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Quote:With all respect, this wasn't a move made for the benefit of the first 96 hours the markets were open. This is about the long-term sovereignty and prosperity of a nation. Traders throw hussy fits, it happens.
Having server issues too?
The Huffington Post has a rather nice article up about a series of tweets from a Northern Irish citizen voicing his displeasure at the Leave vote. I'd link it here but it contains some language not allowed on here but google it and read it to see just how bad this vote is for that region. 



A lot of this sounds extremely petty but it makes for outstanding theater, the self satisfied look at the end is the icing on the cake

Quote:A lot of this sounds extremely petty but it makes for outstanding theater, the self satisfied look at the end is the icing on the cake
Oh god, they're going to make him squeal like a piggy. 
Not happening. They're going to make UK great again.
Quote:Not happening. They're going to make UK great again.
By cutting it in half?
Quote:The Huffington Post has a rather nice article up about a series of tweets from a Northern Irish citizen voicing his displeasure at the Leave vote. I'd link it here but it contains some language not allowed on here but google it and read it to see just how bad this vote is for that region. 

They wrote an article about what one guy tweeted?  And people say journalism is dead!
Quote:They wrote an article about what one guy tweeted?  And people say journalism is dead!
I read your articles. The least you can do is read mine before you dismiss them.
Quote:By cutting it in half?
It's like eating; if you cut your portions in half you can eat twice as much!

Quote:They wrote an article about what one guy tweeted?  And people say journalism is dead!

As far as reliability is concerned, Twitter is on the same level as Jesus. dont you dare question it.
Quote:By cutting it in half?

[Image: 7b9228f5cfd85469e2bab1a51f39cd61cdcdc215...d750c3.jpg]
Quote:Oh god, they're going to make him squeal like a piggy.

The real story here is how half a country, that's history includes engineering most of the modern world and fathering the strongest economic power in history, got so desperate to get down on their knees in front of the country they had to burn to the ground... Twice!
It's becoming pretty clear that if the UK actually leave they are going to get a great deal with the EU. Nobody is suggesting they won't get access to the single market.


Australian Prime Minister already setting up a team to talk to the UK about trade. I think we will be the first to benefit over here.

Quote:It's becoming pretty clear that if the UK actually leave they are going to get a great deal with the EU. Nobody is suggesting they won't get access to the single market.


Australian Prime Minister already setting up a team to talk to the UK about trade. I think we will be the first to benefit over here.
Not sure what sources you've been reading but here's some things that are actually being said:


UK will need to raise taxes after EU vote: finance minister Osborne


Merkel tells Britain no 'cherry-picking' in Brexit talks


Brussels rejects Boris Johnson 'pipe dream' over single market access
Quote:It's becoming pretty clear that if the UK actually leave they are going to get a great deal with the EU. Nobody is suggesting they won't get access to the single market.


Australian Prime Minister already setting up a team to talk to the UK about trade. I think we will be the first to benefit over here.

The EU is going to make an example of the U.K. in order to deter anyone else from trying this. They will not allow the UK to have its cake and eat it too.
Quote:Not sure what sources you've been reading but here's some things that are actually being said:


UK will need to raise taxes after EU vote: finance minister Osborne


Merkel tells Britain no 'cherry-picking' in Brexit talks


Brussels rejects Boris Johnson 'pipe dream' over single market access

It's pointless reading anything anyone says outside of Merkel. It's also pretty obvious they won't acknowledge in public how much they are willing to bend for obvious negotiation reasons. The sticking point is always going to be free movement of people, but Merkel desperately wants us buying German cars..


As for Osborne, he is just saving face, can you really imagine him raising taxes in times of economic uncertainty? Spending maybe, but not taxes. That's just a hangover of project fear.
Quote:The EU is going to make an example of the U.K. in order to deter anyone else from trying this. They will not allow the UK to have its cake and eat it too.

They can't afford to. A cut in trade with the UK could mean a recession in the eurozone that kills off the whole project. It would be mutual destruction.
Quote:Few more:


China laughs at Britain's hope to negotiate quick free trade deal following Brexit


UK 'Leave' vote deflates hopes for U.S.-EU trade deal


You sound pretty desperate mate. Listen to your fellow countrymen:


They never wanted the EU constitution (Lisbon treaty). The referendum on the Ukraine basically shows what you guys think of the EU very recently. 
Quote:It's pointless reading anything anyone says outside of Merkel. It's also pretty obvious they won't acknowledge in public how much they are willing to bend for obvious negotiation reasons. The sticking point is always going to be free movement of people, but Merkel desperately wants us buying German cars..
Now you're just embarrassing yourself. First it was "Merkel will give the UK what they want" then when faced with direct evidence to the contrary it's "Merkel want to give UK what it wants, she's just not saying it". As for German cars: Not a chance in hell will the Germans risk the EU dividing just to sell some cars in the UK. They will happily implode that entire industry to keep the free trade zone the EU is now.
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