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Quote:More young people voted to remain. Dont people get wiser as they get older?
Maybe you should go congratulate them...

Quote:Like me as well as folks invested in SWHC.   :yes:   There are some good buy opportunities, but I don't usually like to make trades on a Friday.
out tvix.   took small svxy to keep the juices flowing over the weekend.    will do a little bargain shopping monday.....don't remember where he heard it, but a trader buddy told me this during 87 crash "when the hotel is on fire, the good girls jump out of the same window as the whores" 
Judging by the amount of butthurt from the left, I have no choice but to fully support "Leave it"; the WINNING side. Deal with it losers.

Quote:Judging by the amount of butthurt from the left, I have no choice but to fully support "Leave it"; the WINNING side. Deal with it losers.

You do realize it was the left, or should I say, the Labour party voters in every polling district -besides London and Edinburough - that voted to leave.

So looks like you are declaring the liberals the winners.

Dude, you are embarrassing yourself, brah

Go read something
Quote:Except like 90% of the polls predict a Clinton win. Sure it's early and a lot can change but I'm not holding my breath. 
Didn't like 90% of polls predict a Remain win? Yeah Pollsters have bias, especially when they are employed by left leaning media. How a poll is written has a lot to do with its results. Trump had the most votes ever (by 4 million more than the last record) for a Republican primary. Hilliary didn't even get the same amount of votes she did against Obama. This will be Trumps election barring something catastrophic on his part.
Quote:It's gonna be a huge message. A great message. The best message you ever saw.
These never get old. I laugh every time. A huge laugh, in fact, the largest laugh you ever seen!
Quote:Didn't like 90% of polls predict a Remain win? Yeah Pollsters have bias, especially when they are employed by left leaning media. How a poll is written has a lot to do with its results. Trump had the most votes ever (by 4 million more than the last record) for a Republican primary. Hilliary didn't even get the same amount of votes she did against Obama. This will be Trumps election barring something catastrophic on his part.

Couple corrections...

It has nothing to do with left or right in terms of the media regarding brexit. It was the corporate media that has the bias and the narrative/agenda they wanted to push.

As for trumps record setting vote total, I think if you're gonna use his tally, you should compare it to Hillary's. She may have gotten less than in 2008, but what was her total compared to trumps? That to me is the important metric if you want to compare likelihood of winning and enthusiasm for each party's candidate.
Quote:Like me as well as folks invested in SWHC.   :yes:   There are some good buy opportunities, but I don't usually like to make trades on a Friday.
Buy on Monday sell on Friday? Is that the old adage? I don't care, ironically I sold some of my stock on Tues this week. I follow the school of thought that you can only lose money when you sell. So just don't sell low and you won't lose. Its simple, just pick stocks you like and hold on to them. I personally like dividend paying stocks tho, so I can see the money coming back in.
Quote:It should also be noted that the youngest faction is more dependent on handouts "government services".  And the eldest have the greatest sense of history.  
As will the youngest once they hit their 4th decade for the most part. The ivory tower will be long gone at that point, and they will realize that many government bureaucrats are parasites for the most part.
Quote:Considering the numbers that DF posted earlier, are you really surprised?
lol probably the remain kiddos who aren't exactly sure what they lost.
Quote:Didn't like 90% of polls predict a Remain win? 
No they didn't.


Most polls had I read/heard about had an Out majority with the margin of error within a swing vote.
Now the Bremain losers are petitioning Sadiq Khan to break London away from the UK and join the EU.  How stupid can they be?  City of London literally OWNS the EU, but Sadiq Khan is Mayor of London, not Lord Mayor of London.  City of London is a sovereign state created in 1694 when William III privatized the Bank of England and turned it over to the Vatican.  City of London Corporation is owned by "The Crown" and even the Queen must ask permission to enter and has to walk behind the Lord Mayor when entering. 


The Crown is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve, the World Bank, IMF, The European Union, and various cartels and corporations across the earth.
The Crown has never been the King or Queen of England since the establishment of the corporate body, but the British Monarchy is a figurehead for The Crown, rules parliament in Great Britain and has authority over the Prime Ministers through a Vatican knighthood called the Order of the Garter.


