it pretty much ensures a Trump re-election.  The "Bernie bros brats" will go into full meltdown and probably riot when the DNC holds the coronation of Biden as the nominee in the democrat convention in July.

Speaking of the Bernie Bros brats, can't think of a greater example than yesterday that proves "Twitter isn't real life".

The Dems seem to think the Bernie Bros are enough of a problem, they scheduled a full 9 months to woo them back this time.
I’ll be damned if I didn’t see an ad on the morning news with Obama supporting Biden, then a few days later seeing one of him supporting Sanders. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention. But it sure looked like a pro Biden and Sanders ad respectively
(03-11-2020, 06:56 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]I’ll be damned if I didn’t see an ad on the morning news with Obama supporting Biden, then a few days later seeing one of him supporting Sanders.  Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention.  But it sure looked like a pro Biden and Sanders ad respectively

The ad that shows Obama supporting Sanders was a cut from clips in which Obama spoke with Bernie requesting he drop out of the 2016 election to support Hillary.  Obama walked into the White House with Bernie (shown on the ad) and then Obama said some kind word about Bernie when Bernie pulled out of the Dem Primary Race in 2016.  Pretty deceptive to use those clips in a 2020 campaign.
(03-11-2020, 08:03 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 06:56 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]I’ll be damned if I didn’t see an ad on the morning news with Obama supporting Biden, then a few days later seeing one of him supporting Sanders.  Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention.  But it sure looked like a pro Biden and Sanders ad respectively

The ad that shows Obama supporting Sanders was a cut from clips in which Obama spoke with Bernie requesting he drop out of the 2016 election to support Hillary.  Obama walked into the White House with Bernie (shown on the ad) and then Obama said some kind word about Bernie when Bernie pulled out of the Dem Primary Race in 2016.  Pretty deceptive to use those clips in a 2020 campaign.

Ok.  That makes sense.  Like I said, I may not have paid attention during the full ads.
(03-11-2020, 08:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-11-2020, 08:03 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]The ad that shows Obama supporting Sanders was a cut from clips in which Obama spoke with Bernie requesting he drop out of the 2016 election to support Hillary.  Obama walked into the White House with Bernie (shown on the ad) and then Obama said some kind word about Bernie when Bernie pulled out of the Dem Primary Race in 2016.  Pretty deceptive to use those clips in a 2020 campaign.

Ok.  That makes sense.  Like I said, I may not have paid attention during the full ads.

It all started with a Bloomberg ad where Obama was endorsing Bloomberg for mayor and the Bloomberg people cut it to where it looked like Obama was endorsing Bloomberg for President.  I thought it was kind of funny.  And creative.  But a bit deceptive.  Then other candidates started doing it since there is no shortage of Obama endorsing them in prior races for Senate or whatever.  

Interesting that Sanders likes to talk about how it's him vs the establishment, but then makes a commercial where the ultimate establishment person, Obama, seems to be endorsing him.
Joe Biden will pick a female VP and also pick a black female justice.
(03-16-2020, 09:25 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Joe Biden will pick a female VP and also pick a black female justice.

I'm sure the folks at the rest home will play along...
(03-16-2020, 11:08 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-16-2020, 09:25 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Joe Biden will pick a female VP and also pick a black female justice.

I'm sure the folks at the rest home will play along...

He also won't deport anyone his first 100 days in office.