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He won't get fired. That's the worst part. It's un [BLEEP] believable...............

He looks like he's trying to keep it together in the presser...good.
Even if you stick up for Gus it's obvious he isn't good enough to make us play better than our talent, so we may as well turf him

At one point the commentators even pointed out how vanilla out Defenses was and said that Gus was trying to simplify our defense from the last 2 weeks which already looked simple.

Gus and Olson are both below average coaches/coordinators. Wash appears to be too but is only 3 games in.

That's a sure recipe for failure.
Quote:Even if you stick up for Gus it's obvious he isn't good enough to make us play better than our talent, so we may as well turf him
Who is sticking up for him?
It's time for a shakeup.
Why would Shad fire him?  People are still buying tickets to this garbage. Until people start voting with their pocketbooks, there is no incentive for Khan to do anything.  

Quote:This was bad, but pretty much any other QB would have been sacked instantly, he did well too evade originally.

So take advantage of that strength rather than render it null.
Quote:Gus needs to go, but I don't see how he makes Bortles forget how to throw the ball away before being sacked with 30 seconds left.
If Bortles is being told to hold on to the ball and make a play with his legs then I can say its not on Bortles. That being said Bortles play the first 3 weeks is concerning for sure.


Quote:Someone enlighten me.

First two years this team was expected to lose. They gutted the roster and started to rebuild around young talent that we hoped Gus Bradley and co would coach up, develop, and form the basis of the next Jaguars play off team. 

Year three was all about taking that next step. I guess 5-11 and the offensive improvement that we witnessed last season was enough to warrant another year in the job. After all, last year was probably the first year he actually had a roster talented enough to compete consistently with other NFL teams. Problem is they never managed to consistently put it together quickly enough to put themselves in the position to winning games. 

This year we have started poorly and how long Bradley will remain our head coach is debatable. If Khan and Dave have any sense they will be thinking long and hard about making a change to try and save the season. However, it might be too late for that. So maybe they keep Bradly in charge for the entire season, finish with a handful of wins at best, and receive another high draft pick to add to the roster. Fire him in off season (unless his contract expires?), then hire a new head coach to take us forwards. 

But to get back to your original question of why he is still in a job. First two years he got a pass. Third year we showed some progression so he got another pass. This year the expectation should be .500, or preferably better than that, and I doubt we are going to get anywhere near that. So Bradley will go eventually, it is just a question of when. 
Now now.. it was all Blake's fault. Guz Badly just needs 3 years to develop another qb. Also another 3 years to create a competent run game.
Those of you saying get rid of Bortles are way off. Once we get competent coaches and a run game we're going to be gravy. Unfortunately our youth will keep regressing until there's a shakeup. And be a little grateful to the guy that kept our Jags in Jacksonville.
Nah man, let the clown dance around at London and then fire his [BLEEP] after we are 0-4.
Quote:Gus needs to go, but I don't see how he makes Bortles forget how to throw the ball away before being sacked with 30 seconds left.
It's called coaching! You drill it in him, and practice it, and practice it, and practice it, until it's automatic. It's called coaching.


Quote:Let's face it, he thought a one point lead was "safe" and called the game as if we had a 20 point lead. The run game wasn't working and Bortles was having a great second half and they took the ball out of his hands.

And once again horrific penalties that come down to coaching.

Please for the love of everything decent fire this guy tomorrow.
this so true, when they had a chance to go for the kill, they played it safe. Running the ball when we hadn't been able to run all day.
We need the bye week for the interim HC to get acclimated. I'm thinking his borrowed time is about up..
I would love to wake up to see him fired tomorrow.


I would also love to find a bag of hundreds.

Quote:this so true, when they had a chance to go for the kill, they played it safe. Running the ball when we hadn't been able to run all day.

How many points do the Jaguars win this game by with Belichick as the head coach? 14?
Khan is not afraid to fire anyone. He went through 4 coaches in 2 years on his Fulham team. Khan has been sold a load of bovine excrement by Caldwell that it's better to keep Bus Gladly than start over with a new coach.


Regards..............the Chiefjag

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