The City/The Crown Corporation is not subject to British Law; it has its own courts, its own laws, its own flag, its own police force – exactly like the Vatican city state and Washington DC Columbia. The Crown Corporation is also separate from the Metropolitan city; its police drive red police cars and their uniforms are different from the Metropolitan Police.

Quote:Couple corrections...

It has nothing to do with left or right in terms of the media regarding brexit. It was the corporate media that has the bias and the narrative/agenda they wanted to push.

As for trumps record setting vote total, I think if you're gonna use his tally, you should compare it to Hillary's. She may have gotten less than in 2008, but what was her total compared to trumps? That to me is the important metric if you want to compare likelihood of winning and enthusiasm for each party's candidate.
Democrats have a bigger party, so gross their turnout will be more. They are doing worse than they do in years that they win and Republicans are doing far far better than they did the last time they won.


You are correct about corporate media pushing what they want. It isn't completely fair to call it left leaning, as that is simply the cart they are currently using to get there, but it is still Global Elite trying to control the message (or rather, focus it on areas it shouldn't be).

Quote:No they didn't.


Most polls had I read/heard about had an Out majority with the margin of error within a swing vote.

Interesting how you avoid my question regarding your poll results.
Quote:Democrats have a bigger party, so gross their turnout will be more. They are doing worse than they do in years that they win and Republicans are doing far far better than they did the last time they won.

You are correct arbout corporate media pushing what they want. It isn't completely fair to call it left leaning, as that is simply the cart they are currently using to get there, but it is still Global Elite trying to control the message (or rather, focus it on areas it shouldn't be).

Agree. The "corporate elite" as you call them are trans party, for lack of a better word. They transcend parties, having ties and ownership in both. They have no qualms on purchasing politicians from either the left or the right, and even both at the same time to serve their ends.

As fur trump v Hillary, I think the idiot media on this side of the pond are gonna label this a win for trump. I expect the national polls next week to tighten up. I think Hillary was up by 8-10 points this week, nationally. I expect it to be a statistical tie when the national polls come out next week.
Quote:No they didn't.


Most polls had I read/heard about had an Out majority with the margin of error within a swing vote.

Not going to spend a lot of time on this, but yougov and many others had remain leading till the votes were actually tallyed


I read multiple articles yesterday about how leave would lose in a close election.


Edit: Even the links that said remain yesterday are now all updated to leave. I could see what your saying.

Quote:Interesting how you avoid my question regarding your poll results.

Yeah, most of the polls and pundits I heard yesterday were pretty sure they would remain in the eu...

But then again, we are in the usa, we are insulated from the media across the pond. DF could very well be correct that in his region of the world, the polling appeared differently.
Quote:Yeah, most of the polls and pundits I heard yesterday were pretty sure they would remain in the eu...

But then again, we are in the usa, we are insulated from the media across the pond. DF could very well be correct that in his region of the world, the polling appeared differently.

Depending on how said polls are conducted.
Quote:Yeah, most of the polls and pundits I heard yesterday were pretty sure they would remain in the eu...

But then again, we are in the usa, we are insulated from the media across the pond. DF could very well be correct that in his region of the world, the polling appeared differently.
I would believe that the news he gets is less controlled and more accurate. My father always tells me this story of how he was in Turkey in 2008 during the late summer and the news was going crazy about how the US was on the verge of a financial collapse. So he called my stepmom and asked here what was going on. She looked on the major outlets and there was literally no news and when she searched for it she found nothing. This was about 2-3 months before the big bank failures. We, of course, now know which one was accurate.

Quote:Yeah, most of the polls and pundits I heard yesterday were pretty sure they would remain in the eu...

But then again, we are in the usa, we are insulated from the media across the pond. DF could very well be correct that in his region of the world, the polling appeared differently.
Thing is, the Jo Cox murder kind of threw a wrench into the whole business, as callous as that sounds. There was a bit of a swing towards Remain that ultimately didn't pan out in the final tally. 
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